Fucking assholes!!!! Dude u hate these guys more than Mingo and it's only been like 10 chapters of knowing them
They better not lay a hair on you know who
Fucking assholes!!!! Dude u hate these guys more than Mingo and it's only been like 10 chapters of knowing them
They better not lay a hair on you know who
*Wipes sweat, fucking Nomura I don't even trust that dateI should have made that bet, it had delay all over it, I would have made you get a ava of the second worse SH BLS, Robin.
Spoilers seems to be out. I'm not reading them but did we get confirmation of an early release?
Thanks!It's very likely as that is what the spoiler providers say but we won't know for sure until it comes.
early early release then lolIt's always an early release >_>
we have to find things to complain about. that's what the Internet is all aboutIt's always an early release >_>
Pfft lmao. I took that maybe the wrong way as intended but I spit my drink out and everythingYour an early release![]()
Pfft lmao. I took that maybe the wrong way as intended but I spit my drink out and everything
Savagery.Nah you took it the right way.
Noice picks, idk I'd say check it out. It's a small-scale shounen and the characters are fairly interesting. The plot is pretty average in my opinion, but has the potential for some serious world building which is my favourite thing about OP.I'm shounen? Not much honestly,
I like One Piece a lot obviously. It's my favorite comic book series and love it for its spirit of adventure.
I like Dragon Ball. Loving Super.
Uh, I love sports manga. Like Cross Game and Slam Dunk (which I'm re-reading).
You know I'm not sure what it is with some people and Sanji. His character isn't written and was never intended to be the completely cool straight arrow Zoro. Sanji's situations take comedic turns in his quest for glory with him sometimes getting egg on his face, thats the trope he follows. He isn't as silly as Luffy with his extremities and he isn't as serious as Zoro.
Though I've seen the same anger turned towards Luffy as well when something silly happens to him. Maybe it was just Bleach in the system. Knowing that the last few years were at hand maybe people just wanted as much ultra cool serious garbage as much as possible.
Sanji has a really cool and visually distinct fighting style, it doesn't define him and his character in the same way that Zoro's swordsmanship defines him. Sometimes it seems like all people want to see is Sanji's feet.
The only reason I think Brown Beard got away was because of the distraction Doflamingo caused when he arrived at Punk Hazard. Brown Beard was allowed to leave to find his men that were left behind and at that point Doffy shows up to eF things up. So while not confirmed I just think Brown Beard got left behind to get the heck out of there while Smoker was down.
With Vergo and Monet I understand the hesitation and my following statements are not an attempt to convince anyone but just to share my interpretation of the scene.
Vergo being chopped to pieces is for the most part a non-issue beyond the fact that he was stuck to a railing. Law's cutting abilities don't actually harm the victim and their bodies function completely normally even while separated. He was caught in a massive explosion and well you know... One Piece.
The hierarchy will always be:
1 - Fist
2 - Sword
3 - Bullet
4 - Cannon
11 - Explosion
I'm joking but we all know how explosives work in this series. Characters outside of flash backs become cartoonishly black and nothing happens after that.
With Monet it's a bit trickier and its mainly because of her situation that I feel like her story isn't over yet.
Caesar stabs the heart, we see blood, Monet faints. From that very specific angle it looks like a direct hit. My argument is that because of the profile view of the stabbing it was only intended to look like a direct hit. Monet's heart at most gets grazed, with the majority of that blood just coming from the jelly cube. The grazing is enough to jostle her, especially after getting taken out by Tashigi earlier. Then we see Caesar later with the icicle stuck in the ground...
So with Caesar's last ounce of strength before passing out he stabs the heart, takes the icicle out and triumphantly stabs the ground, enough so that the icicle is protruding from the ground? I don't buy it. My guess is he simply missed his direct hit, grazed the heart, spurted a little blood, stabbed the ground with that momentum and just passed out.
Of course that is my interpretation and it can be argued every which way till Sunday. Story wise though there seems to be more left to Monet's character. Vincent Van Gogh was a painter inspired by Claude Monet(among others) and he painted A Starry Night. Monet by her name and her swirly glasses resembling the painting A Starry Night tells me Oda had them in mind when designing her. Before Monet meets Law she is just a normal person with Logia powers, we see on her desk there are many books one of which is cut off but reads in english ASTRO. After meeting with Law it is implied but a near certainty that Monet was given her bird body thanks to Law's powers. Astro, astronomy, a starry night, and well who else has bird wings but the native moon people who migrated to the blue and white seas? Monet wants to go to the moon.
Then we discover outside of the story that Sugar and Monet are sisters? Monet "dies" a day before the events of Dressrosa and there is absolutely zero mention of her fate by Sugar? That is going to be elaborated on mark my words.
Monet still has more to offer the story.
Chapter 839
Sanji brothers are scum and they are making androidsor robots?
Who's that dude on the cover?
WTF They are building Vergoes!!
Yes, but I'm a huge fanboy of the series. Seems likely to be the One Piece or Fullmetal Alchemist of the current generation, in terms of writing and long-term quality.Would I like MHA?
Really? That is extremely high praise, as I consider FMA to be one of the very best. In what way is it like it?Yes, but I'm a huge fanboy of the series. Seems likely to be the One Piece or Fullmetal Alchemist of the current generation, in terms of writing and long-term quality.
I'm mainly comparing the writing quality, but and there's more specific comparisons like the Western influence in the story and art style, focus on characters, and the tight pacing. But My Hero Academia doesn't have any gimmicks that distinguish it, it's just really well written. That's why I'm so confident it'll remain great.Really? That is extremely high praise, as I consider FMA to be one of the very best. In what way is it like it?
Mind blown damn
Chapter should be out soon, but...
I'm not saying the Vinsmokes are nazis, but they are.
Ah of course! Sanji and the others are clones of Judge, with Reiju being the only natural born one. At the end of the arc we'll have a big fight on top of Metal Geaaaeh Germa Kingdom between Sanji (the inferior one) and Ichiji (the dominant one). There can be only one "Ji".
And honestly, all this time I've been comparing Germa 66 to InFamous 2s Vermack 88.
I wonder tho, being stripped of their right to participate in the reverie will bring them CLOSER to their ultimate goal? In what way does disassociation with the WG benefit them?
I wonder tho, being stripped of their right to participate in the reverie will bring them CLOSER to their ultimate goal? In what way does disassociation with the WG benefit them?