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One Piece Manga |OT2| Four Emperors, One King, All Blue

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Cool chapter I enjoyed it!

I know people aren't really satisfied with Opera lying and everyone but Mont'dor just taking his word for it but you have to consider the environment they live in. Opera did see his brother get his life sucked out of him just earlier that day, it was under different circumstances but it's still got to be scary. Then you have Smoothy, one of the 3 Sweet Commanders, who told everyone to keep the info about Brook in the treasure room a secret and that was only a few chapters ago. The kids don't want to upset mom because they know they might be getting a whoopin'. I think many of us can relate to that. That's just the environment they live in. As for the random mooks who let Luffy, Nami and Jinbe escape, it doesn't seem like many want to come forward and let anyone know that they were partially at fault either. They know what could happen so why wouldn't they listen to Big Bro Opera or Big Sis Smoothy? Keep that ship quiet and hopefully we can take care of the problem in secret is probably what they are thinking.

I think the problem isn't only that. You also had the soldier sleeping in Sanji's bed without any explanation, nobody asking where is Bruleé, nobody except Mont D'or doubting the Luffy and Nami whereabouts.
It just seemed to me that Oda wanted to rush the reunion and i making up excuses to a surprise attack. To me just the FI's bomb and Sanji knowing about the plan would be enough.
I know people aren't really satisfied with Opera lying and everyone but Mont'dor just taking his word for it but you have to consider the environment they live in. Opera did see his brother get his life sucked out of him just earlier that day, it was under different circumstances but it's still got to be scary. Then you have Smoothy, one of the 3 Sweet Commanders, who told everyone to keep the info about Brook in the treasure room a secret and that was only a few chapters ago. The kids don't want to upset mom because they know they might be getting a whoopin'. I think many of us can relate to that. That's just the environment they live in. As for the random mooks who let Luffy, Nami and Jinbe escape, it doesn't seem like many want to come forward and let anyone know that they were partially at fault either. They know what could happen so why wouldn't they listen to Big Bro Opera or Big Sis Smoothy? Keep that ship quiet and hopefully we can take care of the problem in secret is probably what they are thinking.

I forgot about that, but yeah, Opera has every reason to be afraid of ending up like Muscat. I don't think Big Mom would forgive him for letting not only Luffy and Nami escape, but allowing the prisoners in the book free as well.

In the AP forums spoiler thread I talked about a potential payoff later in regards to not seeing Brook actually hurt Prometheus and only getting told about it for now. I have a feeling Oda wants to keep that to himself for now to have some sort of epic moment where Brook saves Luffy. If this was the first time Prometheus has actually taken damage then fighting it by conventional means must be near impossible. I can easily envision a scene with Luffy pointlessly swinging at Zues and Prometheus while they just wail on him with fire and keeping his support away with lightning. Brook jumping in with some epic attack saving Luffy in a way that only he could while getting an understanding on why Brook is able to do what he does seems pretty fitting and worth the off panel fight.

If something of that nature doesn't happen then I'll question why Oda off paneled all of Brook's fight with Big Mom, and if Brook doesn't get to later show his combat skills with Mom's abilities on panel when the action is in full force then I will really cry foul. It all seems like deliberate set up to me, so I'll just wait to judge that aspect until its all over.

I don't know if it will happen again in this arc. Maybe we'll see it in Wano.
For pacing reasons, excluding the move from the previous chapters might have been a smart move to give us a better payoff for it down the line, like you said.


Get Inside Her!
I guess this makes it clear that Pudding isn't running her own agenda (that we know of at least), Big Mom is in on all of it. Which addresses a question made much earlier in the arc, of why Big Mom is bothering to try and create some kind of political marriage here instead of just taking what she wants. It's indeed to just take what she wants, but from a position of unquestionable strength. No battles, no war, just the Germa defenseless with guns to their back and assassinated with no chance to fight back. A fairly shrewd approach, befitting the leader of an enormous criminal empire.

Obviously not going to work out, since Sanji won't go for it, and since the Germa are themselves planning a betrayal, but still.


I guess this makes it clear that Pudding isn't running her own agenda (that we know of at least), Big Mom is in on all of it. Which addresses a question made much earlier in the arc, of why Big Mom is bothering to try and create some kind of political marriage here instead of just taking what she wants. It's indeed to just take what she wants, but from a position of unquestionable strength. No battles, no war, just the Germa defenseless with guns to their back and assassinated with no chance to fight back. A fairly shrewd approach, befitting the leader of an enormous criminal empire.

Obviously not going to work out, since Sanji won't go for it, and since the Germa are themselves planning a betrayal, but still.

It answers why she didn't straight up start a war with them from the onset, which I still believe she could still win, but I accept that perhaps she just doesn't want the hassle. But it doesn't explain why she's waiting for the actual wedding.

For example, it's not like they're gonna be more vulnerable to a betrayal then than they would have been at, say, the dinner they had earlier. The Germa's had minimal guards since they arrived at whole cake island. They followed Big Mom on her tour, which meant she could have lead them into some kind of trap at any given time. That they wanted to test the Candyjacket bullets may be one explanation, but it's not like pudding planned to do that, it was just a coincidence. Which means it's not a vital component to consider, they're going to attack the vinsmokes no matter what.

So the only explanation that makes sense to me is that Big Mom just likes to have her parties.


I wonder if maybe the "rush" through this arc, and the signs that they're probably not going to do a full-scale fight against Big Mom and her team means that Big Mom will chase them back to Wano and then we get the whole Yonkou experience all at once (for hostile, non-endgame Yonkou anyway).


My guess.
Sanji goes through with the wedding.

He pulls up the veil and, despite the third eye, kisses pudding on the spot.

Pudding falls in love with Sanji but he and his family make their escape with the rest of the Strawhats.

We set up for the Reviere arc. Pudding is Hancock 2.0, vowing to actually marry Sanji one day.



My guess.
Sanji goes through with the wedding.

He pulls up the veil and, despite the third eye, kisses pudding on the spot.

Pudding falls in love with Sanji but he and his family make their escape with the rest of the Strawhats.

We set up for the Reviere arc. Pudding is Hancock 2.0, vowing to actually marry Sanji one day.



Ray Down

My guess.
Sanji goes through with the wedding.

He pulls up the veil and, despite the third eye, kisses pudding on the spot.

Pudding falls in love with Sanji but he and his family make their escape with the rest of the Strawhats.

We set up for the Reviere arc. Pudding is Hancock 2.0, vowing to actually marry Sanji one day.


If Pudding stays around more, why not!
My guess.
Sanji goes through with the wedding.

He pulls up the veil and, despite the third eye, kisses pudding on the spot.

Pudding falls in love with Sanji but he and his family make their escape with the rest of the Strawhats.

We set up for the Reviere arc. Pudding is Hancock 2.0, vowing to actually marry Sanji one day.


No. Just.....no.


My guess.
Sanji goes through with the wedding.

He pulls up the veil and, despite the third eye, kisses pudding on the spot.

Pudding falls in love with Sanji but he and his family make their escape with the rest of the Strawhats.

We set up for the Reviere arc. Pudding is Hancock 2.0, vowing to actually marry Sanji one day.


There is actually a part of this I would love to see...


get some go again
man bobbin is such a disappointment. i thought he would be a big name fighter for big mom and instead turned out to be fodder. he got taken out by sanji of all people! there is no going back after that.
My guess.
Sanji goes through with the wedding.

He pulls up the veil and, despite the third eye, kisses pudding on the spot.

Pudding falls in love with Sanji but he and his family make their escape with the rest of the Strawhats.

We set up for the Reviere arc. Pudding is Hancock 2.0, vowing to actually marry Sanji one day.


Tumblr would have a field day.

It answers why she didn't straight up start a war with them from the onset, which I still believe she could still win, but I accept that perhaps she just doesn't want the hassle. But it doesn't explain why she's waiting for the actual wedding.

For example, it's not like they're gonna be more vulnerable to a betrayal then than they would have been at, say, the dinner they had earlier. The Germa's had minimal guards since they arrived at whole cake island. They followed Big Mom on her tour, which meant she could have lead them into some kind of trap at any given time. That they wanted to test the Candyjacket bullets may be one explanation, but it's not like pudding planned to do that, it was just a coincidence. Which means it's not a vital component to consider, they're going to attack the vinsmokes no matter what.

So the only explanation that makes sense to me is that Big Mom just likes to have her parties.

The Germa army is all lab-grown clones, right? Maybe they're like the Unsullied in Game of Thrones; unquestionably loyal to their rightful masters according to whatever customs make someone their rightful masters.

Maybe the Germa army literally won't obey anyone but a Vinsmoke, and so Big Mom wants Pudding to become one for that reason.


Get Inside Her!
man bobbin is such a disappointment. i thought he would be a big name fighter for big mom and instead turned out to be fodder. he got taken out by sanji of all people! there is no going back after that.

He actually seems pretty unfazed by that kick.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
It's a good scene, too. :(
Gonna be tough to find a replacement.

Yeah. Good news is they have time to find one. Next time he appears is Episode 629 in the middle of "Wake up" when he has a confrontation with Luffy.
In canon, it's in the early parts of Dressrosa when he's contacting Burgess.

Red Fire

Something interesting I forgot. Notice Pudding's reaction to Big Mom in this chapter. Looking somewhat put off by her savage speech. Very similar to the first time we saw her when Big Mom gobbled up a Homie but screamed in terror. What is it about her that causes that reaction? She seems just as mean and blood thirsty but then its like she has to take a step back from the awfulness of her mother. She seems a little more complex than I first thought.

Yup this is exactly what i immediately thought as well. It's the exact same expression she gave back then. Very interesting.

Also, i made a comment last week about how awesome brook is in this arc and that he is doing a pretty good job. Well after hearing that he managed to damage prometheus, zeus and the hat it got even better. Brook is AWESOME


Going from a baroque works flunky to discovering she is a princess with a tragic secret really feels jarrong for vivi
It feels like vivi was supposed to be a completely separate charcater

Ray Down

Going from a baroque works flunky to discovering she is a princess with a tragic secret really feels jarrong for vivi
It feels like vivi was supposed to be a completely separate charcater

Vivi was suppose to be a one off character originally.


A very tasteful one at that!

Chapter thoughts?

Well I already explained that there are more or less no huge gaping holes in why Big Mom isn't made aware of the situation she's in.

As for the chapter in general, it was alright. Just one of those OP chapters where you don't feel any real type of way about it, you just know that the next chapter or two is where the really good stuff lies.

That being said:

- I like how cool Brook continues to be. He's the first to hurt Big Mom's strongest homies, good for him!
- I agree with the whole interesting tidbit of how Pudding is lowkey disgusted with Big Mom's personality at times, hope Oda sheds more light on that
- Surprised even after all this, Sanji was really planning on dying. Like Christ man, grow some balls and get shit done lol. Luckily... Bobbin of all people reminded him what he has to do first and foremost.
- I said it before, but I found it interesting that Jinbe really was a "coward". It's comforting to know, because if he's joining, I always thought it'd be lame if he lost a body part or w/e. He needs to be as strong as possible. And it's such a Big Mom thing for her to rig the roulette wheel. She typically takes no chances, as expected.


Was the Princess a different character or did he shoehorned her into the Albasta arc.
This was my thought as well; ms monday wasnt meant to be princess of alabasta, but for some reason oda made her be the pincess character.

Also when inwas getting into the series i really liked eneru/enel but now i am liking crocodile a lot. His design finally won me over

Metal B

I think the problem isn't only that. You also had the soldier sleeping in Sanji's bed without any explanation, nobody asking where is Bruleé, nobody except Mont D'or doubting the Luffy and Nami whereabouts.
It just seemed to me that Oda wanted to rush the reunion and i making up excuses to a surprise attack. To me just the FI's bomb and Sanji knowing about the plan would be enough.
You misunderstood the point of this chapter: the guards are extreme inefficient. To comical level! There was no need for Oda to put a soldier in Sanji's bed, a human shape would have been enough. But not only doesn't it fit the body type of Sanji, it's a guard itself, that made the shape.
Oda wanted to be very clear by his depicture of the guards. From false reports, misinterpreting of information, lack of communication, missing trust and even comical stupid mistakes. This is why the Strawhats now have the upper hand.
Oda also explained the reason in this chapter: they are to afraid of Big Mom. She has no problem killing her own children and break promises. This created an inefficient working environment, which was just waiting to fall apart. A good depicture of a fascist rulership.

In this sense also Jimbei decision to simply betray her is reasonable. You can't trust her and she always wants to have the upper hand. Big Mom could simply go through the wedding and have the support of the Vinsmoke Family. They have no plans to betray her and are clearly willing to support her cause. But Big Mom doesn't play this way, since she is simply extreme greedy and want anything under her iron fist.


You misunderstood the point of this chapter: the guards are extreme inefficient. To comical level! There was no need for Oda to put a soldier in Sanji's bed, a human shape would have been enough. But not only doesn't it fit the body type of Sanji, it's a guard itself, that made the shape.
Oda wanted to be very clear by his depicture of the guards. From false reports, misinterpreting of information, lack of communication, missing trust and even comical stupid mistakes. This is why the Strawhats now have the upper hand.
Oda also explained the reason in this chapter: they are to afraid of Big Mom. She has no problem killing her own children and break promises. This created an inefficient working environment, which was just waiting to fall apart. A good depicture of a fascist rulership.

In this sense also Jimbei decision to simply betray her is reasonable. You can't trust her and she always wants to have the upper hand. Big Mom could simply go through the wedding and have the support of the Vinsmoke Family. They have no plans to betray her and are clearly willing to support her cause. But Big Mom doesn't play this way, since she is simply extreme greedy and want anything under her iron fist.

I think you that misunderstood my point. I know that the guards are inefficient, the problem is that someone that is a Yonkou like BM should have better guards. If Luffy with a small crew could do that to BM, I wonder why the other Yonkous were never able to take her down.

Metal B

I think you that misunderstood my point. I know that the guards are inefficient, the problem is that someone that is a Yonkou like BM should have better guards. If Luffy with a small crew could do that to BM, I wonder why the other Yonkous were never able to take her down.
Because we talk about a specific problem in her defensives. All other parts are intact. She has great ways to get Intel about people entering her territory (she spotted the Strawhats easily), she has a big army of loyal servants and a good combat strength. She simply isn't very good at keeping small threads undercontroll. Sperated all the Strawhats had an easier time archiving their goals.

If we look at all the other Yonkous, nobody actually has a strength or a willingness in assignation, spionage or destroying tactical locations (maybe Blackbeard). Those look like good strategies to destroy her from the inside. Simply take away her food and Big Mom destroies her own army herself. Kaido and Whitebeard would attack directly, Shanks doesn't seem to have any interest.

There is still the possibility that Capone is using this weaknesses and fights Big Mom from the inside, but right now it plays into the hand of the Strawhats.
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