Will be making my film gold post later had enough time to digest the film.
I can see pudding not being in it as a con
Judging by the spoilers and the previous eps
I get the feeling Reijuu will be the major casualty in this arc. Well, "major", we didn't know her before, but still, it would be sad to see her go.
Well, now Sanji has to stay and save his sister. We also still have the problem with Jeff.
This all sounds to easy know, there will be a twist. Either they all plan to sabotage the wedding before the "red wedding" happens. Probably using the mirror world to hide and free the prisoners from the books. Or something else happens, which undoes anything at achieved in the last two chapters.
Chapter confirmed goodI agree with Ray about the chapter being bad. Most of it is just a long winded praise of sanji
The bomb is unknown to all parties and sound like a setup for a Deus Ex Machina, which could either backfire or support any possible outcome.Well there is still a bomb...
I agree with Ray about the chapter being bad. Most of it is just a long winded praise of sanji, which is bad enough, but it has to be done with (what I see as) bad storytelling. Like I said not too long ago, you want characters to be who they are because of their choices, rather than plot devices. Well, here we have "Sanji is good because he got sprayed goodness medicine while in utero, while his brothers are 'emotionless' because of evil surgery".
And of course his mom had to die. It would have been so much more effective if she actually raised her goddamn little cretin like an actual mother.
Honestly, I could see it now, if she just tried to push gentleness and kindness onto her children as they were growing up, with all 3 of the boys rejecting it, while Reiju and Sanji actually responded. It'd just make their mother an actual person, who does things. Maybe even have her still be a part of the present storyline, actually doing things.
Instead, she gets to join the dead mom's brigade. Bah.
Edit: also, how did they get set on fire at the start?
We knew that she was going to die from the start, like, I thought we already knew she died. My bet was on food poisoning from Sanji crap cooking though. Wasn't Sanji imprisoned after his mother's death?
In any case, who knows! Luffy's mom might be alive! We know nothing about her, after all.
Can't say I disagree with Veelk.
I was actually quite happy with how Sanji's mom didn't have that big an influence in his backstory beyond ... simply being nice and Sanji taking after her behavior-wise, it felt like she was just a positive influence.
I've discussed this with a friend before the arc started, but based on Oda's predictable noble martyr mom trope and Sanji's chivalry we fully expected there'd be something obnoxious like his mom dying for him somehow.
We were pleasantly surprised when we got most of his backstory out of the way without that ever happening but ... ¯\_(ツ_/¯ ¯\_(ツ
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I actually think Oda probably did the noble self sacrificing mom best with Bellemere, to the point, memorable design and personality & one of the first times he really did it.
By now I barely care anymore, it just feels like a rite of passage in the OP world to have your mom die in a tragic heroic way lol.
Some character's mums haven't been shown though. Luffy, Zoro, Franky and Brook (eventhough the last one is kind of cheating). Some "mother-like figures" like Makino for Luffy and Kureha for Chopper are still alive. But yeah, there are too many missing or deceased mums in the One Piece world. Portgas D. Rose being, IMO, the worst story of them all. I found really dumb her flashback.
Nami's is probably the best, I agree. Otohime was a good one because she didn't sacrifice for her children alone, but for her kingdom. So it's a bit of a different martyr figure. Both were nice characters before they died. But Usopp's mum didn't sacrifice herself, right? She was just sick. Yasopp is a shit father, though. Leaving your family to start the Revolutionary Army is one thing, but leaving them in order to become a pirate and travel through the seas is something else.
Yeah obviously it isn't some sort of unquestionable rule without exceptions, never meant to imply that.
But it does feel like Oda leans extremely heavily on some level of tragic mom death tropes, to the point where my reaction isn't "oh geez, this is sad" but more along the lines of "well of course".
Here's an interesting one: How many couples (dad + mom) are canonically around in OP with both parents still being alive?
Aside from the new honeymooners Don Sai & Baby 5 I'm actually legitimately struggling to think of any couples in One Piece where both parents are still alive.
If I think about it ...
- Sabo's parents
- Don sai and Baby 5
- Were any of the Celestial dragons married ... ?
- uhm ...
- hm...
- Big mom's many husbands are still alive ... ? :'D
I'm expecting a meeting in the mirror room soon to form a planIn two weeks: Chaos Ensues! This is going to be nuts.
Pretty sure Vito mentioned the whole "severed head in a package" thing to him, which Pekoms already revealed.
It won't heal. It gives the crew the opportunity to find a dentist to join the crew. Maybe that is how jinbe will contribute. The dude has nice teethReiji is sane as expected. Now the real question is when is luffy's missing tooth going to magically fix itself. It's distracting as heck.
I liked this chapter. The conversation between Sanji and Reiju was pretty interesting, we know about the relationship with her mother, and her feelings about Sanji and her family.
This is going to be awesome. I cannot wait for the next chapter. Now that Sanji knows that Zeb is safe, the bracelets are false, Luffy is looking for him like there's no tomorrow, the Charlotte family plans for the wedding,... This is going to be crazy!!
Thank Oda for bringing us another chapter today. I could disconnect from the Switch thread for a while.
Casual reminder that Vito or whatever Capone's henchmen was called also whispered something into Sanji's ear that was on his list of reasons not to disobey.
Now that the other reasons are all mostly gone, I assume that one's still going to play a part. Oda kept it secret for a reason.
They modified her body, so she can bear those genetic modified children. She took the drug to screw with the modification and to get "failed" ego normal kids, which was only Sanji. That's why, he had a special place in her heart.On further thought, I'm not especially happy in how the whole backstory in this chapter went:
- I don't think the drug taking was needed. Honestly. She is sick. Her husband is an asshole. Her children are assholes because their father is an asshole. Sanji is weaker, so they bully him, and he has interest in different stuff than his brothers. No need of genetical engineering to get there.
That's still the big secret. I guess, either her genetics are closer to Sanji than her other brothers. So she had good part of there powers (just weaker) and can resist the order of her father on some level. Or the connection to her mother changed her, which would give her brothers also the possibility to change.- Reiju being genetically modified to obey his father orders doesn't make much sense. If she can't, why has she been able to give fake bracelets to Sanji?
I think, it would be weird, if the Vinsmokes randomly failed with there experiment. His mother being forced into it and screwing with the project, to give birth to a normal child, has much more agency.- I would have liked if Sanji's mom had just died. You know, because she was sick. Reiju could have told her to stop eating Sanji's shit because it doesn't do her any favour. She could have said: "it's my duty to root for my children" or something like that so we could all be sad because she was such a tender mother. And she could have asked Reiju to look after him. THE END.
The dead mother trope has a reason, why it gets used that often. Children from a healthy family have less reason to seek adventures. Becoming a pirate means becoming a criminal, so you need to be a little wrong in your head to go for it. Also if you have no good influence as a child, you rarely become a good person.Yeah, I agree. The "dead mum" trope is used quite often in shonen manga, but in One Piece it's gone overboard.
Please Reiju don't die
BTW, seeing that Reiju wants to die, I have a feeling that the whole Pudding thing was an act. Reiju and Pudding are working together to stop the wedding and make SH scape, but knowing how Luffy and Sanji are they tricked Sanji to watch and modified Luffy and nami's memories.
It probably won't happen. But it feels really strange to me Reiju being fine so fast about dying, like she was already expecting it.
It's not that she was expecting it, but that she's so done with the Germa. A situation like this won't phase her because she believes they deserve to die anyway.
I wonder if Judge actually did anticipate this scenario...for a genius scientist it seems rather odd otherwise.
Please Reiju don't die
BTW, seeing that Reiju wants to die, I have a feeling that the whole Pudding thing was an act. Reiju and Pudding are working together to stop the wedding and make SH scape, but knowing how Luffy and Sanji are they tricked Sanji to watch and modified Luffy and nami's memories.
It probably won't happen. But it feels really strange to me Reiju being fine so fast about dying, like she was already expecting it.