Okay while I like carrot so far there are amny reasons why I think she won't be a strawhat:
1. Lack of Focus: Carrot isn't a focus or main point to this arc unlike near everyone strawhat so far in there arc where they join or hell there focus.
-Zoro/Shell Town.
-Nami/Buggy Arc/Arlong:
-Usopp/Syrup Town/W7/EL.
-Chopper/Drum Island
-Jinbei/ID/PW/FI and now WCI.
Hell even pseudo Strawhats like Law?PH/DR or Vivi/BW Saga.
Carrot isn't the main mink that pushes the plot forward or hell the one the Strawhats interacted with when both teams arrived. That would go with Nekomamushi, Inuarashi and Wanda. For the most part she just wanda friend other then a saying her with the stuff with pedro or the fight sence with zoro thats really all she does. She has no hints at a tragic past or does anything of any real importance.
N & I have history in the series and are the ones that devolge the info too the crew about the road stuff, there the main forces preventing Jacks advances, they are the ones the crew stumble upon along with pedro. Wanda is the one thats shown to have a friendship with Nami and is one of the emotional bits of the arc with her fight with Nami.
Then Mono and the samurai surpass her with there connections to Kaido and why they are hunted, there history to the world and there connection to Roger.
Mononosuke scene with luffy in chapter 819 is more important and significant then any scene with Carrot (who is also hinted not to have a tragic past or have any signs unlike every other SH). Luffy says he will only help if Momo wants him too and until he says a word even when the others are berating him and trying to comfort Momo from luffy harsh words.
But Momo understands luffy and luffy understands momo, we get a glimpse of his past of wano under attack, his mother hinted to be burned at the stake and his father boiled alive with Kaido insulting his dad. And he cries as he asks Luffy help too take down Kaido and he accepts. Mono also has the VoaT along with luffy and unlike any other mink he can communicate with Zounashia which they thought had no conscious.
and now in WCI she isn't either she is basically a sidekick to Chopper.
2.Lack of Interactions with Luffy: Carrot has yet to have any serious or emotional interactions with Carrot unlike any other Strawhat candidate/members:
-Zoro: Freeing Zoro from certain death and retriving his swords, I'll also throw in his declaration to Luffy to never lose again.
-Nami: Luffy talk with Nami before she betrys him to Buggy, her saving Luffy from Buggy knowing he didn't deserve it, giving luffy the key, seeing luffy actions with Chouchou after berating him about being just like all the other pirates and trying to kill him and luffy proving her wrong, her tying buggy, her helping Luffy wake up from Jango hypnosis, her talk with luffy after the fight showing her view on him has changed along with pirates.
Her breakdown in Cocoyashi, luffy giving her the hat and going through all that trouble fighting Arlong just because he made her cry with it ending with him declairing Nami his friend.
Usopp: His connection with his dad, them spying on Kuro plan, them waiting for usopp, the entire fight in water seven what it was about and the emotions involved with him leaving the crew, and even after leaving he still helps save Robin and scream don't give up and his tearful apology.
Sanji: His talk with Sanji about dreams and luffy not laughing at himtalking about all blue unlike everyone else, Luffy telling him not to throw his life away, him giving Sanji a mask, Sanji admiring Luffy determination fighting krieg, Sanji diving in to save Luffy.
Hell this arc and his tearful goodbye after fighting Luffy and luffy telling Sanji how important he is.
Chopper: One of the few humans not to view him as a monster or look down upon him but be nice to him, him helping to protect the castle and doctor hiluluk jolly roger and helping to bring Wapo down and doctor hiluluk wish along with being Chopper first real friend.
Robin: Robin saving luffy after his fight with Croc, her reaction with Mizu Luffy, saving luffy life again with the antidote, luffy saving her life even after Robin lost the will, her recruitment in general with her asking Luffy to take care of what he did even with the others bar Sanji suspicions of her.
Franky: His entire fight with him, his actions at W7 and building the ship for the strawhats and taking his mankini.
Brook: Just wanting him to join the crew, his connection to Laboon and telling Brook he is waiting all this time for him with tears in his eyes.
Jinbei: Calming down a bloodlusted luffy from fighting Blackbeard, fighting along side him to escape, himgiving luffy the den den mushi so he could say his goodbye to Bon Clay, Jinbei remorse and thankful ness for him taking care of Arlong, him helping luffy save Ace and Jinbei helping luffy comatose body leave and protecting him from Akainu and him being the one to snap luffy out of his depression and realise he still has people important to him.
The blood giving scene and luffy first thing doing waking up is to ask him to join. and him coming to talk with BM to join.
Hell Pedro has had more important interactions, him joining cause he belives he has an obligation to Luffy and crew for saving him, his talk in 830, his willingness to die for Luffy and sacrifice his life for them and believing there that Luffy and co are the ones to bring about the new dawn.
Carrot interactions with luffy is biting his ear at least twice, her biting his mouth after eating her Carrot and thats about it. If Carrot was with luffy I would be willing to belive her chance more but she is not, she with Chopper.
This isn't even going into pseudo ones like Law or Vivi or any of my other points becuase this is already long winded enough and alot like Veelk.
So besides no hinting at a tragic past unlike the other strawhats and a few other ppoints.
I just don't see her being any different than, Paulie, Wiper, Perona, Maragrite, Hancock, Bon Clay, Mermaid Princess, Law, Vivi, Bart, Cavandish, Pedro or even some others I see that aren't thrown here Tashigi, Koala, Caesar.
I see her joining the fleet/alliance and helping to fight big threats like Kaido and Blackbeard and possibly the Marines, but the joining the main strawhats Nah.
I hope this helps in anyway to help understand my pov. There was alot more with the focus but I cut it.
Lets not forget Luffys reaction to seeing the minks was: Just a bunch of Choppers.
Alright back to shitposting
And at Blackleg, Considering your ava and bet history you should know things won't end pretty.