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One Piece Manga |OT2| Four Emperors, One King, All Blue

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I completely disagree. Except for one part after Luffy gets poisoned and incapacitated, it doesn't drag at all.
It's only 25 chapters. More happened in the first 10 chapters than in some arcs double its length.

If anything, it was rushed, which explains why Level 6 was so bland and generic compared to the other levels.

There's that word again. "Rushed". I see it all over gaming side too. But I find that comment kind of funny. Solitary confinement is also suppose to be for the worst prisoners and it's bland and generic compared to other parts of a prison. The whole point is that they're leaving the worst of the worst down there to rot. It isn't suppose to be fun or exciting
I see the term filler get a whole new meaning to some people .

yup...watched it first and then started to read it, but skipped towards the ending, as usual everything is better in the manga.

During EL is when anime start going to shit with 5 mins flashback from there things just got worst .
Impel down dragged alil Nd I don't like it but I can't call it filler it wouldn't make sense. It's an very important arcs and part of the story for our main character. I'd actually probably like it maybe cut down a floor

How? It was fast as fuck. Only the anime dragged. Anime should have been thrown to the bushes during TB. Anime was terrible during that. Thankfully I haven't watched the anime in years. Stank town.

Would you guys consider Sabaody, Amazon Lily, Impel Down and Marineford to be part of a single saga? I mean, thematically it makes sense.

Yes and it is the height of the series.

If Water 7 and Enies Lobby are considered one story saga, I'm not sure why Sabaody -> Amazon Lily -> Impel Down -> Marineford isn't considered one as well.

According to manga volume sales, Japan agrees with me that this was One Piece at its absolute best.
How? It was fast as fuck. Only the anime dragged. Anime should have been thrown to the bushes during TB. Anime was terrible during that. Thankfully I haven't watched the anime in years. Stank town.

The only time i look at the anime now is when i hoping to see if a certain part of the manga get done awesome .
And most of the time i still get let down .
The only time i look at the anime now is when i hoping to see if a certain part of the manga get done awesome .
And most of the time i still get let down .

The anime turned one of the fastest stories in post-East Blue One Piece in Amazon Lily -> Impel Down -> Marineford into a giant slog.

Terrible. The only thing I miss about the anime is the music. Haven't watched since New World premiere.
Eh, I still watch the anime. After working all Sunday, its good to just chill with some show I'm familiar with. Plus my friend is anime only, so I can continue dropping red herrings to annoy him.
This is why I like shorter manga sometimes. Like full metal alchemist, they went back and redid the anime to basically mimic the manga, it was incredible.

It's not my cup of tea, a little too dark and creepy for me, especially humuncil or whatever they were called, but I appreciated the high quality anime.

Can only hope sometime like that happens for OP
There's that word again. "Rushed". I see it all over gaming side too. But I find that comment kind of funny. Solitary confinement is also suppose to be for the worst prisoners and it's bland and generic compared to other parts of a prison. The whole point is that they're leaving the worst of the worst down there to rot. It isn't suppose to be fun or exciting

I don't mean fun or exciting. I'm talking about how the bits of the level that we saw looked just like a generic collection of jail cells.

Every other level had a unique theme and unique brand of torture. Level 6 is just...bad criminals left to rot in a jail cell like everyone else in the prison.
This is why I like shorter manga sometimes. Like full metal alchemist, they went back and redid the anime to basically mimic the manga, it was incredible.

It's not my cup of tea, a little too dark and creepy for me, especially humuncil or whatever they were called, but I appreciated the high quality anime.

Can only hope sometime like that happens for OP
Definitely many years from now. The sheer scope of the series, bullshit filler and padding episodes omitted, is still fucking massive. It would be a very big and expensive project.


That would also make bank.

And thats all that really matters.

A One Piece Kai type of thing right? Older episodes used to do 2 chapters an episode. I could see them giving One Piece some incredible treatment once they feel like they don't have to stretch it out to last forever.
Alright you guys, Thriller Bark is pretty good.

I'm at the Oz fight, I forgot half of what happened so this is really refreshing. The team up stuff and overall banter is exactly what is missing from the current arcs.

I wonder though. If Kaido is the same monster horn race thing as Oz then maybe the Strawhats will team up to face him like they did with Oz? Would be awesome.
Alright you guys, Thriller Bark is pretty good.

I'm at the Oz fight, I forgot half of what happened so this is really refreshing. The team up stuff and overall banter is exactly what is missing from the current arcs.

I wonder though. If Kaido is the same monster horn race thing as Oz then maybe the Strawhats will team up to face him like they did with Oz? Would be awesome.

I would love a full on team up against kaido or rather any enemy again.


I'm probably biased since i'm doing a marathon on the anime after finishing up the manga a year ago. i honestly find thrillerbark to be one of the more entertaining arc better than the skypea which was too long and boring at times and davy back.

I should probably finish dressrosa arc


What's wrong with thriller bark.

It dragged in parts (mostly in the anime but also in the manga as well) but it was good fun I thought. Great setting, interesting assortment of characters, great interactions and serviceable enough plot considering it was pretty much a recruiting and adventure story. Needed an arc like that after W7/EL.


I think we are near the climax of the arc, Luffy beat Cracker, Pedro and Brook infiltrated, Bropper and Traitorot are near the castle as well. I think in this chapter we will have the vinsmokes meeting with Big Mom and Pudding and shit wil start to hit the fan.
I think we are near the climax of the arc, Luffy beat Cracker, Pedro and Brook infiltrated, Bropper and Traitorot are near the castle as well. I think in this chapter we will have the vinsmokes meeting with Big Mom and Pudding and shit wil start to hit the fan.
Exchange of gifts about to pop in. Depending on if the box explodes, shit could get real very quickly.

Though I believe the wedding itself is still a day away, so we have some time. I sincerely doubt the wedding will get called off, so maybe the box will be a good chance for Oda to show Big Mom's strength as she subdues the Vinsmokes.

What I'm excited for are the guests to the wedding. Here's hoping we see some old characters pop up that will help Luffy out.


I haven't seen any anime episode since one month. And I loved the Zou arc in the manga. Right now I don't have any motivation to watch the anime, probably I will wait until they finish with the Zou arc, and watch all episodes I have left all together at the same time.

Meanwhile, I cannot wait to read the next chapter of the manga. I'm loving this arc.

Am I the only one who reads the manga every week, but does not watch the anime every week?


I gave up on the anime when they were in the desert and every episode needed to start with that recap thing showing the map and flashbacks. I've checked in on some key moments since then to see what they look like animated, but I just don't have it in me to sit through every episode.
Why you gotta be like this

Am I the only one who reads the manga every week, but does not watch the anime every week?

I can't stand the anime. In my opinion it ruins the source material. The only good things about it are the voice actors and the music. There's a cool project you might like called One Pace, where they supercut the bullshit in every episode to make them shorter, faster, and more in line with the manga. Haven't checked it out myself but heard good things.

Anyway, if I wanna see something animated I'll youtube it. No point in wasting 20+ minutes to see half a chapter in anime form.


I watch the anime. It's not great but I still enjoy seeing stuff animated. Every once in a while there's some great sakuga, like with the first few episodes of Zou. But then the animation quickly goes back to lazy and uninspired. Some arcs are better than others but currently the "default" art of the anime is pretty poor. Even the current opening and recap that starts each episode is poorly animated.
Why you gotta be like this

I can't stand the anime. In my opinion it ruins the source material. The only good things about it are the voice actors and the music. There's a cool project you might like called One Pace, where they supercut the bullshit in every episode to make them shorter, faster, and more in line with the manga. Haven't checked it out myself but heard good things.

Anyway, if I wanna see something animated I'll youtube it. No point in wasting 20+ minutes to see half a chapter in anime form.
I don't know what your talking about.
*Whistles away

The anime has its moments. I only watch certain episodes but eventually I'll have to watch the new world full thru because funimation is almost there and that's the only way my SO will watch is a dub...it's going to be dreadful.


Get Inside Her!
I'm considering stopping the anime. I've watched every episode, and watched it before actually moving to the manga, but these days I buy the manga volumes for an arc when the arc's complete, and having watched the anime in between the scanlations and the official volume releases I find is diminishing my desire to get the volumes. It's the third time consuming the same material, and I feel kinda burned out. Like, I'm about to buy Dressrosa, and having slogged through the anime pacing of it I'm like "oh boy more Dressrosa golly gee."

Cutting the anime out entirely I feel might help me here.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
The anime is great to introduce non manga readers to the material. It's like I get to experience every event in the series for the first time twice, through the eyes of my friends
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