"That's my nindo, my ninja way" - Ichigo Kurosaki from Hunter X Hunter
"That's my nindo, my ninja way" - Ichigo Kurosaki from Hunter X Hunter
Because that would be boring
EDIT: ok, a little mean and reductive.
Basically, a smear campaign wouldn't work because the Marines are made up of very well known devil fruit users, the common people want nothing to do with devil fruits, and even pirates are so hesitant about them that the ones desperate enough for power would go through a black market.
So...any ideas for why they wouldn't do this?
The pirate king didn't had a power, so this argument is non existence. Even if Luffy didn't had his rubber powers, he properly would still be at least as strong as his grandfather, who went toe of toe with the pirate king. Oda made sure, that Devilfruits powers aren't more powerful then normal people. They just spacing up his fantasy world.The biggest benefit to this is that it would narrow down pirates combat diversity by FAR. They'd still obviously have issues with proficient swordsman and other fighters and Haki users, which are arguably the bigger problem now, but they would rarely be caught off guard by random abilities they can't prepare for.
I could see, that Devilfruits have some kind of protection against capturing. For example if a Devilfruit isn't used, the fruit rottens and appears randomly somewhere else (instead of close by). That's why killing an Devilfruit user is a much easier way to take control over them.I think it would be pretty easy to take a large portion of them out of circulation too. First off, execute all the pirates that you capture that have DF abilities, and hold a fruit nearby. Then, issue bounties for not just pirates, but fruits themselves. Make them especially pricy. And propagate negative myths about DF fruits, some of which are already in circulation through just lack of understanding of what the DF's are. Make up some new ones like that you'll die after a set amount of years if you ingest it. And then offer to dispose of them if citizens just bring them back over to their local Marine base. I mean, we've established they have propoganda, why not this too?
Yes"When does a man die? When he is hit by a bullet? No! When he suffers a disease? No! When he ate a soup made out of a poisonous mushroom? No! A man dies...when he is forgotten."
"That's my nindo, my ninja way" - Ichigo Kurosaki from Hunter X Hunter who's going to be the king of the pirates
Plus the huge cloning vat in Germa HQ and the fact that all the Vinsmokes seem to have color coded powers.Sanji and his brothers are devil fruits turned into humans
Devil fruits-lil devil's inside them
Sanji with his devil leg.. confirmed!
Still betting on Nami being a daughter of Big Mom. It feels like an easy out but I can't see any other way they get out of this as things stand. Something has to change or someone has to change sides because I don't see them winning just by fighting and beating everyone. Nami being found on a battlefield always left a possibility they would address it.
Either way, I think it ends with Sanji actually married and his wife on the ship. Way funnier if he and Nami getting married saves the crew and they to deal with it from here on out. The fight can resolve Big Mom considering the Straw Hats part of her crew and she gets back a daughter she lost etc etc.
We barely know anything about the battle Bellemere fought, but seems unlikely that a yonko's baby daughter would be left there. Anyway, Oda said that Nami and Lola are sworn sisters, so their relationship might be more relevant than we had anticipated. But yeah, if she is somehow considered a daughter (which is unlikely), a marriage with Sanji could be a great way to resolve things without going to an impossible fight. However, that still gives the Vinsmokes what they want (they are doomed to fail after this introduction - so the wedding is still a victory) and Big Mom might still be evil.
Definitely possible, but even if it were true would it matter? Big Mom doesn't seem to give two shits about people who double cross her. It might be a little pre-emptive since we haven't really seen her interact with any of her children outside of the eating disorder episode, but it seems like such an unnecessary wrench to throw into the plot when we have:Still betting on Nami being a daughter of Big Mom. It feels like an easy out but I can't see any other way they get out of this as things stand. Something has to change or someone has to change sides because I don't see them winning just by fighting and beating everyone. Nami being found on a battlefield always left a possibility they would address it.
Either way, I think it ends with Sanji actually married and his wife on the ship. Way funnier if he and Nami getting married saves the crew and they to deal with it from here on out. The fight can resolve Big Mom considering the Straw Hats part of her crew and she gets back a daughter she lost etc etc.
Oda bringing the furry community to One Piece.Guess they discovered the minks.
There will be a lunch between the Vinsmokes and Big Mom soon, but I believe next chapter will be about the clone facility. We will discover some stuff about the Vinsmokes and Sanji might have a fight with one of his brothers.Next chapter they meet for the rehearsal dinner, right? Pedro and Brooke are getting involved for sure
Pudding doesn't know how to fight and her skills aren't needed. Unless her third eye has some use, I doubt she will join. Besides, there is Jinbei and likely Carrot. I don't think Oda will make a crew that big, he can barely develop the characters without splitting the team.
I will suck all the dicks available if Pudding ends up being a weak side-girl.
Welp better get ready to cross dress again cloudI will suck all the dicks available if Pudding ends up being a weak side-girl.
Goddamit oda lol. You give people too much ammo against sanji
Goddamit oda lol. You give people too much ammo against sanji
Y'all won't be laughing,
Saving this post. Just in case.I will suck all the dicks available if Pudding ends up being a weak side-girl.
I will suck all the dicks available if Pudding ends up being a weak side-girl.
Oh, you'll see.This is the worst bet imaginable.
We should be having an early chapter this week because of a holiday.
WhhhhhaaaaaaAAAAAAATTTTSpoilers are out:
VPunk in the house.