Cindi Mayweather
Is... that so? Is there implicit good/bad with that phrase? Heel doesn't just imply "turn around?" I don't think I believe you.
Ya know, I didn't like the glare. The dodge was so slick, but the glare was too much, no longer slick, just angry.
A heel turn means turn bad.
A face turn means turn good.
There are wrestlers who are a mix of face and heel. They're called tweeners. As in, someone who blurs the line between good and bad and is kind in the middle: neither truly face but not heel.
So Luffy is a total face character. Doflamingo is a heel character. Someone like Bellamy, who has good intention but still fights for the bad guys is a tweener. Right now Pudding is heel and Oda is teasing a face turn.