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One Piece Manga |OT2| Four Emperors, One King, All Blue

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Did someone mention Yamcha?

You live your entire life as a criminal in a desert. The only companionship you have a talking cat. One day, desperate for something of worth in your dirt-ridden existence, you try to rob a teenage girl, a pig, and a small boy. The small boy kicks your teeth out after seeing a girl makes you bashful and embarrassed, and peeping a titty makes you pass out.

When confronted with the possibility of having any wish granted by a magical dragon, your wish would be "I don't want to drop spaghetti while looking at a lady"

You then spend days creeping on these folks, watching for a way to achieve this lofty goal, you are forced to hit a little girl (one of your few [only?] victories) and then hit on her.

Eventually you are captured and saved only when the little kid turns into a giant monkey. The pig does more than you to save the day.

But it's okay, right? You finally got a girlfriend. Well, kind of. You don't really see each other that often.

You decide to show the world your stuff and enter into the Tenkaichi Budokai, the greatest martial arts tournament of all time. You are immediately eliminated in the quarter finals by an old man nobody's heard of before. You embarrass and humiliate yourself by insisting that it's a different old man in disguise before being proven a fool.

The next time you hear from Goku, he's taking on terrorist Nazis or some crazy shit. So you gear up to raid the Hydra base and... you're not needed at all. You get a sinking feeling in your heart, like this won't be getting old soon.

You help Goku fight the fortune teller's fighters. An invisible man beats you up and you barely win when your girlfriend's boobs are gawked at by an old man. You are then beaten up by a mummy.

But the Turtle Hermit, greatest living martial arts master, has taken you in. You'll do well in the next tournament!

Nope. The heel you challenged beats and destroys you in front of a crowd. You are helpless. Like a child. Your legs, broken. By the end of the tournament, the man who brutalized you is declared champion, but he decided to be "nice" now, so you have to pretend that it's okay and you're friends after he annihilated your pride for all to see.

A demon king attacks the world and you stay with the peanut gallery. The bad guy doesn't even bother to go after you despite specifically targeting martial artists. Jesus Christ.

Speaking of God, Goku is training with God now. You feel so very small and weak. M-maybe the next tournament.... ?

The next tournament sees you headbutted in the junk and defeated handily by a middle aged tourist. True, it's God in disguise, but still. Nobody knows that. Yamcha, the desert bandit. His tournament career ended by an old man. That's your public legacy.

(Also you have a scar for some reason, which is kind of pathetic considering that the children who underwent the same training didn't get maimed like you.)

Oh, and Goku gets married before you, and he doesn't even know what marriage is.

Years pass and you become a baseball player. That one glorious period of fame and recognition is going to come to an end. You learn that Goku's dead and it's time for you and the others to take the lead. Time to train under God himself to protect the Earth from deadly alie

nvm you died. krillin destroys several saibamen with a single attack, while you lie lifeless in the dirt. good try though. yajirobe and the five year old do more than you.

For the next few months you sit on a planet while King Kai teaches you jack shit.

You come back to life! Your girlfriend breaks up with you and immediately starts flirting with the guy who got you killed less than a year ago. His power is so strong and big compared to yours, flaccid and tiny. You can only stand around and cry when Frieza comes to Earth, and are filled with joy when he's defeated by a mysterious stranger from the future who gives you a dire warning that you're going to fail in another timeline as well.

After three years of training your ex hooks up with the evil spaceman and they make a baby, who you have to help change the diapers of whenever you swing by

You get punched through the chest by an old man without doing anything. You try to explain that they can steal your energy, but you could have done something before that. You just don't care anymore. You wait until Goku's nearly dead to explain the energy stealing bit, and then take him back home to babysit him as you openly acknowledge your uselessness

Oh and the future stranger is Bulma and Vegeta's badass robot fighting son, and thus the whole fate of two worlds depended on Vegeta and Bulma's amazing sweaty unprotected lovemaking. Nothing has ever depended on you or ever will

Tien does more than you when he holds off the bugman. You just do nothing. Krillin gets a robot girlfriend who barely ages. You get nothing.

A tournament comes around again and the gang is getting together for old time's sake. Even Krillin is going to enter. Good ol' Krillin. Always there for the team. Always in the fight, even when he's outclassed.

You stay in the stands with Krillin's daughter to babysit her. Your ex-girlfriend cheers on her husband and their son, who wins the junior division. You have no son.

When they all fly off to fight Majin Buu nobody even thinks about inviting you to come and help

Nobody ever thinks about you

This is still the best post about Yamcha ever. And as many L's as Sanji may take, he will never take as many as Yamcha. Sanji can't even win in that.
Guys I need your help.

There is this guy I know let's call him blackleg-s...no wait that's too easy...b-sanji1.

So he has this problem, he just refuses to stop taking Ls over one character in One Piece. I just want him to be happy, what should I tell him?

tell him all blue isn't real
Guys I need your help.

There is this guy I know let's call him blackleg-s...no wait that's too easy...b-sanji1.

So he has this problem, he just refuses to stop taking Ls over one character in One Piece. I just want him to be happy, what should I tell him?
You like to see me suffer you dumb cat. Stop the liez



Did someone mention Yamcha?

This is still the best post about Yamcha ever. And as many L's as Sanji may take, he will never take as many as Yamcha. Sanji can't even win in that.

Hey now, I did say "got it better right now", not overall. But yea okay, permanent Ls are a thing. Which is now something Sanji can now relate to!

Metal B

What's the draw for Jinbe? What's the draw for Jinbe?! While such a statement irks me ever so slightly, I understand that your question is genuine and you have yet to see the bluish fat light.

When you say colorful you are probably referring to the eccentric personalities of most of the Straw Hats. Jinbe is certainly tame in that regard but having a 4th Straight Man in a crew of 10 still works just fine especially when you consider his potential reactions to the zany things the other half of the crew does on the regular. And it's not as if he can't join in on the eye popping and face faulting, because he certainly can and did it multiple times like a true Straw Hat. People often want to see the silly side of Jinbe and while his silliness does show in bits and pieces lets at least wait until he is in an arc that doesn't hold such serious weight. It was in his 3rd arc within the series that we finally got to see him lighten up with the face faults and the plan making. You can bet that those are seeds planted for the future.

Now lets talk design...
You bring up both Shirahoshi and Rebecca, 2 characters that shows one of Oda's biggest weakness when it comes to drawing. He makes many of his beautiful girls look just like Nami. From a design perspective regarding the main cast that is just an absolute no go. Each Straw Hat should be easily recognized by silhouette alone and when fully detailed we should be able to pick out details that really speak of the character. Save for Nami(who at the time of entering the story all she really had was darn near being the first girl in the series), each of them has a very unique look to them with physical details that show a ton of thought and consideration. That kind of care did not go into Shirahoshi or Rebecca and well Shirahoshi swimming along side Sunny the rest of her life just wasn't ever going to work.

Now Jinbe on the other hand, Jinbe has the build of a big fat guy! No Straw Hat has that look(or had it for too long anyway) and even when it comes to Fishmen his rounder build is pretty unique. His nose, his hair, his style of dress, all things that stand out among all the other Fishmen and Mermaids. Even without knowing a thing about him, the Sun Pirates brand and scar across his left eye tell us that there is some careful history there with more to be revealed.

Now think about when Jinbe's name first dropped, sometime in like 1999 or 2000 I think. All we knew of Fishmen were that they were super strong racists and Jinbe was in charge of em all! Flash forward a million years and it turns out he is the exact opposite of Arlong and pursues unity between races. Thats pretty unique if you ask me.

As for the appeal, it's really subjective but I love that Jinbe is extremely humble and tries to do everything for every body and more or less fails. When Nami joined for good, I was so happy because I just wanted to see her free and blossom with the crew once her baggage was taken care of. I didn't like Robin at first because she seemed so normal and boring, but once we found out what she was all about I was so happy she was with the Straw Hats because she could basically live free for once. For me much of the same feelings apply to Jinbe. Think about Jinbe and his exploits past or present, for a War Lord he has almost always been depicted as something less than other big shots and almost always failing.

Jinbe is the type that tries to do everything for everyone else at the expense of what he may really want. He puts the weight of the world on his shoulders and seems to always come up short. With the Straw Hats though that would change so much!

Think about it, Jinbe joined the War Lords simply to ease the hostility between races and help the Neptunes. Jinbe can't handle all the kidnappings on Fishman Island, it's White Beard who saves the island. Ace tries to assassinate White Beard and Jinbe isn't able to fully defeat Ace. Jinbe can't keep Arlong in check. Jinbe opposes the war to help White Beard and his actual introduction is of him being imprisoned. Luffy gets a permanent scar because Jinbe can't protect him from Akainu. And while he tried his hardest, both White Beard and Ace ended up dying while he didn't. On top of all that you have Jinbe still conflicted between the ideals of Otohime and Tiger and currently at the complete mercy of an Emperor. Actually I should't say still conflicted because after meeting Luffy he now clearly has a good idea of what he wants to do in life to achieve his dream.

As for fighting styles it's completely unique and visually very interesting! In the water he could be the undisputed king but outside of the water Zoro and Sanji could very well stand above him as they probably have more room for growth. Not to mention the crew would still have some underdog status by not having an ancient weapon at their disposal for the rest of the series.

We as readers do want to see the races of the world at peace with the fish folks actually integrating into human society in full. Not having someone like Jinbe there experiencing those positive changes in the One Piece world as they unfold would be criminal.

A humble, Karate fighting Martin Luther King who sits around trying to name plans and operations is exactly what I want in the crew, don't you?
Great write up.
But you missed one important factor. Luffy's crew is designed to cancel out Luffy's weaknesses. He is weak against blades, he can't lie, he knows nothing about history, language, cooking, navigation, medicine, engineering or music. All those skills are important for his quest. But one import weaknesses still needs a solution: he can't swim. Having a fishman, who even can ask sea dweller for help, and controll water in some way, is perfect to cancel out his biggest weakness.

Jimbei is predestined to be part of the Strawhats.

Rebel Leader

In story right now yea. But as an overall character...Ehhh. My boy goten went from "he could be stronger than all of us someday" to scrub tier even when fused with trunks(come on ss3 Gotenks did absolutely nothing to base Vegeta..Fuck off Toei/toriyama, he gets shorter every episode/chapter, he apparently has to be a scholar even tho he's never shown a lick of interest in it like Gohan. Sanji at the very least can still tussle with big names
Right now? Forever!

Remember that sanji was a okama


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
That post about Yamcha made my day
I wonder how the post about Sanji will be when OP is over

A lot more wins.
He still beat Kuroobi, Bon Clay, finished off Satori, sabotaged the Maxim, Jabra, Absalom, and Wadatsumi (even if that was a tag team with Jinbe)


Guys I need your help.

There is this guy I know let's call him blackleg-s...no wait that's too easy...b-sanji1.

So he has this problem, he just refuses to stop taking Ls over one character in One Piece. I just want him to be happy, what should I tell him?

Tell him the Monster Trio was a lie, it always was just Zoro and Luffy. Sanji always fight weirdos. Not serious fights. Look at Mr.2, Wanze, Absalom, the Newkama Army. When he has a serious fight it's brief and he never looks as badass as Zoro or Luffy.

If he looks deep down in his heart he'll aceept what you are saying as the truth. Sanji is a weirdo. He's bound to fight other weirdos until he finally accepts his fate. He had already found his All Blue, Kamabakka Kingdom, the place where Okamas all over the world reunite to be themselves with nobody to judge. There is no escape for him.
Great write up for Jumbei but still think he's fairly pedestrian and am pretty neutral on him joining the crew. But since luffy already extended an invitation with him meh...he's just meh. I don't think I lol'ed as hard as Boa Hancock episodes yet. She's IS the best potential crewmate!

- she's in love with Luffy
- she's insane
- Sanji & Boa would be hilarious!
- Boa would always scheme to kill Nami & Robin
- she is super strong
- she doesn't look like Nami
- Dope backstory
- Been saving luffy butt since she met him
- Better than Jinbei


Great write up for Jumbei but still think he's fairly pedestrian and am pretty neutral on him joining the crew. But since luffy already extended an invitation with him meh...he's just meh. I don't think I lol'ed as hard as Boa Hancock episodes yet. She's IS the best potential crewmate!

- she's in love with Luffy
- she's insane
- Sanji & Boa would be hilarious!
- Boa would always scheme to kill Nami & Robin
- she is super strong
- she doesn't look like Nami
- Dope backstory
- Been saving luffy butt since she met him
- Better than Jinbei

Too OP for OP, given that she could turn the vast majority of enemies to stone. She'd make enemy fodder even *less* relevant than they are now that Luffy can control his Conqueror's Haki.


Great write up.
But you missed one important factor. Luffy's crew is designed to cancel out Luffy's weaknesses. He is weak against blades, he can't lie, he knows nothing about history, language, cooking, navigation, medicine, engineering or music. All those skills are important for his quest. But one import weaknesses still needs a solution: he can't swim. Having a fishman, who even can ask sea dweller for help, and controll water in some way, is perfect to cancel out his biggest weakness.

Jimbei is predestined to be part of the Strawhats.

Thanks! Though I can't believe I completely forgot about the water weakness to half the crew and how someone like Jinbe really compliments them.

Oh, yes. This is the post I shared from AP.

Jinbei should be locked to join next year, but he's out of the spotlight for months. We don't even know what his fate is right now.
If he doesn't officially join after Whole Cake Island, it'll have to be during Wano.

Yeah what ever happens with Jinbe there is no way Oda will have him sit out the first full on Emperor war. Doflamingo sure I can completely understand but aside from the prestige that will come to the crew that defeats an Emperor Jinbe might have some really cool interactions with Jack and the people of Wano. Assuming of course Jack is indeed a Fishman from Fishman Island and Jinbe's style of dress has some influence from Wano.

Great write up for Jumbei but still think he's fairly pedestrian and am pretty neutral on him joining the crew. But since luffy already extended an invitation with him meh...he's just meh. I don't think I lol'ed as hard as Boa Hancock episodes yet. She's IS the best potential crewmate!

- she's in love with Luffy
- she's insane
- Sanji & Boa would be hilarious!
- Boa would always scheme to kill Nami & Robin
- she is super strong
- she doesn't look like Nami
- Dope backstory
- Been saving luffy butt since she met him
- Better than Jinbei

You're right, too bad she looks like Robin.


She's too OP anyways imo, she'd be just like Robin, where I'd be often wondering why they don't just take care of most of the enemies they're fighting.

Ray Down


Great write up for Jumbei but still think he's fairly pedestrian and am pretty neutral on him joining the crew. But since luffy already extended an invitation with him meh...he's just meh. I don't think I lol'ed as hard as Boa Hancock episodes yet. She's IS the best potential crewmate!

- she's in love with Luffy
- she's insane
- Sanji & Boa would be hilarious!
- Boa would always scheme to kill Nami & Robin
- she is super strong
- she doesn't look like Nami
- Dope backstory
- Been saving luffy butt since she met him
- Better than Jinbei

-shtick would get older faster then Bart and Sanji love
-not really at least compared to pudding
-Get old so fast...
-Yes have someone openly antagonistic to a got part of the crew for petty reasons (not even in the joking two big man egos with Z and S)
-Sure but not as strong as Jinbei
-true, she more like Robin with less nami features
-Not nearly as deep and chapter wise long as the other strawhats
-So has nearly all strawhat candidates
-Not really

She also has no significant dream other then her wanting to love luffy but that doesn't even fit the mold of dreams on the strawhats, plus considering her attitudes with men or hell woman that she thinks would go after luffy, shes terrible choice.

-shtick would get older faster then Bart and Sanji love
-not really at least compared to pudding
-Get old so fast...
-Yes have someone openly antagonistic to a got part of the crew for petty reasons (not even in the joking two big man egos with Z and S)
-Sure but not as strong as Jinbei
-true, she more like Robin with less nami features
-Not nearly as deep and chapter wise long as the other strawhats
-So has nearly all strawhat candidates
-Not really

She also has no significant dream other then her wanting to love luffy but that doesn't even fit the mold of dreams on the strawhats, plus considering her attitudes with men or hell woman that she thinks would go after luffy, shes terrible choice.
Her dream is to live in a world where she won't have to be ashamed for being a former slave. The reason she mainly fell in love with Luffy is because she saw Fisher Tiger's bravery on him. Also, there is nothing in the manga that says Jinbei is stronger than her.

I guess your shipping bias is clouding your judgement. hehe Hancock is a great character imo.


Her dream is to live in a world where she won't have to be ashamed for being a former slave. The reason she mainly fell in love with Luffy is because she saw Fisher Tiger's bravery on him. Also, there is nothing in the manga that says Jinbei is stronger than her.

I guess your shipping bias is clouding your judgement. hehe Hancock is a great character imo.

Is that actually her voiced dream (Like say, Sanji stating he wants to find All Blue, or Zoro wanting to be the strongest swordsman), or is it just an obvious implied goal of hers? Because I've always feel like it needs to be the former because you can be really considered as a potential new crew member, regardless of whether or not they actually have any chance of joining.


Hancock is a bad character who had no interest in doing anything but sitting on her ass until Luffy came around, at which point she basically becomes his eager service girl out of infatuation to the extent that she is under the literal threat of death from some insipid 'love sickness' plot device if she dares resist those feelings. She sucks.
Hancock is a bad character who had no interest in doing anything but sitting on her ass until Luffy came around, at which point she basically becomes his eager service girl out of infatuation to the extent that she is under the literal threat of death from some insipid 'love sickness' plot device if she dares resist those feelings. She sucks.


Really liked the write-up you did on her a while back.

Ray Down

Her dream is to live in a world where she won't have to be ashamed for being a former slave. The reason she mainly fell in love with Luffy is because she saw Fisher Tiger's bravery on him. Also, there is nothing in the manga that says Jinbei is stronger than her.

I guess your shipping bias is clouding your judgement. hehe Hancock is a great character imo.

Find me one panel of Hancock saying or wishing that is her dream and not some fans interpretation of her character her dreams have never been stated that she wants to live in a world where she won't be ashamed she has never stated as such unlike Jinbei who has stated his dream is to continue to build friendship and peace between the fishamn race and humans which he has actively tried to accomplish and continuing.

She fell in love with luffy because in her mind she belived all men were selfish and arrogant and cold hearted, luffy proved that wrong by helping Marguerite and protecting the mark of her sister being revealed. there never anything about fisher tiger involved.

Jinbei has shown to be strong him one shoted the awakened zoan guards, survived the hells entrance at ID along with Ace and Croc, he stopped a blood lusted gear 2 luffy from attacking Blackbeard, he conquered a battleship with ease and showed mastery of fishman karate to make the water like cloth. He one shoted Gekko a character Luffy and the strawhats had to go all out to defeat, fought Ace on land for 5 days on land and they were even, stopping a manga fist of Akainus, living through a pieced chest due to Akainu, basically one shoting Wada along with sanji and easily deposing of Caribou.

Hancock has no battle feats to her other then turning useless marine mooks into stone with her love beams, looks or kicks and breaking a part of Smoker sword. She has no feats to even put her on the same league as Jinbei. CH is basically use less in battle.

And get this shipper BS out of here, I'm mostly joke about that shit and never let it sully the actual work or what is presented.


Yo famalams. Been wanting to get back into One Piece but had trouble slogging through Punk Hazard. I hear quality has kept up though unlink the other two bigS so I wanted to see if I should jump back in and if I should go anime or manga on my catch up.

Last thing I remember was the exploding gas monster and the kids getting doped up.


Yo famalams. Been wanting to get back into One Piece but had trouble slogging through Punk Hazard. I hear quality has kept up though unlink the other two bigS so I wanted to see if I should jump back in and if I should go anime or manga on my catch up.

Last thing I remember was the exploding gas monster and the kids getting doped up.

Go with manga. Always manga for this series. At best, maybe in addition to that, watch some of the fights animated when you have the time.

Ray Down

Yo famalams. Been wanting to get back into One Piece but had trouble slogging through Punk Hazard. I hear quality has kept up though unlink the other two bigS so I wanted to see if I should jump back in and if I should go anime or manga on my catch up.

Last thing I remember was the exploding gas monster and the kids getting doped up.

Manga cacthup and have the anime ost on for certain moments while reading certain moments.


Go with manga. Always manga for this series. At best, maybe in addition to that, watch some of the fights animated when you have the time.

Manga cacthup and have the anime ost on for certain moments while reading certain moments.

Thanks guys. Guess I'll download a manga viewer and get back to it. Got the mouso game a few months back during a psn sale and it rekindled my love for the series and need to see Luffy get that One Piece.

Big One

Yo famalams. Been wanting to get back into One Piece but had trouble slogging through Punk Hazard. I hear quality has kept up though unlink the other two bigS so I wanted to see if I should jump back in and if I should go anime or manga on my catch up.

Last thing I remember was the exploding gas monster and the kids getting doped up.
Manga for sure. Dressrosa is pretty slow paced but the anime makes it way worse than it needs to be. Dressrosa is overall an arc with fantastic and iconic moments in the series imo. Zou arc and the Whole Cake Island arc are even better. Some important shit that happens in Dressrosa:

- Reveal of a new Admiral Fujitora who has a Gravity Devil Fruit
- Sabo's return to the series as well as him eating the Flame Flame Fruit.
- Law and Doflamingo's backstory (both are some of the most brutal in the entire series)
- A bit of info on how the relationship between the D. and the Celestial Dragon (D. are "God's natural enemy")
- Introduction of the National Treasure of Mariejois (and other random tidbits here and there)
- introduction of various characters that eventually become the Strawhat Grand Fleet (Luffy gets an army)
- Gear 4th
- Devil Fruit Awakenings
- Kaidou makes his debut
- Aokiji revealed to be working for Blackbeard
- Rob Lucci makes an appearance
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