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One Piece Manga |OT2| Four Emperors, One King, All Blue

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Look at people trying to make reasons about Carrot in Nakama thread.

Dizzy is going to give me an headache with his stupid reasoning.


The poster literally thinks since she's a mink and she can draw she nakama material....

Yea I wouldn't use her being able to draw as evidence of her being nakama material. But at the same time, it'd be so cute if Oda actually expanded upon that random talent of hers. Not as in, a talent she's mastering or trying to master like the Straw Hats, but like, just make it a running gag I guess.


get some go again
carrot hasn't done anything which means she is going to end up being taken hostage and most likely traded for the road poneglyph copies. oh and yeah the last road poneglyph is most likely at elbaf. maybe big mom hates giants because they beat her away the last time she tried going there to find the lost road poneglyph.


I'm just learning that the anime apparently did a filler episode after Jack's second attack on Zou that features a lot of extra scenes of Carrot interacting with the Straw Hats as kind of a prelude to her deciding to journey with them. That's actually... a really good idea for filler? I may need to watch that now.

I thought so too.

Bobbin's bounty being 105.5mil, I feel like there's probably some Japanese pun in there we're missing. It's way too precise. Maybe it's like, "hyaku man go-go" and "go-go" is what they're translating in the panels to "boing" or SOMETHIN.

What's with him putting people to sleep? I just assume that's some Japanese folklore reference I didn't pick up on.


The fact that Carrot character development is in a filler makes me believe she isn't a future crew member more than before. If she was going to be in the crew Oda would put that in the manga.

Ray Down

It just I sick and tired of blantant bias and backtracking and ignoring shit when it comes to shit with fans.

Dizzy continues to forget he has gone on adnuseum in past posts about carrot drawing skills and how it makes her special if she were to join the crew, that her being there means she important ignoring there charcaters like this every arc, continues to just be dismissive of Jinbei dream and says other people can carry that torch yet Carrot wanting to see the sea makes her a candidate, argues that Carrot and Chopper aren't simullar at all even though they are and ignores Luffy statements of minks being just a bunch of choppers (You know cause he belives being a mink is special), argued for Carrot being a lookout or Sea artist (Two positions not needed at all or expressed by luffy as a want) yet scuffs at Jinbei being the helmsman even though its be refrenced in the past.

And contiues the whole spepail about she could have important past/be important in the next arc even though those arc will have more characters and will not have enough screen time for her and nothing hints at any significant past or tragic past..... but she could so I'll ignore what people brought up.

And even then when someone linked a post from AP about design and saying carrot needs more then just being a rabbit girl to be unique and yet a poster brings up brings up 4 points.

Three of which are traits of rabbit and one trait she fucking lost in WCI, did he not read the post?

Ugh, its just that I think Nakama discussions are so filled with personal bias and fingers in ear that it drives me up a wall and the fact they never back down, I have shit with Pudding going but I'm fully willing to admit I like her and will back down.

Hell if the posters just admited they liked carrot and wanted her to join that be fine but no some poster try to make up a stuff to suit shit.

It doesn't help some of these guys white knight the Vinsmokes and hype them up at every chance.

Just from today I've seen people argue that the Vinsmokes can just defeat BM, that they will just make people there servants and find nothing wrong in it, that they have a ancient weapon, that they have done nothing evil to derserve words like evil, brutal, that sanji should forgive his brothers for what they did and ignore that they don't have empathy and try to paint them as the real victims. That there should just be a deus ex machina item to turn them good because they deserve it.

Seriously some of these poster I complain about are part of fanclubs like Carrt4Nakamahypetrain and Vinsmoke clubs and arguee they don't have any kind of implict bias or never tryed to paint things a certain way.

And then I'm accused of underestimating Nami becuase I pointed out the fault of accusing Pudding of being weak and useless with out her gun when the same thing can be pointed and thrown at Nami a character said posters defended.

And thrown an accusation of calling Carrot useless/unimportnat when I've been consistant on saying she a side character and will join the fleet and said she not a crutial character that has gotten alot of focus like Luffy, Sanji, BM, Nami, Pudding, Brooke or hell even Pedro.

It just some fans just make me wanna:

If Elbaf is in the New World, why are the Giants on it so useless.

How are they useless?

Yea I wouldn't use her being able to draw as evidence of her being nakama material. But at the same time, it'd be so cute if Oda actually expanded upon that random talent of hers. Not as in, a talent she's mastering or trying to master like the Straw Hats, but like, just make it a running gag I guess.

I can see it as a character gag/trait like Kanjiro.

carrot hasn't done anything which means she is going to end up being taken hostage and most likely traded for the road poneglyph copies. oh and yeah the last road poneglyph is most likely at elbaf. maybe big mom hates giants because they beat her away the last time she tried going there to find the lost road poneglyph.

That could be one, I als o had two thoughts:

1. BM dream of uniting all races under her could be some result of persecusion she exprienced due to her beingHalf-Giant.

2. Lola was supposed to marry some prince of Elbaf or a high ranking member of there society.


That's why I don't really bother getting too into it outside of like joke posts, even on here where it's far more civil. Because like... Oda just does what he wants at the end of the day. Any serious arguing I'd do in support of Carrot or whoever is just pointless, and would end up making me look biased af, end up moving goalposts, etc. etc. It just always devolves into people wanting to tear each other down until the other person basically accepts they're wrong. Same shit happened back in the Dressrosa arc. Anyways, all I know is she a stowaway out of nowhere, so blame Oda for putting it in my head. :(

So all I do now is just chill... and have faith lmao


No Scrubs
Literally everything about Elbaf, an island we've never seen, screams "here there be Poneglyph"

Yea, the Giants having the final road poneglyph makes too much sense. I mean, if you want to protect something why not leave it with the one group of guys no one wants to fuck with?

Ray Down

And no he goes liking a post telling people not to be iron klad and not look like a fool, hypocrite.

That's why I don't really bother getting too into it outside of like joke posts, even on here where it's far more civil. Because like... Oda just does what he wants at the end of the day. Any serious arguing I'd do in support of Carrot or whoever is just pointless, and would end up making me look biased af, end up moving goalposts, etc. etc. It just always devolves into people wanting to tear each other down until the other person basically accepts they're wrong. Same shit happened back in the Dressrosa arc. Anyways, all I know is she a stowaway out of nowhere, so blame Oda for putting it in my head. :(

So all I do now is just chill... and have faith lmao

Yeah Dressrosa is the best example/lesson of not being iron clad on who is joining.

Your faith is wasted :p


Zou and Whole Cake have been the two worst arcs post timeskip, One Piece is turning into a poorly written/structured caricature of itself.
Not to mention how far the arts fallen.


I don't even dislike any of the arcs post-timeskip, but I would easily say stuff like Fishman Island, Punk Hazard, or even Dressrosa are weaker arcs. But okay...


I agree that WCI is worse than Zou, but it's because Zou is great, it's by far the best post timeskip arc for me and better than most pre timeskip arcs too


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
With the slight exception of the Giant in Dressrosa who beat Machvise, all of the giants have been straight up fodder. Specifically fodder meant to show how strong some "normal" sized people are, a la Whitebeard and Luffy in the Marineford Arc.

If you're a giant in One Piece, being weak is heavily implied.

Oars doesn't count, even though he was totally foddered to show how strong the Shichibukai were.


Just from today I've seen people argue that the Vinsmokes can just defeat BM, that they will just make people there servants and find nothing wrong in it, that they have a ancient weapon, that they have done nothing evil to derserve words like evil, brutal, that sanji should forgive his brothers for what they did and ignore that they don't have empathy and try to paint them as the real victims. That there should just be a deus ex machina item to turn them good because they deserve it.

Uh....not that I want to defend Sanji or anything, but his brothers have been blatantly, cartoonishly, hilariously, stupidly evil in such a way that it even feels exaggerated by OP's standards of villainy.

Their entire character is them being the biggest possible bag of dicks they can be.

I mean, I don't mind. Their victim was mostly Sanji, so who cares. But who looks at that and thinks "These guys seem like they have hidden hearts of gold!"? Their kingdom is based on Nazi germany for christ sake. ...wait, maybe they're Alt-Right conservatives.

Ray Down

Uh....not that I want to defend Sanji or anything, but his brothers have been blatantly, cartoonishly, hilariously, stupidly evil in such a way that it even feels exaggerated by OP's standards of villainy.

Their entire character is them being the biggest possible bag of dicks they can be.

I mean, I don't mind. Their victim was mostly Sanji, so who cares. But who looks at that and thinks "These guys seem like they have hidden hearts of gold!"? Their kingdom is based on Nazi germany for christ sake. ...wait, maybe they're Alt-Right conservatives.

That could explain their love for Nazi.

Ray Down

Blackleg if your still watching this thread good buddy get an ava of Sanji crying face in this chapter.

Make yourself more presentable and less like a bitch.
Zou and Whole Cake have been the two worst arcs post timeskip, One Piece is turning into a poorly written/structured caricature of itself.
Not to mention how far the arts fallen.

Craziness. They've both been great arcs.

Did you forget Fishman Island?

I'd say right now is the best the manga has been since Marineford.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
It's occurred to me a few times that a simple rubbing might not be enough, they might need the actual road poneglyphs to find Raftel.

I don't think so - Roger didn't steal the physical poneglyph from Big Mom, did he?
Craziness. They've both been great arcs.

Did you forget Fishman Island?

I'd say right now is the best the manga has been since Marineford.
Both would be nice.
Elaborate. Because I can't even tell if you're trolling or not.

Nope, I've been consistently talking down on One Piece since the end of Dressrosa.
Zou had nothing for me, no peaks, no thematic value on par with other arcs, no interesting interactions, and a meh climax as far as i'm concerned, it was "talking: the arc", which shouldn't be a problem for me because I typically love One Piece dialogue, but seeing the Strawhats walk across the elephant meeting with various Meeks was the opposite of interesting, I have no idea how people can compare this to incredible Mini Arcs like Jaya, I've re read it four times and all I get is the same feeling of absolute nothing and degraded plotting from Oda.

Did it have less flaws the each of the previous post-timeskip arcs? Yes, but that doesn't mean much to me when I feel it doesn't do much at all, I also don't care one iota about the greater mystery in the series, the only time I talk about the void century/poneglyphs is when I'm trying to figure out Oda's thematic goals with the WG/Marines/Blackbeard/Luffy and wondering about the past of the Gorosei and why they became so obsessed with maintaining the status quo, so that did nothing to bump it up in my estimate.

Nothing in the arc compares to the initial Violet/Sanji interactions, Fujitora's introduction, the build up of the blocks, nothing matches Cavendish's character, nothing comes close to touching Oda's amazing work with Bellamy, nothing comes close to the initial climax of all the plot threads with Sanji going at Doflamingo coupled with Law getting punked and then the Big Mom pirates come in, and the list just goes on and on.

And Zou started One Piece on the trainwreck of Whole Cake, where now the series feels like some island hopping video game nonsense rather than the excellent story I know it as.

Whole Cake man, Whole Cake is just bad, it's like if you took every flaw from Fishman Island-Dressrosa and upped it by ten.
With worse art that leads to worse sequencing, which leads to worse paneling, worse action, and a degraded atmosphere compared to previous arcs.
I'm boggled at how anyone can complain about Dressrosa or Punk Hazard when each villain we've seen so far has had duller character than the Yeti Cool Brothers (not that the Yeti Cool Brothers are bad, I love them/have all of their pages downloaded and was incredibly disappointed with how Oda took them out), worse action than the Yeti Cool Brothers, and has been handled even worse/more haphazardly.
The Pekoms/Tamago fight was pathetic.

The entire Chopper/Carrot escape was a masterclass in diminishing hype/erasing quality character designs, and the gag ending to the Luffy fight was ridiculous (and no I have no issues with gags, I love gags in most fights, I just think that was handled poorly especially with the skipping around).
This arc has been dragged out worse than the running on PH as well, no villain matches up with Vergo or Monet, and Big mom doesn't come close to touching Ceaser Clown in effectiveness and in intimidation.
-No mysterious build up/epic reveal
-No style
-No callousness displayed as effectively as Ceasers (in fact, I kind of hate how blatantly disgusting Oda's made Big mom in comparison to his treatment of the male Yonkou)
-No suffocation or gaslight moments
-No worthwhile dialogue thus far
-Doesn't even have half of the intimidation of Hancock

She doesn't even touch don Kreig or Kuro as far as i'm concerned, at least Don Kreigs thematic value was off the charts.
There's no moment in this arc I would even call equivalent to Law/Smoker's initial confrontation.
Mocha/Chopper>>>>>>>anything here.

This feels more like Oda trying to write One Piece than Oda just writing One Piece, especially with the characters.
It's taken Oda's pattern of giving characters individual moments that while not being big in terms of character change allow for them to get a cool line off and boiled it down to it's simplest essence, while showing even less (like with Brook vs Big Mom) than he would shown before.
Brook's moment's this arc pale in comparison to his fight with Zeo or even the moment in Punk Hazard where he froze the guns on the centaurs and cause the blowback, or his cool moments with Kinemon.
And the wackiness feels more like forced wackiness than actual One Piece whimsy (not to mention the whole Island being a bootleg Thriller Bark).
Tension feels more forced than anything I've seen in this series, and I don't know how anyone could tolerate it being drawn out like this and then complain about the running on PH.
I also don't buy into the notion that Sanji needed any change, nothing here feels as genuine or heartfelt as his dynamic with Kinemon or the children as far as i'm concerned, and none of his character moments are on par with what we saw there/neither is his badassery (same goes for Dressrosa Sanji), all of this for Luffy too.

And I hate that at this point I still can't find the thematic core or one thematic point in this arc, well I can but it involves stretching and trying to ignore poor links by Oda, ugh and so much more, I've written it out better than this, but I'm just venting my frustration at the state of my favorite manga.


get some go again
oh btw who is gonna be the one that gets shot multiple times by pudding and still survives? carrot? you know it's gonna happen. maybe she gets shot on a day with a full moon and we see why minks are more powerful during it.
Nope, I've been consistently talking down on One Piece since the end of Dressrosa.

Zou had nothing for me, no peaks, no thematic value on par with other arcs, no interesting interactions, and a meh climax as far as i'm concerned, it was "talking: the arc", which shouldn't be a problem for me because I typically love One Piece dialogue, but seeing the Strawhats walk across the elephant meeting with various Meeks was the opposite of interesting, I have no idea how people can compare this to incredible Mini Arcs like Jaya, I've re read it four times and all I get is the same feeling of absolute nothing and degraded plotting from Oda.

If the "Raizo-dono is safe" chapter or any of the road poneglyph chapters did nothing for you, then I think that's all on you and how you set up your expectations.

Zou, first-and-foremost, is a transition/world-building arc that serves to not only provide exposition for the rest of the crew that's been out of the loop, but to also set up for WCI and Wano.
No idea why you're comparing it to Jaya.

It seems some of your grievances come from the arc subverting some of your expectations.

Did it have less flaws the each of the previous post-timeskip arcs? Yes, but that doesn't mean much to me when I feel it doesn't do much at all,

Doesn't do much of what exactly? You'll have to be more specific.

I also don't care one iota about the greater mystery in the series,
Okay now you're not making any sense when you say that but then say:
the only time I talk about the void century/poneglyphs is when I'm trying to figure out Oda's thematic goals with the WG/Marines/Blackbeard/Luffy and wondering about the past of the Gorosei and why they became so obsessed with maintaining the status quo, so that did nothing to bump it up in my estimate.

Because this right here ties into the greater mystery of the series. It's inseparable.

So, you don't care for the overarching mystery of One Piece, but you care about the mystery of the Gorosei, Blackbeard, Luffy, etc. who are tied within that mystery?


Nothing in the arc compares to the initial Violet/Sanji interactions, Fujitora's introduction, the build up of the blocks, nothing matches Cavendish's character, nothing comes close to touching Oda's amazing work with Bellamy, nothing comes close to the initial climax of all the plot threads with Sanji going at Doflamingo coupled with Law getting punked and then the Big Mom pirates come in, and the list just goes on and on.

Half of this just feels like random scenes from Dressrosa you pulled from memory.
How does the bolded even drastically shift the story and plot?
Zou is not on the same spectacle scale as Dressrosa, because both arcs are intentionally structured completely differently.

And Zou started One Piece on the trainwreck of Whole Cake, where now the series feels like some island hopping video game nonsense rather than the excellent story I know it as.

What are you even talking about here?

Whole Cake man, Whole Cake is just bad, it's like if you took every flaw from Fishman Island-Dressrosa and upped it by ten.
With worse art that leads to worse sequencing, which leads to worse paneling, worse action, and a degraded atmosphere compared to previous arcs.

Even though art is subjective, this recent chapter alone disproves that "worse art" statement.
Please provide examples for what you deem to be "worse sequencing", "worse paneling", "worse action", and this "degraded atmosphere".
I'll wait.

I'm boggled at how anyone can complain about Dressrosa or Punk Hazard when each villain we've seen so far has had duller character than the Yeti Cool Brothers (not that the Yeti Cool Brothers are bad, I love them/have all of their pages downloaded and was incredibly disappointed with how Oda took them out), worse action than the Yeti Cool Brothers, and has been handled even worse/more haphazardly.
Big Mom alone has more moral ambiguity and more interesting characterization than half of the Donquixote Pirates. Even though she's overrepresented here, Pudding has more interesting character dynamics going on than...lol...the Yeti Cool Bros.

The Yeti Cool Bros were so exciting with their one-note emotionless dialogue.

The entire Chopper/Carrot escape was a masterclass in diminishing hype/erasing quality character designs,

I'm gonna need some further elaboration.
Diminishing hype? How many people were getting hyped for...lol...Brulee?
Erasing quality character designs? What?

and the gag ending to the Luffy fight was ridiculous (and no I have no issues with gags, I love gags in most fights, I just think that was handled poorly especially with the skipping around).
I...mostly agree.

This arc has been dragged out worse than the running on PH as well
Pacing has been brisk this arc. I'm not seeing how you would think less has happened in the last ten chapters compared to ten chapters of running in Punk Hazard.

no villain matches up with Vergo or Monet,


I think you're alone on that one.

and Big mom doesn't come close to touching Ceaser Clown in effectiveness and in intimidation.

Caesar "I'm going to lead all my enemies directly towards me with my Poison gas chasing after them" Clown

-No mysterious build up/epic reveal
It's like you haven't been reading the last ten chapters.
-No style
Sure, Jane.
-No callousness displayed as effectively as Ceasers (in fact, I kind of hate how blatantly disgusting Oda's made Big mom in comparison to his treatment of the male Yonkou)
Why would an antagonist who has been characterized as morally gray and not at all like your typical One Piece villain need to be callous?

-No suffocation or gaslight moments
I guess Pudding has escaped your memory.
All according to keikaku.

-No worthwhile dialogue thus far

I'm trying hard to remember the worthwhile dialogue between the Yeti Cool Bros.

-Doesn't even have half of the intimidation of Hancock

Hancock sure was intimidating with her kicking of cute animals.

She doesn't even touch don Kreig or Kuro as far as i'm concerned, at least Don Kreigs thematic value was off the charts.

The thematic values of what exactly? I feel like your just giving me half-answers now.
There's no moment in this arc I would even call equivalent to Law/Smoker's initial confrontation.

Mocha/Chopper>>>>>>>anything here.

99% sure you're trolling here.

This feels more like Oda trying to write One Piece than Oda just writing One Piece, especially with the characters.
It's taken Oda's pattern of giving characters individual moments that while not being big in terms of character change allow for them to get a cool line off and boiled it down to it's simplest essence, while showing even less (like with Brook vs Big Mom) than he would shown before.
Brook's moment's this arc pale in comparison to his fight with Zeo or even the moment in Punk Hazard where he froze the guns on the centaurs and cause the blowback, or his cool moments with Kinemon.
And the wackiness feels more like forced wackiness than actual One Piece whimsy (not to mention the whole Island being a bootleg Thriller Bark).
Tension feels more forced than anything I've seen in this series, and I don't know how anyone could tolerate it being drawn out like this and then complain about the running on PH.
I also don't buy into the notion that Sanji needed any change, nothing here feels as genuine or heartfelt as his dynamic with Kinemon or the children as far as i'm concerned, and none of his character moments are on par with what we saw there/neither is his badassery (same goes for Dressrosa Sanji), all of this for Luffy too.

And I hate that at this point I still can't find the thematic core or one thematic point in this arc, well I can but it involves stretching and trying to ignore poor links by Oda, ugh and so much more, I've written it out better than this, but I'm just venting my frustration at the state of my favorite manga.

It's odd how when I asked for an elaboration, I end up being even more confused.
It feels like you're trying to convey your frustration through loosely-threaded buzzwords and weak reasoning.
Your first sentence exemplifies that.


Zou and Whole Cake have been the two worst arcs post timeskip, One Piece is turning into a poorly written/structured caricature of itself.
Not to mention how far the arts fallen.
Should lay off the meth while reading OP then.
Worse than fishman island? Geez

I think I lile Veelk's opinion more than yours


Well Oda knew that, he's been on the crew the shortest and got the shot etc end of the stick as a result.

Actually, it was more of his showings as there's been plenty of time to show him off well. (at least to me anyway)

This particular showing was far more power than his previous, like the dude was fighting a heavily one sided battle solo which is impressive for him and still managed to snag the rubbings.

Should lay off the meth while reading OP then.
Worse than fishman island? Geez

I think I lile Veelk's opinion more than yours

Ayy, dawg. Fishman Island may have had some pretty underwhelming fights overall, but the message it gives is really good as is the story.
carrot hasn't done anything which means she is going to end up being taken hostage and most likely traded for the road poneglyph copies. oh and yeah the last road poneglyph is most likely at elbaf. maybe big mom hates giants because they beat her away the last time she tried going there to find the lost road poneglyph.

Yea, the Giants having the final road poneglyph makes too much sense. I mean, if you want to protect something why not leave it with the one group of guys no one wants to fuck with?

I like this phrasing from B-Dubs because you could use it to say that the WG left the last one with the giants to protect it. I find it incredibly unlikely that these stones exist and the Admirals/Celestial Dragons don't have at least 1 of them. A quick strike by all of the Admirals would pull it off (hell, Kizaru could get rubbings really quickly if he wanted to). The WG has got to get involved in these stones somehow, but I also could see the last one on Elbaf. Combine those two and I think it works the best.

Uh....not that I want to defend Sanji or anything, but his brothers have been blatantly, cartoonishly, hilariously, stupidly evil in such a way that it even feels exaggerated by OP's standards of villainy.

Their entire character is them being the biggest possible bag of dicks they can be.

I mean, I don't mind. Their victim was mostly Sanji, so who cares. But who looks at that and thinks "These guys seem like they have hidden hearts of gold!"? Their kingdom is based on Nazi germany for christ sake. ...wait, maybe they're Alt-Right conservatives.

Yeah, Germa is rotten to the core.

And I like your new avatar.

villain we've seen so far has had duller character than the Yeti Cool Brothers (not that the Yeti Cool Brothers are bad, I love them/have all of their pages downloaded and was incredibly disappointed with how Oda took them out), worse action than the Yeti Cool Brothers, and has been handled even worse/more haphazardly.

I had to google these guys. Didn't remember them at all.

-No mysterious build up/epic reveal

Pudding's reveal was a pretty big deal.

And I hate that at this point I still can't find the thematic core or one thematic point in this arc, well I can but it involves stretching and trying to ignore poor links by Oda, ugh and so much more, I've written it out better than this, but I'm just venting my frustration at the state of my favorite manga.

The theme is family. Sanji dealing with his old family, trying to save his new families (Baratie and the Straw Hats), and of course Big Mom herself and her callous view of the value of children (as nothing but pawns or currency).

The theme is definitely family.


If Elbaf is in the New World, why are the Giants on it so useless.

It does often appear that as soon as giant bursts into action they are doomed to fail.

With the ones from Elbaf it has been said that Dorry and Broggy led very formidable crews that regular sized rivals just couldn't handle. It was expressed later on by dude at Dressrosa that the giant pirates had more or less fallen from grace and he was trying to rebuild them to their former glory.

I guess while Dorry and Broggy were having their Zoro/Sanji argument for the last 100 years the rest of the crew just fell apart and no one at home stepped up to keep the warriors formidable.

Look at people trying to make reasons about Carrot in Nakama thread.

Dizzy is going to give me an headache with his stupid reasoning.


The poster literally thinks since she's a mink and she can draw she nakama material....

Yeah that guy really doesn't know his stuff. I'd like to see him pull that at Arlong Park.

Once people get emotionally invested in something its hard for them to denounce it in any way.

I was really against the idea of Jinbe joining at one point. Would you believe me if I said that back in 2008 a guy I used to post with brought up this huge theory as to why Jinbe was most likely to be the next crew mate? 9 years later almost everything he said back then holds up today and and and... He gave this theory before Jinbe was actually seen on panel with Ace in Impel Down?

I think about it now and its just incredible to me. I completely look at the series entirely differently now since then. Though it took 2 years for him to convince me that Jinbe would join. Eventually I just realized everything added up way too much and I was simply biased because I thought Jinbe was ugly and too strong. I can't imagine many folks can admit they are biased and wrong. It's a tough pill to swallow.

I can find the super epic post if anyone is interested.

Also about Bobbin, as the disposer he is probably like the cleaner in the mafia group who gets his work done and gets rid of people quietly with little to no one knowing what happened. That sleeping ability and his low bounty may be related to all that.

I'm expecting Bobbin to be Sanji's first conclusive 1on1 fight since the time skip. I imagine Bobbin might actually be proud that his bounty is so low comparatively to guys like Cracker, Tomago and Pekoms because it means he does his job very well. At the same time I expect him to brag that while his bounty is lower he is easily on the level of HIS B300 million & B400 million brothers and sisters.


The theme is definitely family.

This. Thought it was obvious tbh

I was really against the idea of Jinbe joining at one point. Would you believe me if I said that back in 2008 a guy I used to post with brought up this huge theory as to why Jinbe was most likely to be the next crew mate? 9 years later almost everything he said back then holds up today and and and... He gave this theory before Jinbe was actually seen on panel with Ace in Impel Down?

I think about it now and its just incredible to me. I completely look at the series entirely differently now since then. Though it took 2 years for him to convince me that Jinbe would join. Eventually I just realized everything added up way too much and I was simply biased because I thought Jinbe was ugly and too strong. I can't imagine many folks can admit they are biased and wrong. It's a tough pill to swallow.

That's one of the best parts about One Piece, the crazy theories everyone comes up with. And when one turns out to be true, it's just a total "Holy Shit" moment. I love it lol
The theme is family. Sanji dealing with his old family, trying to save his new families (Baratie and the Straw Hats), and of course Big Mom herself and her callous view of the value of children (as nothing but pawns or currency).

The theme is definitely family.

Sorry, but I can't understand such an esoteric theme.

Can you explain it in terms of Mocha/Chopper scenes?
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