I understand your urge to strawman since that's your only real recourse, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna call you out on it. It's the second time that crocodile defeated luffy that I consider bullshit and only worked because one piece physics run on bullshit. And yes, I could surviving on special mcguffin water to be different from plot bullshit water. Also, it's worth keeping in mind that while Aang survived, he was crippled and had to go through recovery, because Azula goddamn traumatized the poor kid, physically and emotionally. Croc was never so lucky.
I don't know what to tell you except that I find it to be some series of mental gymnastics to figure that all of croc's failed plans are more admirable than Azula's handful that all succeeded. I mean, that's what it comes down to. Who cares how many plans he made vivi go through when she eventually won. And it's not like she's especially machiavellian herself, so she should have been easy to beat anyway. He also had a hidden army and years of prep. Frankly, it's shocking how bad he did for all the opportunities he had.
Azula, on the other hand, was up against another machiavellian villain who had total control of the city. She had her 2 trusted bodyguards and her wits. And she outplayed everyone in a few deft moves.
When looking to determine who the best magnificent bastard/bitch is, look for quality, not quantity.