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One Piece Manga |OT2| Four Emperors, One King, All Blue

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You know, I can actually get behind the idea of having a series without any romance between the characters because the idea that just because a guy and a girl are in the same story mean they must fall in love or some shit is genuinely old.

That said, it's one thing to express disinterest in shipping, it's another thing to express what can only be termed as 'ship-phobia'. This fandom can just be really weird sometimes.
Is that actually her voiced dream (Like say, Sanji stating he wants to find All Blue, or Zoro wanting to be the strongest swordsman), or is it just an obvious implied goal of hers? Because I've always feel like it needs to be the former because you can be really considered as a potential new crew member, regardless of whether or not they actually have any chance of joining.
More like an obvious implied goal.

Hancock is a bad character who had no interest in doing anything but sitting on her ass until Luffy came around, at which point she basically becomes his eager service girl out of infatuation to the extent that she is under the literal threat of death from some insipid 'love sickness' plot device if she dares resist those feelings. She sucks.

Veelk doesn't like her, good, that just confirms she is great. lol

Find me one panel of Hancock saying or wishing that is her dream and not some fans interpretation of her character her dreams have never been stated that she wants to live in a world where she won't be ashamed she has never stated as such unlike Jinbei who has stated his dream is to continue to build friendship and peace between the fishamn race and humans which he has actively tried to accomplish and continuing.

She fell in love with luffy because in her mind she belived all men were selfish and arrogant and cold hearted, luffy proved that wrong by helping Marguerite and protecting the mark of her sister being revealed. there never anything about fisher tiger involved.

Jinbei has shown to be strong him one shoted the awakened zoan guards, survived the hells entrance at ID along with Ace and Croc, he stopped a blood lusted gear 2 luffy from attacking Blackbeard, he conquered a battleship with ease and showed mastery of fishman karate to make the water like cloth. He one shoted Gekko a character Luffy and the strawhats had to go all out to defeat, fought Ace on land for 5 days on land and they were even, stopping a manga fist of Akainus, living through a pieced chest due to Akainu, basically one shoting Wada along with sanji and easily deposing of Caribou.

Hancock has no battle feats to her other then turning useless marine mooks into stone with her love beams, looks or kicks and breaking a part of Smoker sword. She has no feats to even put her on the same league as Jinbei. CH is basically use less in battle.

And get this shipper BS out of here, I'm mostly joke about that shit and never let it sully the actual work or what is presented.

If you read chapter 521, you'll see Hancock comparing Luffy to Fisher Tiger:

"...So it is true that you raised your hand against a tenryubito?"

"... to think that a fool of that caliber might still exist in this world" (while crying)

"A man to challenge the 'Heavens' whtihout a thought for his own life... a man such as him..."

That's why Hancock fell in love with him, because Luffy is that kind of man.

In the same chapter you can see how her story is tied with the tenryuubito and how the simple act of defying them means a lot to her. No doubts that if Luffy brings the fall of the tenryuubito, it will be like conquering her dream, because she has to lie to their country so no one can see the tattoo.

Regarding the shipping stuff, I was kidding, man, no need to get mad. You were always bringing the stuff I thought you wouldn't mind a joke.


You know, I can actually get behind the idea of having a series without any romance between the characters because the idea that just because a guy and a girl are in the same story mean they must fall in love or some shit is genuinely old.

That said, it's one thing to express disinterest in shipping, it's another thing to express what can only be termed as 'ship-phobia'. This fandom can just be really weird sometimes.
I mean, have you SEEN what shipping does to the fan communities of other series?


I mean, have you SEEN what shipping does to the fan communities of other series?

The same thing most discussions that get taken way too seriously do. It's no different than power levels or politics, you just need to be reasonable about it for the discussion not to go to shit. Neogaf has a built-in bullshit filter so that if people get too insulting over dumb bullshit, mods sort that out. As a result, this is actually the best place to discuss things like shipping.

If nothing else, I sincerely believe putting a voldemort-esque social taboo on the subject itself, to the point where the mere suggestion of a romance is met with "Get that shipping bs out of here", is itself more of a problem than a solution.

The MHA thread deals with shipping routinely and no one is going apeshit over anything there. "I like this couple for these reasons" "Cool. I like this other couple for these reasons" "cool" is basically how it goes. I also was part of Avatar the Last Airbender shipping discussions without people getting bent out of shape on gaf, even if they did on other parts of the internet.

For me, it hurts the story of One Piece. It's already hard to believe that the straw hats are real people with how they act and how the world around them is constructed, but the idea that none of these teenagers have any interest in forming a relationship or even just sex (despite the routinely scantily dressed outfits Nami and Robin often wear) is just another later on how unnatural these characters feel. It's just an arbitrarily closed door on a significant dimension of a normal human experience.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Funny you bring that up
I was reading /co/ and saw a thread on Wikia pages. It started innocent enough, mocking things like the "Sink Buddy" page on the Spongebob wiki or this one-shot character on King of the Hill that was probably only created from someone's fetish.

But then they found shipping pages on the iCarly Wiki, and there's several paragraphs, and THOUSANDS of comments! One of the ships has a Wiki of its own!

It's fucking disturbing


I don't think it's really reasonable to judge the worthiness of a subject just based on the worst possible incarnations of it, even if they are great in magnitude. I mean, look at how huge and popular and toxic r/The_Donald is, does that mean it's not possible to have a reasonable discussion on Donald Trump? Is the only solution to refuse to talk about him at all?

Other places on the internet can be as fucked up as they want to be on any given topic. I don't see how any of what they do is relevant as long as people stay reasonable in the here and now.

Ray Down

OP 851 Spoilers:

Chapter title is Cigarette. This post will be updated soon with a summary.

According to Pudding, 6 member in Vinsmoke family will get riddled with bullets in tomorrow's wedding.
Pudding provokes Reiju to be careful when she die since Puddding is worried that their blood would make the wedding venue dirty.

Pudding brings a gun and shows how powerful it is. Actually she was the person who shot Reiju.
The gun is called "Candy Jacket". It can penetrate even armored soldiers, which is why it had an effect on Reiju's iron body.

Pudding is looking forward to see Sanji's face when he was pointed a pistol by her. Nitro and Rabiyan laughs at Sanji.
"That'll be fun!" "He believes Pudding is falling love with him."

Pudding shows various kinds of facial expressions (ex. Enel's "that" face) wondering how Sanji will react to her.

She tells Reiju about the words when Sanji made a marriage proposal.

Pudding "Sanji's face is badly inujured without the facial treatment mask.
He held me tight and said, "You're my savior. Let's get married.""

Nitro and Rabiyan laugh out hard. Pudding mimics Sanji's injured face.
Reiju is looking the other way.

Sanji listens to her talk secretly and tries to light up his cigarette, but he can't due to rain. Sanji's facial expression is something like Moai..


The problem is that this conversation regarding shipping would only be about preferences, since Oda didn't write any romance between the Strawhats and made them pretty much aromantic or asexual, except Sanji. It would only lead to speculation and subjective reasoning, so no one will feel they are wrong if someone disagrees, which can lead to heated discussions.

By the way, spoilers are out


Apparently this got added to the spoiler summary:

Pudding can't help laughing at his ugly marriage proposal.
Pudding "Who the heck is gonna marry you failed guy!"

Sanji continues trying to light up his cigarette, but he can't. He hangs down his head and sheds tears with his body trembling.
It really is, not much of a point. Seemly just there to show that Pudding items can talk and explain how Pudding attacked Reiju.
Bit more to the spoiler, but not much
Scene changes to Brook.

Big Mom "Why do you stand up again? Are you so eager for the copy of Poneglyph instead of Sanji?"

Brook "Sanji-san is a kind person, so I thought he will never come back again.
I'm not sure what kinds of trap you made for him, but Sanji-san won't stop once he decides to become a victim for someone since he is extremely gentle."


The problem is that this conversation regarding shipping would only be about preferences, since Oda didn't write any romance between the Strawhats and made them pretty much aromantic or asexual, except Sanji. It would only lead to speculation and subjective reasoning, so no one will feel they are wrong if someone disagrees, which can lead to heated discussions.

By the way, spoilers are out

I mean, if things get out of hand, that's on the speaker in question. In my experience, everyone knows that shipping is about subjective preferences, wish-fulfillment and speculation.

Lets say I started a discussion about who would win in a fight, Ace or Time skip Luffy. Anything said would have the same basic basis in 'reality' since Ace is never going to fight Luffy due to a bad case of being dead. Does this mean it's not a worthy discussion to be had?

Eh, whatever. This is just a point of discussion that I disagree with on principle. One Piece doesn't have any pairing I'd consider interesting other than the SanjiXCementShoesXBottomOfTheOcean threesome. I'm just saying, you guys are shutting down discussions that could give a new perspective or insight on the characters. If Luffy were to actually have a relationship closer than mere friendship, what would it actually be? It's a good question for any character if you explore it properly.

Ray Down

Looks like:
Pudding has a memory memory fruit

Jinbei is back and sets Luffy and Nami free.

Scene changes to Chopepr.

They intend to know the whereabouts of mirrors in Whole Cake Castle via tickling Brulee.
Brulee tells them to ask mirrors about it. According to her, all mirrors know what they are reflecting.

When Chopper and Carrot ask mirrors, mirrors ask what kinds of face they are searching for.
Carrot draws a portrait of Sanji. At last, a mirror which reflects Sanji replies to them.


Looks like:
Pudding has a memory memory fruit

Jinbei is back and sets Luffy and Nami free.

Scene changes to Chopepr.

They intend to know the whereabouts of mirrors in Whole Cake Castle via tickling Brulee.
Brulee tells them to ask mirrors about it. According to her, all mirrors know what they are reflecting.

When Chopper and Carrot ask mirrors, mirrors ask what kinds of face they are searching for.
Carrot draws a portrait of Sanji. At last, a mirror which reflects Sanji replies to them.

Gives Oda a potential out for those that are wondering why Pudding is revealing her plans for no good reason.

Ray Down

Ok this chapter had way more going for it, lol.

Scene changes to Sanji.

He drops a bouquet of flowers and lunch (bento) on the ground.
He is just standing getting wet with rain.

Puddding tries to manipulate Reiju's memory.
She thrusts her hand into Reiju's head and rewrites her memory via Memo-Memo Devil Fruit ability.

Reiju's memory is turning into a soldier who got injured due to a stray bullet.
Reiju loses consciousness.

Pudding "Your memory with me is no longer available. Let's have a good wedding tomorrow."

Out of the window, Sanji is not already out there with the lunch (bento).


Year of Sanji indeed. You know this is all culminating to a giant comeback win for him right? Right?

Unfortunately. Personally, if had it my way, Pudding would make her play, get the Vinsmoke's clones, use them to take over Big Mom's position and takes out Judge. As the head of the Big Mom Pirates, she realizes that Sanji isn't dead, but doesn't really care because she has more important shit to do. So, Zeff no longer in danger, Sanji is free to crawl back to the strawhats, but Luffy and the rest never look at him with the same respect again, and the only win they come away with is that they now have a copy of Big Mom's Polyglyph.

I'd love to see Pudding just get away with the biggest ploy in the pirate side of things. But that's just not how the story of OP goes. Bad guys lose. Bad guys get their due suffering. Good guys walk out happy. Even the Marineford arc, the only arc that had them arguably come out ahead with Whitebeard and Ace's deaths come with major caveats.


Well this is Oda, so let's wait and see :D

Maybe Big Mom soul fruit stops the manipulation/she can't get close to her.

Guess we'll find out later. Maybe she's not as ambitious as we might think, and is fine just being a pampered daughter. Character would be the GOAT for me if she really was manipulating her all this time though, it'd be better than the theory of her working with Capone.

Her powers also potentially give her leeway to reveal herself as the last Sweet Commander, but I highly doubt that one. Outside of her dangerous as fuck powers, she doesn't seem to be a very strong fighter (in the traditional sense at the very least) if she's relying on a powerful gun instead.
Guess we'll find out later. Maybe she's not as ambitious as we might think, and is fine just being a pampered daughter. Character would be the GOAT for me if she really was manipulating her all this time though, it'd be better than the theory of her working with Capone.

Her powers also potentially give her leeway to reveal herself as the last Sweet Commander, but I highly doubt that one. Outside of her dangerous as fuck powers, she doesn't seem to be a very strong fighter (in the traditional sense at the very least) if she's relying on a powerful gun instead.

Last sweet commander is starch who we haven't seen yet. They said his(her?) name a few chapters ago


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
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