Cloud Strife
I am soo pumped for the eventual Wedding Crash. It's going to be amazing when Luffy and co. bust in at the very last moment.
Nice chapter and all but I much more interested in Luffy's next power-up. I don't know if he's holding back or something.
When was the last time DD took control of a logia. That's not the same thing at all. It just plain doesn't make a lick of sense, regardless of how your look at. Imagine DD trying to control water whater that someone else can control. He also has weaker haki than this dude so he can't overpower him abilty wise but the other dude can. He is thoroughly outclassed in this case.
I guess now Nami is now in control of the Seducing Woods considering King Baum is crying with now zero power to to effect Nami.
This vivre card is seriously a great tool and can possible turn anything effected by Mama soul against her now.
Love her face being all smug and in control cause she has a plan and has the power.
Luffy should just eat his armor.
Luffy should just eat his armor.
I absolutely did not see that twist coming. Cracker has a true form inside all of that biscuit. lol
Dat hair is something else tho.
When he said he can't stand pain, I think that might be Oda's way of writing in Cracker's main weakness. If Luffy can land a hit, that might be enough to put Cracker out.
Shanks on the cover. The best emperor. But more importantly...
Obviously yassop got married, which will piss of usopp making their reunion bitter sweet and igniting a sniper battle
Obviously yassop got married, which will piss of usopp making their reunion bitter sweet and igniting a sniper battle
The Bisu Bisu no Mi may be based on a Japanese children's song called "Magical Pocket", which goes:
"There is one biscuit in a jacket pocket
By tapping on the pocket, it becomes two biscuits
By tapping again it becomes three biscuits
By tapping more and more it becomes many biscuits"
My guess white roses while we are at it...
late wedding for Makino
Took him too long to lock that shit down.
Shanks got hitched?
So what is gomu gomu no kong organ? It doesn't look like a fast motion like gatling gun, where it looks like he has more limbs. This one seems like he is literally growing limbs lol. He is charging with 6 arms and releasing one blow with each?
if shanks is the one that got married then definitely expect him to get killed off.Shanks got hitched?
...What if the Red Hair marriedThat'd be a weird twist.Lola?
Also, Zeff'll show up soon with; I swear it.a new pack of cigarettes
late wedding for Makino
I had wondered if Big Mom rounds up Reff to see Sanji's wedding and use as collateral against him. Would be cool.
I doubt it. Why would he have her sent all the way from Fuschia Village to the New World just for a wedding?
That's the straw that'll break the vinsmokes back. Don't mess with his "father"And if Sanji wasn't pissed enough.
That's the straw that'll break the vinsmokes back. Don't mess with his "father"
Electric Blue Niji is the man
Ichiji is also really cool, though. He has an air of cool confidence about him, unlike the other brothers, who are very snarly and in your face. He's gonna be a force to be reckoned with.
Electric Blue Niji is the man
Ichiji is also really cool, though. He has an air of cool confidence about him, unlike the other brothers, who are very snarly and in your face. He's gonna be a force to be reckoned with.
Even the father doesn't seem all that tho. Like I expected sanji to get straight up curb stomped but he didn'tI dunno, I get the feeling Yonji is the only true scrub tier character of the bunch. He's an overconfident loser, lol
Ichiji will be the only one worth any shit and it won't matter anyways because Sanji will decimate his ass but they'll try to take advantage of Sanji's kindness like when he dueled with Jajji. He'll counter it and save the person and then wreck Ichiji's ass and prove himself as the Prince of all Vinsmoke's.
I'm more interested in seeing how Reiju and Niji fight.
Reiju has some type of poison-related ability and Niji is "Electric Blue" so I guess he'll have some lightning powers, but then that would overlap too much with Judge's electromagnetic attacks.
Is the Viz translation still using 4kids names?
Yes we can Oda made it explicit. Not once did Doffy actually hurt Gear 4 Luffy not with his strings or kicks, cracker cut clean into Luffy and defending his gatling barrage, keep in mind this is a stronger luffy than the one doflamingo cut. Also it's irrelevant if cracker is logia he can control his biscuits in liquid form something Doffy can't control and use haki on them. It'd be ridiculously easy to counter doffy's strings. Oda went out of his way to show a sizeable difference between the two even Big Mom stated he was.We know he is holding back since he has not done king kong punch .
This dude is not a logia user doffy can just turn everything to strings if he can't he is fuck lol .
Also you can't say doffy has weaker haki .
Luffy said cracker had the hardest busoshoku he came across .
But we now know that it was not a person but a piece of armor .
Also you can't say doffy has weaker haki .
Luffy said cracker had the hardest busoshoku he came across .
But we now know that it was not a person but a piece of armor .
Crackers haki is still stronger by doffy's by feats, due to actually damaging Gear 4 and beibg able to tank his attacks probably why Luffy remarked in it in the first place.Yeeeeaaaah, about that.