Robby & Arlong would rip the poster a new a-hole.
Yeah that guy really doesn't know his stuff. I'd like to see him pull that at Arlong Park.
Robby & Arlong would rip the poster a new a-hole.
Yeah that guy really doesn't know his stuff. I'd like to see him pull that at Arlong Park.
I bet he thought Paulie, Kaku, or (longshot) Iceberg was going to be the shipwright!I was really against the idea of Jinbe joining at one point. Would you believe me if I said that back in 2008 a guy I used to post with brought up this huge theory as to why Jinbe was most likely to be the next crew mate? 9 years later almost everything he said back then holds up today and and and... He gave this theory before Jinbe was actually seen on panel with Ace in Impel Down?
I think about it now and its just incredible to me. I completely look at the series entirely differently now since then. Though it took 2 years for him to convince me that Jinbe would join. Eventually I just realized everything added up way too much and I was simply biased because I thought Jinbe was ugly and too strong. I can't imagine many folks can admit they are biased and wrong. It's a tough pill to swallow.
I can find the super epic post if anyone is interested.
I can find the super epic post if anyone is interested.
I like this phrasing from B-Dubs because you could use it to say that the WG left the last one with the giants to protect it. I find it incredibly unlikely that these stones exist and the Admirals/Celestial Dragons don't have at least 1 of them. A quick strike by all of the Admirals would pull it off (hell, Kizaru could get rubbings really quickly if he wanted to). The WG has got to get involved in these stones somehow, but I also could see the last one on Elbaf. Combine those two and I think it works the best.
Yeah that guy really doesn't know his stuff. I'd like to see him pull that at Arlong Park.
Once people get emotionally invested in something its hard for them to denounce it in any way.
I was really against the idea of Jinbe joining at one point. Would you believe me if I said that back in 2008 a guy I used to post with brought up this huge theory as to why Jinbe was most likely to be the next crew mate? 9 years later almost everything he said back then holds up today and and and... He gave this theory before Jinbe was actually seen on panel with Ace in Impel Down?
I think about it now and its just incredible to me. I completely look at the series entirely differently now since then. Though it took 2 years for him to convince me that Jinbe would join. Eventually I just realized everything added up way too much and I was simply biased because I thought Jinbe was ugly and too strong. I can't imagine many folks can admit they are biased and wrong. It's a tough pill to swallow.
I can find the super epic post if anyone is interested.
It's interesting that on this food-themed island, we've seen Luffy at both his most stuffed state and at his most hungriest state.
Food for thought.
It's crazy how the series took a years-long giant detour like that.Hold up, so after wataer 7 the gang were supposed to go to fishman island right? But they ended up dealing with duval, then the whole thriller bark thing and then sabaody and impel down, then u had the two year skip.
How long does a log pose stay pointing to a destination for?
To be fair I understand Paulie, that arc showed we need a shipwright and he was one.I bet he thought Paulie, Kaku, or (longshot) Iceberg was going to be the shipwright!
Hold up, so after wataer 7 the gang were supposed to go to fishman island right? But they ended up dealing with duval, then the whole thriller bark thing and then sabaody and impel down, then u had the two year skip.
How long does a log pose stay pointing to a destination for?
Before Lucci and co. are revealed to be villains it could have been any of them.To be fair I understand Paulie, that arc showed we need a shipwright and he was one.
He's basically a giant red herring.
Also Nami, who always wears the log, was send to a artificial sky-Island. That's why you have to love Oda. Sometimes he really is smart about avoiding plot-holes.It points to an island until it's reoriented by another grand line island's magnetic field. Given Thriller Bark isn't a grand line island and Sabody isn't an island at all, there was never a chance for it to reset.
Feel free to dip me in tar, throw feathers on me, and then light me on fire for saying this, but-- Given Jinbei's build-up over the years, his comparison in "stature" to Arlong (who we know isn't incredibly powerful), the fact that he was captured and thrown in jail, the fact that he is a fishman, the seemingly possible fact that he no longer has a crew, the fact that Luffy essentially did was Fisher Tiger did (I presume Jinbei idolized Fisher Tiger), and the high chance that Luffy will break him out of prison lead anyone to believe he might actually be the next nakama? I mean, sure, I have said in the past that a Shichibukai would overshadow Luffy's position as captain, but that was when we were talking about Hancock, who I felt had other reasons behind that. No, I am not saying JINBEI 4 NAKAMA!?!#@#?@$@BBQ!#@1!? Rather, does anyone else find it to be a possibility that given Jinbei's stance on the war, the fact that he would need to be released from the prison, the fact that the crew is still short two people, the fact that Fishman island is next, and a few other things that Jinbei might be a contender for the position?
Keep in mind I have no current "desire" for Jinbei to join (especially since he is still so mysterious), and I am not saying he should join or that it would be cool if he did. Given that, for the sake of discussion let me give the basic reasons why I considered it:
Jinbei (I assume) idolized or looked up to Fisher Tiger for who he was and what he did. Luffy just did essentially the same thing to the Tenryuubito, and would now be breaking Jinbei out of prison to save Ace and (indirectly) stop the war that Jinbei was obviously "going wild" about.
Jinbei is a Shichibukai, yes, but we do not know exactly how strong he is. The crew definitely needs more powerhouses, and a Fishman is a great choice if you ask me. Jinbei was compared (perhaps outdated and unfair) to Arlong in terms of social standing, so I am going to assume Jinbei is more like Moria/Crocodile/Hancock level strength rather than Blackbeard/Mihawk. Pure speculation, but enough to assume that he might not be much (if at all) stronger than Zoro and Sanji. In fact, I think he would be a nice addition to the top tier, having infamy similar to Zoro's "Pirate Hunter" past. And of course Sanji has something similar, being the apprentice of 'Red Leg' Zeff and having his own similar title now ('Black Leg' Sanji). Not to mention that -- while we don't really know the circumstances -- he was caught and thrown into Impel Down against his will when he went on his rampage. If he can get caught, I cannot imagine him being godly like some people make him out to be.
I assume -- due to the terms for becoming a Shichibukai for him and the splitting of Arlong and co -- that by now Jinbei has no active crew. Given that, he is essentially a one man deal, so (again) were Luffy to break him out of prison and let him know what is going on I can definitely see him (at least) helping Luffy out until the end of the arc. At the end of the arc, he would learn they were heading to Fishman Island and would probably offer up to be a guide since Hachi is injured still.
Assuming again that he assists Luffy at all, his title as Shichibukai would be stripped. Combine that with Luffy's goals, past actions, current actions, next destination, ultimate goal, and stance with the WG I can see him "looking up to" Luffy in the same way he once looked up to Fisher Tiger. Add that to his lack of crew and status, and why not!?
Jinbei must have a sad past (as a slave?), and could easily have a flashback. More Fisher Tiger anyone?
Jinbei would be another role to help complete the whole Tenryuubito ordeal. Especially since we know Hancock will need to return to her island after the "War" and would lose her position if she were spotted assisting Luffy.
Aside from the Tenryuubito issue, if Jinbei joined or helped guide the SHP's through FI, he could also be the main conflict in that arc. Some issue with the locals and who he is and such. Though I would assume he would be respected, you never know considering he "sided" with the Government for years as a Shichibukai.
Assuming Jinbei is the 'Martin Luther King' type, and thus wants to smooth things over between Human and Fishman, his dream could be to show that they can coexist together by traveling with Luffy. (A stretch, but I thought I would toss it in).
I still think that if any human has a chance of smoothing things over between any Fishman/men, it's Luffy. Not only because Luffy is who he is, but also because he immitated (well, not intentionally) Fisher Tiger by knocking the Tenryuubito down a peg or two, but also by openly opposing the WG and now infiltrating Impel Down (similar to scaling Red Line for Fisher Tiger) despite the insane odds against him. 'Course, Luffy is a dumbass and Fisher Tiger was likely a smart guy, but given the opportunity anyone can see Luffy has a heart of gol...d. I could see Jinbei befriending him for those reasons (plus Luffy freeing him from prison, plus his war-opposing notion to save Ace), and then becoming the conflict at Fisman Island because he took sides with the WG as Shichibukai and then shows up with a group of Human cronies.
I did always assume that Yosaku's statement about Jinbei's status and "letting Arlong loose" was meant to show that Jinbei forsook his crew (Arlong included) in order to gain his status with the WG. That would piss off the Fishman community (Arlong included) a good amount, and it would make perfect sense too. If the WG takes away the current leader (Jinbei, formerly Fisher Tiger) of the Fishman Pirates, who are a beacon of hope for the Fishman community, and in doing so makes the agreement under the condition that he leave his crew behind, then they successfully break up that "beacon of hope" and no longer have to worry that much about the Fishman community rising up against them more. Given the natural strength of the Fishman community, that would have been a large accomplishment. So making Jinbei Shichibukai gives them more strength, breaks up a troublesome pirate crew, dissipates any building hope or strength the Fishmen might have had, and forces Arlong to seek out a weaker zone to terrorize since he lost a lot of his backbone (Jinbei and such).
Quote Originally Posted by brennen.exe View Post
Here is what we know:
Quote Originally Posted by Stephen's Trans: Chapter 69
Yosaku: The problem is one of those Seven Armed Seas. The leader of the Fishman Pirates, "Jinbeh"!! In exchange for Jinbeh's participation in the Seven Armed Seas, he has set someone terrible loose in East Blue [...] known as "ARLONG"!!!
Quote Originally Posted by Stephen's
Trans: Chapter 506
Rayleigh: Hachi helped me out when I was stranded at sea, over 20 years ago. [...] We were good pals, up until he joined the Pirates of the Sun.
Quote Originally Posted by Stephen's Trans: Chapter 521
Hancock: Tiger formed the "Pirates of the Sun" out of ex-slaves and left the area! What you most likely mistook for my symbol was in fact the sun mark of the fishman pirates.
So, given that:
Jinbei was captain of the Fishman Pirates (read: "Pirates of the Sun")
Jinbei must have been captain over Arlong since he was "let loose" as a term.
The Fishman Pirates (of the sun) were likely disbanded when Jinbei became Shichibukai, as a term of joining, and thus some of the ex-crew joined with Arlong and sought out easier waters since they lost a lot of their power.
The Fishmen probably have some enmity towards Jinbei for doing that.
My theory checks out.
While I don't disagree that the "complicated battle history" Yosaku mentions might very well mean that Jinbei and Arlong butted heads, Yosaku says that part of Jinbei's terms were to let Arlong go. That's why I think it would make perfect sense if the WG thought they could kill two birds with one stone by eliminating the threat that Jinbei and the Fishmen give off by inspiring other Fishmen, while at the same time dispersing their crew entirely. In fact, I will expand on this by "theorizing" further about Jinbei: If Jinbei were a more 'Martin Luther King' Fishman, then perhaps he thought he could ease the tension between Humans and Fishmen by cooperating with the World Government. This would probably be misconstrued by his ex-crew as being a sellout, but perhaps he did it nonetheless in those hopes. That attitude would be reflected in not only his decision to not participate in the war, but also Sengoku's response. Where Sengoku might have assumed he would be all for the "cooperation", he didn't factor in that Jinbei would have wanted it to be made without spilling the blood of someone else (Whitebeard). Of course, that is all just a stab in the dark. I think we are taking this theorizing a little far, but I think most of the base speculation on this has enough information to at least be worth thinking on.
Edit: Oh snap! Jinbei's dream could be to show the world that Man and Fish(man) can coexist! O_O
Originally Posted by brennen.exe View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Chapter 528
Jinbei: Ain't nobody runnin' away, a'ight?!!!
Quote Originally Posted by Chapter 528
Jinbei: It ain' my body as hurts, Ace-san.........!!!
Quote Originally Posted by Chapter 528
Jinbei: I'll tell ya what's really hurtin'....!!! It's my heart... it's burstin' to deal out justice!!! My Shichibukai title be damned. I'd toss it out in an instant!!! I'd gladly give my own life if it meant puttin' an end to this fighting!!!
Confirmation he is still adamantly opposed to the war. Confirmation he is human-friendly; or at least can be. Confirmation he definitely still wants to take action, just not in cahoots with the WG/Marines. He is willing to throw away his title and status if it meant the chance to deal out justice. If he is willing to give his life for that and willing to give up his position, then surely he would have no issue with being released from prison and then following or assisting a guy who is opposing the WG and aiming to be the Pirate King, knocked in a few Tenryuubito heads, is friends with another Fishman, and busted into a prison to save his brother. Among other things. Not to mention he has a lower bounty -- albeit frozen -- than Luffy's.
Jinbei might have risen to the ranks of Captain and even Shichibukai, but right now he is locked in prison without a crew and title. He has fallen from what he might have had, and if anything his introduction is reminiscent of Zoro's. Remember Zoro already had a name for himself and fame enough to instill fear and or knowledge of "Pirate Hunter" Zoro all the way to Arabasta. Robin? Robin's name still puts fear into people; "The Demon of Ohara", and she was wanted and hated by the WG/Marines. Brook? ex-Captain with a bounty on his head; though old, he had established his own place in the world, so to speak. Franky was just as much a gangster as Jinbei might be, and was an actual enemy when he was introduced; not to mention he was apprentice to the world's greatest shipwright and was well known on Water 7. I thought that by now it was clear that there is no established theme outside flashback, sad past, dream, and unique trait / design / personality / style. I don't see how Jinbei would fall out of any of those categories. Well, granted he doesn't exactly have all of those established yet, he is well in line for them all.
Originally Posted by brennen.exe View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Chapter 440
[Dragon's Hideout; Example: Reputation]
Revolutionary: That's Straw Hat Luffy. The guy responsible for taking out Crocodile in Alabasta, as well as the latest Enies Lobby news. His crew's gotten so big, the government can't hide them anymore.
Quote Originally Posted by Chapter 500
[Saboady Amusement Park; Example: Looks]
People: {Look at that...It's Straw Hat Luffy, from East Blue!!}
^^ An example that Luffy and his crew are known all over the world for their reputation and that even regular people recognize their looks. There are a ton more, but those are two simple examples off the top of my head. The Shichibukai might have years of infamy and fear behind them, but the Strawhats have a ridiculously huge combined bounty -- everyone on the crew has a bounty -- with two members over 100mil. Not to mention Luffy's bounty is higher than most of the Shichibukai. I'm not saying that he is more scary or more renowned, just that in any given place he is -- as far as we know -- just as likely to be recognized as any Shichibukai, if not feared as well. If not for having a crazy ass crew, then for having huge bounties and having done crazy ass things like single handedly destroying a huge fortified Marine island/base. In short, having someone like Jinbei join might have seemed crazy years ago, but having him join with their current fame wouldn't be that big of a deal. Luffy could easily become a Shichibukai with his current fame and power -- I mean, he did take out two already -- and has goals to be the Pirate King, so having someone of Jinbei's caliber makes sense. Again, Jinbei joining couldn't be at a more perfect time since Luffy has now taken down two Shichibukai, made strong impressions with two other Shichibukai, and seduced yet another Shichibukai. Having one of the last ones join his ranks -- the last introduced, to boot -- because he lost his title, was stuck in prison, and still had goals to accomplish makes good sense and good timing, and adds to the fame and influence that "Straw Hat" Luffy has.
Originally Posted by MagneticMonkey View Post
We need to see what Jimbei's dream is. If we take the fact that he loves humans and hate wars and say that his dream is to stop the hate between the fishmen and the humans, and also take care of the slavery and stuff like that then i must say that his dream is not (IMO) enough to be a SH. Every SH has a unique dream which make them travel the whole GL.
Very true, but first you have to think about what intentions Jinbei might have had for joining the WG. If Jinbei's dreams are that, then likely he joined the Shichibukai to show the world that a fishman could work alongside them in a peaceful manner. If that isn't working out, then why not show the world by being part of the next Pirate King's crew? Travel the world and show people that you can live alongside humans just the same. Surely that news would spread as they travel. That's just my guess though. All of that is pure speculation and hypothesis.
i think so. i imagine he has a page for every destination he has been to and writes down the name of the person he wants to send there and pushes them there.It just now dawned on me that kuma's bible isnt a bible in the religous sense but rather a bible of the locations he had been to and marked with his paw paw powers.
Edit- ah unless i am misremembering how his power works but he just 'pushes' them to a destination he knows?
Back in 2008 they also didn't know he was a coward.
One Piece doesn't have an anime thread on GAF, right? I can't find it.
I mean, it'd depend on how willing they were to leave Marine HQ and Mariejois undefended for an extended period of time and how strong the giants on the island are. If it's anything like Amazon Lily it might not even be worth their effort to go get it, imagine having to deal with an island of warrior giants who could use haki. Even the admirals might not be enough to deal with that.
But yea, you could make the argument it's either on Mariejois or Elbaf. Personally I lean towards Elbaf because if the Marines had it there'd be some rumors about it, I doubt they could keep it a total secret.
what thread?I'm think oda needs to just tell ua everything. I don't think we have enough time. The nyt article in off topic is scaring me again![]()
I was wondering carrot's purpose in this arc.
I was initially thinking new member, but that seems unlikely based on how little she's done in the arc so far, she's mostly just interacts with bropper.
Chopper getting blasted by nami's thunder made me think...
what if she teaches chopper the mink static ability?
He's been quite overdue for a powerup.
what thread?
After Skypea i think around the Impel down/Marineford arc.Speaking of snimation, when the anime's animation wuality start going down? After or during skypiea?
The national security council.what thread?
Brook delivered! The attempts to rescue brook were fairly amusing. Also after everything that's happened it would have been funny if the random dog was able to successfully poach Luffy's meal.
Speaking of snimation, when the anime's animation wuality start going down? After or during skypiea?
Wait Law became a Warlord? I completely forgot about that if so.
In the time it took you to remember this, Law literally became a Warlord and was kicked out of the Warlords.Wait Law became a Warlord? I completely forgot about that if so.