The Davy Back Fight is totally the end game for luffy proving himself to Shanks.vs. Blackbeard and/or vs. Shanks, yeah
though I like the theory that Shanks will challenge Luffy to a Davy Back Fight
The Davy Back Fight is totally the end game for luffy proving himself to Shanks.vs. Blackbeard and/or vs. Shanks, yeah
though I like the theory that Shanks will challenge Luffy to a Davy Back Fight
The Davy Back Fight is totally the end game for luffy proving himself to Shanks.
The Davy Back Fight would let Luffy fight Shanks without contrived "PROVE YOURSELF" shit. And it's exactly the kind of goofy thing they'd do.How so?
She's a breath of fresh air for one. That's why i want her on the crewThat's not the color scheme I had for her in my head.....I actually don't know what color scheme I had for her in my head, other than her fur was white rather than this....salmon color? It almost looks flesh colored, which is...kinda creepy actually.
I oddly like Carrot though. Dunno why.
We're in agreement. I just used Robins example as the whole point of the arc is to rescue Robin and Rob lucci is just my favorite Luffy fight so far, no one has seemed to push him to his limit in a one v one fashion quite as epic yet.I'm not sure how Robin's I wanna live moment and Rob Lucci means crew interaction? When I think of crew interaction I think of like, Luffy and Usopp sitting on the side of Merry (I'm still not used to Sunny dammit) and just talking. "Hey Luffy, what do you think One Piece is?" "Who knows!" "What if it's nothing? Would all this be worth it?" or "Hey Luffy, what can you tell me about my father?" A slow moment like that in One Piece that explores character motivation and relationships more is rare. And honestly, it's understandable given the series' size and scope. No point in wasting any time. All the details are there, but I sometimes wish there were slower moments between crew members. Like, during a feast at the end of an arc, I'd like them to gather round a fire and talk about being that much closer to their dreams or even voice doubts - "how much longer can we keep scraping by the edge of our teeth? Does this worry you Luffy?" I'd legitimately want to know Luffy's answer. Robin saying I want to live isn't my idea of crew interaction. It's just an epic moment. I know that if I were writing One Piece, I'd try to make sure slow moments like that happened more regularly.
We're in agreement. I just used Robins example as the whole point of the arc is to rescue Robin and Rob lucci is just my favorite Luffy fight so far, no one has seemed to push him to his limit in a one v one fashion quite as epic yet.
That's my favorite arcs, when the crew are directly involved with the above action. We have that now with this being about sanji, and I'm definitely hoping for more side chatter, it's really weird no one has even mentioned Zoro's eye or Robin being with Luffy's dad for 2 years.
Honestly at this stage we really need to be focused on that lol. I agree with you of course but at the same time this man isn't getting any younger..or unfortunately healthier for that matter. As zoro has said we are on the express train now no time to relaxI think the height of the arc was the build up with Usopp, Luffy, and Merry. Usopp taking care of Merry, the hints of something more to Merry at Sky Island;etc culminating in Luffy and Usopp fighting and Luffy saying something he could never take back. But that's dramatic. I'd like smaller things that don't matter much in the long run but help us love and understand the characters a bit more.
I agree it's weird, but there hasn't been too much time. I think Oda's been too focused on plot and crazy overarching story details. They haven't really had the time to sit and chat and have been split up the almost the entirety of the the New World so far. I'm hoping for nice slower moments when they get Sanji back.
Please stopI agree. I mean, it'd be nice but things are hectic as fuck. I expect things to slow down after Luffy takes down Kaido.Then Oda can finally build up Luffy x Nami and and and and and and
Please stop
*reads OP thread on /a/* *all shipping garbage*
*checks OP thread here* *shipping garbage*
I want all shippers to leave.
yup all in that same arc...I think the height of the arc was the build up with Usopp, Luffy, and Merry. Usopp taking care of Merry, the hints of something more to Merry at Sky Island;etc culminating in Luffy and Usopp fighting and Luffy saying something he could never take back. But that's dramatic. I'd like smaller things that don't matter much in the long run but help us love and understand the characters a bit more.
I agree it's weird, but there hasn't been too much time. I think Oda's been too focused on plot and crazy overarching story details. They haven't really had the time to sit and chat and have been split up the almost the entirety of the the New World so far. I'm hoping for nice slower moments when they get Sanji back.
You can't be serious with this lol...*reads OP thread on /a/* *all shipping garbage*
*checks OP thread here* *shipping garbage*
I want all shippers to leave.
yup all in that same arc...
When Luffy starts crying and in the anime says "it's heavy" talking about the burden of being a captain and zoro reassures him, the feels man...the feels...
Let's get back to the crew oda!
You guys ever wonder how luffy chews his food? His entire body is rubber and elastic, how can his teeth pressure anything?
You guys ever wonder how luffy chews his food? His entire body is rubber and elastic, how can his teeth pressure anything?
You guys ever wonder how luffy chews his food? His entire body is rubber and elastic, how can his teeth pressure anything?
You guys ever wonder how luffy chews his food? His entire body is rubber and elastic, how can his teeth pressure anything?
I'd trade chopper for her anyday.
Pedro is just another run of the mill cool/badass type to me so far.I am the only one to not care about carrot?
She is just there.
I think Pedro is more interesting.
Where as how many times do we see an energetic, adventurous,goofy and combat reliant rabbit.
To be honest I had women but I'm not for the discussion today lol. You guys can go at itthoWho's also a girl!
You guys ever wonder how luffy chews his food? His entire body is rubber and elastic, how can his teeth pressure anything?
You guys ever wonder how luffy chews his food? His entire body is rubber and elastic, how can his teeth pressure anything?
Yep like a snakeLuffy chews his food? Thought he just swallowed it whole.
You guys ever wonder how luffy chews his food? His entire body is rubber and elastic, how can his teeth pressure anything?
Carrot's pretty cool; I hope we see her again before the end of the year.
Alternate prediction from my last one:
Zeff (and Patty, maybe) will appear for some reason like none of Sanji's family will wanna be best man or something and end up convincing Big Mom to trade himself and the dessert ship for Sanji.
Devil fruitception.If people can eat devil fruits and objects can eat devil fruits, can a devil fruit eat a devil fruit?
Not just thatSpoilers out .
Cracker DF seem awesome and hax lol