They're probably a lot stronger than we had the credit of seeing. Jozu and Marco were holding their own with the Admirals, and so was Ace for a little bit. I'd feel pretty comfortable going with: Vice Admiral<Yonkou Commander (Cracker, Jack, Marco) <Admiral<YonkouI'm curious to see how Big Mom's commanders stack up against Whitebeard's top people. I mean, could Luffy fight off pre-timeskip Jozu now?
Pre sure he only took out subordinate crews so far.Really puts Weeble's strength into perspective if he's single handedly taking out Whitebeard's former commanders.
I agree with basically everything except for the backstory bit. I can see us getting a condensed backstory revolving around Oden that covers all of the samurai characters we've seen leading into the current events. On top of that, yeah definitely Kaido. Also I'm almost 100% that the Reverie is going to happen right after WCI is done as a transition into Wano. I'm not so sure we'll actually have any Strawhats there to witness itYou know I was wondering what could happen in Wano by and large, and I sort of think Wano might end up being a Marineford-style arc. As in it's very war-centric, though we might have some vital information about the Void Century revealed here. I think the only backstory we're going to get is one of Kaidou, and maybe one for Kidd. I also think the arc will be Zoro's arc, kind of like how Whole Cake Island is currently Sanji's arc.
I can kind of see the climax in my head. Luffy, Law, and Kidd (possibly Big Mom too) work together to take down Kaidou, but before Kaidou's final breath, the Blackbeard Pirates appear out of nowhere and take over. Blackbeard extracts Kaidou's Devil Fruit and consumes it (getting the world's strongest Zoan fruit). Luffy tries to fight Blackbeard despite his injuries, only to be stopped by the Revolutionaries (maybe Monkey D. Dragon) who were following the Blackbeard Pirates. This is how Kaidou will "die" as he so desires I feel as well as establishing that the Revolutionaries aren't down yet despite Baltigo being ransacked.
Then move onto a Reverie arc (this could happen before Wano), then Elbaf.
Oda knows where to get the best drugs.
Do the 3 volumes go all the way to the current volume? I remember getting every single one individually BUT I think those 3 collection boxes are a good way to goWhat's the cheapest way to collect One Piece in English? Those 3 volume Omnibuses seem like a good value.
Color Walks are so good. SO good. And this one has a T-rex barber in a top hat. Holy shit.
Do the 3 volumes go all the way to the current volume? I remember getting every single one individually BUT I think those 3 collection boxes are a good way to go
The third collection goes up to 70 and isn't out for another month. Viz is up to volume 79.
I remember reading that the three-volume packs are really garbage quality, thin paper, etc.
Been waitin for this Nov volume to make my next purchase, I only buy volumes for completed arcs. Dunno how ready I am to go through dumb ol Dressrosa AGAIN tho, having read and watched it so recently. This is the first time since I started buying volumes that a full arc wasn't available to buy, only started a couple Christmases ago with the box set.
The "New World" subtitle is killing me on these volumes. Ugh.
What a nice chapter, as always I really enjoyed it.
- I'm in the same boat with many others about the wedding being for Lucky Roux(Roo?). Yeah there are a few more of Shanks' mates that aren't seen but he is the only other prominent one. The island does bring to mind Koala's home town but her island had a breed of fat cactus so I doubt they are one in the same.
- With the end of this story I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Vergo, Monet, Brown Beard or Smiley showing up next. Who ever it is I'm certain he, it or she will cross paths with the others.
- Cracker's true design is really cool! Love those eyes and that hair! His bounty situation is a lot like Franky's with the armor getting the photo instead of the users actual face. I'd like to see how General Franky matches up to Cracker's armor, seems like it would be a fun match.
- I know some people had concern about Luffy's busters seemingly multiplying before launching his punches as apposed to the usual gatlings being so fast it only appears that there are more arms but I'm certain its the same idea. Only now Luffy is throwing his X-Busters at such a short distance they don't go anywhere only appear to multiply.
- Can't wait to see what else Nami accomplishes with that Vivre card
- I want to say that Chopper should be weak at the moment but if Luffy was catching fake Namis, Carrots, etc for a long time during the night I suppose Chopper's 3 hour recovery time from Monster Point has already passed. I love that he is asserting himself as the "superior" with his big idea to use Brûlée's power against her. I'm so excited to see what they come up with! I can't imagine those ball and chains will be too much of a problem for either Carrot or Chopper to deal with. And look there goes that big black cat on top of the house again. A chapter ago you could only make out a spec of that cats image, I hope it becomes a prominent character in the coming chapters.
- Brook and Pedro sneaking around the castle seems like it's going to be so fun.
- Ah Big Mom and the exchange of gifts! I can already see some of Fishman Island's treasure being lumped in with the gifts for the Vinsmokes and that bomb causing some internal conflict with Judge and the rest of Germa! And I love that Big Mom seems to almost hope that the Straw Hats actually make it to her. Back at Fishman Island she seemed to be intrigued that Luffy would stand up to her in such a way and she just may be the type to appreciate someone like Luffy and would love a bit of a challenge.
- Wow a trembling Sanji. Yonji, Reiji and Judge didn't have this affect on Sanji but these 2 guys do? Man we are in for a great flash back and almost certainly a few epic fights revolving around Sanji. Man we are in for some amazing character development!
The "New World" subtitle is killing me on these volumes. Ugh.
Those subtitles were always a dumb decision on Viz's part. It was going to bite them in the ass sooner or later.
Love reading your thoughts RD.
-Who do you think he's being married to? A buddy of mine suggested Lola, would be a pretty funny twist.
-I highly doubt they are still alive and hold any relevance to the story, but obviously Oda is going to Oda. Smiley died for sure since we got that panel of the transferring of fruits. Brownbeard is in jail, and Vergo/Monet are buried. I've said it before, but out of anyone involving Doflamingo's crew, I think Senor Pink is the most likely to have a backstory after his bonding with Franky and Russian. Otherwise, an update on what the Alliance is up to seems like another probable cover story if they're going to get involved at Wano as some are theorizing. Excited either way!
-Whoa! Just noticed the cat and that panel in general. So is this the cheschire cat of this arc? Why show the house in general since they're in the mirror world?
-I'm kind of wondering why the bomb hasn't even been discovered yet, since there was a tea party (and possibly others) quite a while before this one. It's not like the fishmen are involved in this wedding particularly, so I'm curious as to how Oda will explain the discovery. Big Mom vs Germa would be a hella interesting setup though. I can't see the Strawhats fighting both of them, but it being a chaotic three-way would be really cool. Wonder if Germa can hold their own against Big Mom?
Do people still do "new crew member" speculation each arc, and if so, who is it this time? :3
Carrot easilyDo people still do "new crew member" speculation each arc, and if so, who is it this time? :3
Why is zoro equal to law, law is better. Why is apoo under killer,basil,drake and killer. What is this nonsenseUrouge >>> Luffy > Zorro = Law > X Drake > Basil Hawkins > Killer > Jewelry Bonny >>>>>>>>>>>>> Capone Bege > Scratchman Apoo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eustass Kid
Who would win in a fight, Luffy or Yamcha?
Who would win in a fight, Luffy or Yamcha?
It's One Piece's version of shipping.Do people still do "new crew member" speculation each arc, and if so, who is it this time? :3
I was told that those characters had their time and it's time for new characters to shine. True story straight outta the dbs thread. Must not read other shounenWhy is Yamcha so weak? That's such a boring plot thing; just make all this characters that were fought as arc villains or whatever and then drop them all because escalation? Yawn.
One Piece has that but at least there're jobber villaons for the weaker crew members to fight.
Or maybe there are in DB, I dunno. DB was a fun show that I wanna revisit but DBZ and Super are kinda boring.
Why is Yamcha so weak? That's such a boring plot thing; just make all this characters that were fought as arc villains or whatever and then drop them all because escalation? Yawn.
One Piece has that but at least there're jobber villaons for the weaker crew members to fight.
Or maybe there are in DB, I dunno. DB was a fun show that I wanna revisit but DBZ and Super are kinda boring.
I was told that those characters had their time and it's time for new characters to shine. True story straight outta the dbs thread. Must not read other shounen
Why is zoro equal to law, law is better. Why is apoo under killer,basil,drake and killer. What is this nonsense
We haven't seen a serious fight from Zorro yet so it is hard to judge his strength and even then the difference between him and Law wouldn't be that big i think. Zorro is OP.
And Apoo is just garbage
Be happy i didn't include Blackbeard because he is top tier garbage
The anime ruined Zoro vs. Pica. So many scenes took five million years to happen that Pica's face triggers severe trauma for me.
zoro v pica wasn't serious?
also you have terrible taste, Scratchmen Apoo is incredible
I thought you were #TeamBlackbeard!!We haven't seen a serious fight from Zorro yet so it is hard to judge his strength and even then the difference between him and Law wouldn't be that big i think. Zorro is OP.
And Apoo is just garbage
Be happy i didn't include Blackbeard because he is top tier garbage
I thought you were #TeamBlackbeard!!
The betrayal is real..tho I guess it's too be expected