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One Piece Manga |OT2| Four Emperors, One King, All Blue

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Redeem herself? What for? Has she done something wrong?

If Pudding somehow was going to join the crew, then that would mean he either redeemed herself on some way or is erasing the memories of her evil deeds so the crew accepts her. Either way Sanji would be trolled, but completely unaware of it (Unless he is the only one who knows her true identity but somehow can't or won't reveal it).

Or Pudding stays exactly as she is now and doesn't erase anyone's memories, but they're forced to accept her for some other reason and we get a member of the crew who has morality at odds with everyone else.

What's wrong with that?
Pudding had an abusive mother that fucked up her life, seems like potential for a sad backstory, perhaps regarding her "original" father.

Pudding could be a scout who scouts ahead. She could be the key to finding the rest of the ponyglyhs if her third eye does see into the future. Combined with Nami's navigation and Robin's intellect and we have a winner!
Pudding could be a scout who scouts ahead. She could be the key to finding the rest of the ponyglyhs if her third eye does see into the future. Combined with Nami's navigation and Robin's intellect and we have a winner!

She could also give Nami and Robin advice on how to talk to Sanji while they were working together.


Or Pudding stays exactly as she is now and doesn't erase anyone's memories, but they're forced to accept her for some other reason and we get a member of the crew who has morality at odds with everyone else.

What's wrong with that?

Oh, I know how.

They go through with the wedding, but somehow realize that her plan has failed now that Sanji knows about it and can counter it. His power is not good enough to edit everyone's minds and if she wants to keep appearances, she has to marry Sanji for real. He goes through with it because is his way of having his revenge.

During the wedding night, Big Mom reveals her real plan: She wants to have a super infant to be part of his army and take its soul. both Pudding and Sanji can't fight against her, so they are forced to have an offspring right there and there. Pudding gets pregnant immediately, but they realize Big Mom can't steal the baby's soul right away because reasons. So they have a few months to hatch a plan and escape. With tears on their eyes, they have Luffy and crew leave since they need to come back later and rescue them, now with their fool force.

Months pass, Big Mom is ready to take their child. The whole time Pudding keeps her personality while Sanji confronts her but still acts chivalrous to her. With their time together in captivity, they somehow fall in a classic love-hate relationship, this takes 3 panels, tops, because Oda hates romance and no one has time for this crap, most of the time we have cool fights in Samurai land, cause that is what we really want to see.

Big Mom is using the baby as a trojan horse to get to the Reverie as the newest member of the Vinsmoke family, Pudding and Sanji can attend because of it, with a close eye from Big Mom, who is close but not close enough. Also Jinbei acts as their Godfather because he is fat, I guess. This is the moment they have been waiting for and the Straw Hat crew gets there to help out, too. Vivi and Carue are there too because fuck it this is what everyone wants, right? Anyway, everyone is in the Reverie, its been only 3 months but Pudding has huge boobs now because pregnant and Oda likes that. Also she gets mood swings and the crowd goes wild, this is great storytelling guys.

The Straw Hat crew forgives Pudding even if she still acts like she is because lol, she is pregnant. Sanji quits smoking for the good of the baby so he starts on sucking lollipops. They quickly try to run away with the whole crew, but Big Mom is close and she is fucking pissed, and now that she can't use the soul of the unborn baby she is going ham on the crew. They are able to pursuit them and her huge fleet of weirdos are about to attack.

But wait, what is that?

Out of nowhere, a huge whale just headbutts the ever living fuck out of the ship of Big Mom. Is Laboon! Holy shit, Brook jumps at him, tears on his eyes. Big Mom then does a huge soul attack that somehow works like buggers and just almost kills everything, key word almost. They somehow survive, they try to escape with the Sunny Burst they always do but of course that fails. Carue falls off the boat, stupid bird. Vivi cries, losing the only thing that made her likable. But what is this? Is Pell! He saved Carue!

"Yes, I am back."

Fan lose their shit, he survived all those episodes ago just for this, FUCKING GODA.

"I am off now"

What is that he has? Oh shit, its revealed he actually was a Nuke Bird who ate the nuke bird nuke bird fruit, so he can survive nukes. It all makes sense now. He flies off into Big Mom "EAT THIS"


Everything gets fucking destroyed, her float is just annihilated. I forgot to mention this, but before all this there was a lot of intense one on ones and team ups during Reverie and escaping and stuff and by the time they are escaping all of them except Luffy, who is in a coma because he ate a second devil fruit by accident, are just completely damaged and shit. They are bloody and stuff.

But what is this! Big Mom is not dead yet, she has absorbed all of the souls and made a wall with them to cover herself from the nuke. She got damaged, but she can still fight. She can use souls to walk in the air. "I AM ONE ABOVE ALL, I AM THE MATRIARCH"

Zoro decides to get real and she gets in front, everyone else is just too fucked up.

"Its time"

He opens his eye.



"One Piece is going to be in hiatus next week. Thanks for your understanding"


The issue sells out in seconds, the reddit servers are dying, the anime take 20 minutes to do the Sharingan reveal, with a dramatic pause every 5. vBlogs are having a field day and Velk almost has a mild stroke, but quickly recovers because he has to post his opinions on neogaf. The OT reaches the "|OT5| PUDI PUDI PUDI PUDI PUDI PUDI ".

The next chapter comes back. A twist is revealed. Pudding implanted the memory of the Sharingan into Big Moms mind, it never happened. Zoro was still to weak to fight. It was all a ruse so Big Mom would be too afraid to attack, giving Luffy time to recover. He never ate a second Devil Fruit eater. He just had an Awakening. He can turn water into Rubber now. She thanks Pudding for buying him time, she winks and tells him to suck on a bone. Luffy just laughs it up. "Even if you are mean, You are nakama now". Pudding has a sly smile, she is still planning something.

Luffy gets up and gets in front up Big Mom.


Big Mom gives a menacing roar. "STRAWHAAAAAAAAAT"

The fucking air becomes rubber.

Pudding has long ago realized something. Her Films are made of Rubber Plastic too.

Pudding can directly manipulate Rubber.

Pudding can directly control Luffy and edit him to her liking.

Pudding takes over Luffy.



Everyone come weep for Veelk. Veelk, who he has no soul!

I think that the Going Merry death scene is the part where I gave up ever feeling bad for anyone in this manga. There was a lot of build up to it, not just by the manga, but by the board I was on at the time. I had the problem of not feeling anything toward these characters almost the entire manga, but Usopp's dilemma actually got to me a little. I had some hope that maybe this is where One Piece will finally start plucking at my withered, old heart strings. And then I got to the Going Merry's death.

And it was so funny.

Look, I'm a colossal dick. I embrace that identity, wear it on my sleeve. It's fun to mess with the OP community in this way. But I'm not doing that right now, I'm honestly trying to recollect my genuine reaction to what was happening.

It was so absurdly ridiculous. The everyone bawling their eyes out, and the Merry coming to live to give it's melodramatic speech. And the idea that this silly, ludicrous scene is what was the teary emotional apex of the series was even more absurd. I imagined people looking at the images and crying and...I think I laughed for like a good 3 minutes. I wouldn't have if there was any way I could take it seriously...like, if if I got past the Merry's stupid design, if I got past how it suddenly literally moved itself to save them in deus ex machina style (I know there is foreshadowing for it, but I don't think anything can really justify "Ship comes alive because love"), I could atleast value the scene as a loss of something that is deeply significant to the characters, Usopp in particular. That would have worked, I'd have felt sad for that because that's how Zoro's sword (the one that broke) was done in and I actually felt a twinge of regret because that was my favorite katana design and because that old man in loguetown gave it to Zoro in good faith he couldn't keep. But Oda couldn't just leave it at that, no, he had to anthropomorphize the ship, have it give a cliche speech and...

I just don't see how anyone can see that and not laugh. It's one of the most hamfisted death scenes I've ever seen. I mean, people don't, clearly I am the black sheep since this scene IS highly popular. But...yeah, it's just hilarious to me. I didn't think ANYTHING could get me to feel sad in OP again after this. And I was almost right. To this day, the only thing that ever gave me another twinge of sadness in OP is Ace's death. And even that was severely hurt by Luffy's stupid face, which also made me laugh.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I just put him on the ignore list when he starts acting the fool. He was off of it for awhile back there with his excellent dissing of Sanji but now? Back on the list.


That sounds exhausting, but I have a few more key scenes where her insertion would be pretty funny, I think.

The problem is that I have a limited amount of Pudding poses where they just don't fit some scenes. Like, I tried to do one where Luffy lost his crew, but I couldn't find a pose that would fit from the angle that the panel viewed Luffy from.

But I still have a few ideas. I just don't see myself topping the Sanji one.

Ah, well don't stress yourself too much over it lol

Nice read.
That OP thread on the other side. Man sometimes it feels people don't actually read the series and spout shit just for the hell of it..

The guy who can't get into it because he finds the powers are boring has me dying.

Also the guy who is like the Strawhats are overpowered after they got demolished arc after arc after arc. Suddenly it's a problem to bask in East Blue like power but even that didn't last long. Like, this guy saw the crew get demolished by a bunch of Kuma's and Luffy being able to do jack shit at the Pirates summit but for some reason doesn't think the power up was justified??? And can't just wait for the enemies to start wrecking suit again?

That thread is ridiculous all over.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
That OP thread on the other side. Man sometimes it feels people don't actually read the series and spout shit just for the hell of it..
The amount of people who do this flippantly to OP is nothing compared to Naruto. Naruto does have legitimate issues, but it's become cool to paint it as laughably bad after Part 1 (and I feel many people do without much legitimate reason).

Also, nice article, Ray.

Ray Down

OK now I know what you mean by thread on the other side, lol.

The amount of people who do this flippantly to OP is nothing compared to Naruto. Naruto does have legitimate issues, but it's become cool to paint it as laughably bad after Part 1 (and I feel many people do without much legitimate reason).

Also, nice article, Ray.



I don't see why the Going Merry is dumb. I mean, without context, sure it is. But by the point the Going Merry talks while it's burning the ship had already been progressively humanized for two arcs.

And there are myths about spirits that help sailors during their travels. So it's not like he pulled the idea out of his ass.

Good read. There is a lot of mythology and fairy tales where three eyed people appear. Most of those, as you said, have some kind of psychic powers. So Pudding could still have an ace up the sleeve.
Going Merry was a good ship, but facts are facts. If you were gonna be king of the Pirates, you needed a really good ship to do it. And the thousand sunny is it! Also the going merry isn't entirely gone.


We need a story with only the best SH extended crew.

Vivi as captain
Barto as first mate
Law as doctor
Carue as Usopp
Pudding as Cook
Going Merry ressurected
Carrot as emergency food
Compared to other forums, you guys seem like a bastion when it comes to Sanji tolerance. At least you guys make it funny...other forums, not so much.
I think all the ship's spirits will come together and form a mega mecha to take on the final villain in the last arc with Merry at the top like a big mecha of ships right with the body made of ships ROFL and then they fire a big power beam to destroy the enemies probably Maryjoy and the Elder Stars in one blast and Merry will be like kept you waiting huh and Usopp and Luffy will cry a lot it will be an emotional moment imo.


Compared to other forums, you guys seem like a bastion when it comes to Sanji tolerance. At least you guys make it funny...other forums, not so much.

Seriously talking now. I think most people here don't hate Sanji. I like Sanji more than Zoro just because he isn't portrayed like a baddas all the time. Talking about it I miss pre time skip Zoro.
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