I thought we read it for the F-bombs
There is a DB Super comparison that makes me fucking laugh my fucking ass off.
I thought we read it for the F-bombs
The point is, whether or not it's a character scene or a joke or whatever you want to call it, the payoff for the build up of what was going to happen with pudding over the course of the entire arc just didn't really hit me in any meaningful way when it's clearly supposed to evoke massive surprise or laughter.
If you want to delve into the semantics of what I was saying: a gag, to me, is a particular scene that's supposed to make the audience laugh by subverting expectations built up over time. That may not be your definition of a gag. I guess you all see a gag as a minor repeating joke, like usopp's impressions. What I was more getting at was something like Enel freaking out about luffy being unaffected by his powers after oda build that moment up over an entire arc.
Remember Crucify and Chill.
Remember when that was an actual line that was put into a chapter of One Piece.
Somebody kill my hype I'm starting to think sanji will fight dogtooth...it's just not realistic
JaminisBox translations are much better than MS. Don't know why it took me so long to discover them.
I don't think sanji could handle him unfortunately. If we look at cracker vs luffy.. it wasn't looking good for luffy until nami helped him out. And we are talking about GEAR 4 here, the most op shit ever
Granted that was because of cracker's fruit ability, which katakuri doesn't have. But he was built up as the strongest out of the 4 sweet commanders with a billion+ bounty. I'd imagine he would even be a tough one for luffy let alone sanji.
Laughed for a good minute at this post.The Pudding meltdowns in this thread.
That photo is going to have some sort of mega weakness/plot revelation to it that's going to be a giant Deus ex Machina that lets them beat Big Mom (albeit a probably awesome one)It does seem like Katakuri is OP because of his observation haki. If Sanji's his superior in that regard, or even his equal, he could potentially pull out a win.
Luffy vs Cracker was down purely to the devil fruit match-up. If Cracker had any other ability Luffy could have likely stomped him without going Gear 4.
I'm more interested to see how they deal with Big Mom. Despite everything she's still the biggest threat on the board and there's too many ways for this plan to go sideways.
That photo is going to have some sort of mega weakness/plot revelation to it that's going to be a giant Deus ex Machina that lets them beat Big Mom (albeit a probably awesome one)
Damnit Blackleg you pullin me in
Yeah he made a poor girl cry!SAAAAAANJI
You think was an angelYeah he made a poor girl cry!
Yeah he made a poor girl cry!
I subscribe to this interpretation and enjoyed the Pudding breakdown.I'm gonna play devil's advocate just for a minute here, despite having just said I think this was stupid. But this is at least a little better than a girl being won over and becoming a weak ineffectual mess by being called beautiful, which we've seen variations of in One Piece before. Mainly because Sanji has been fawning over her for ages now, and she's reflected 100% of it. It's not just a "womanly weakness" moment I don't think. Or at least, not too severe of one.
If we take the flashbacks at face value, unflinching acceptance of the third eye is probably enough to indeed give her pause. This is the first person in her life to give her this kind of validation, but I think the exact circumstances of the moment probably play into the severity of her response. If Sanji had said this to her elsewhere, I bet she'd be shook, but maybe not collapse-in-a-fit shook. Because right now she's having to process this while literally SECONDS away from having planned to blow his fucking brains out, with everyone watching expecting it to happen. It's a short-circuiting of expectations, she can't just process it at her own pace, she has to process it AND fight with the fact that she's expected to be killing him right this instant.
It was supposed to be so easy to just kill him right then and there, and then he had to go and do that. It's not just tears from "oh man he's validating my fundamental flaw," it's ALSO tears from "why now, why does this have to become difficult at the last second."
What's a Sanji to a puddingWhat's a katakuri to a sanji!
What's a pudding to a carrotWhat's a Sanji to a pudding
I subscribe to this interpretation and enjoyed the Pudding breakdown.
What's a katakuri to a sanji!
What's Carrot to a ZoroWhat's a pudding to a carrot
He eats those katakuri have several seats.A few jellybeans can't beat the champ!
Oda better answer this in time!What's a Sanji to a pudding
A chefWhat's a Sanji to a pudding
I'm dying lol...lol saw this online
lol saw this online
I just checked them out, they are... not better. Reads stiff as hell.
This is how I read it too. Sanji got a critical hit on her weak point at exactly the right time in exactly the right way. It's not she's fallen in love or is a good guy now, Sanji just hit her in the right way.
What's a pudding to a carrot
This is Haruno Sakura with three eyes. She's even sad and defeated like the real thing.
This is Haruno Sakura with three eyes. She's even sad and defeated like the real thing.
This is Haruno Sakura with three eyes. She's even sad and defeated like the real thing.
Tbf who as a kid didn't want to stab some assholes...
Tbf who as a kid didn't want to stab some assholes...
Luffy stabbed himself in the face as a kid.
He probably thought of stabbing his brothers
There going to be more to Pudding.still don't think pudding will be nakama
kinda expected the change as many of us do, but that was still kinda dumb![]()
oh well now the fight begins
Wasn't that a short fight between Sanji and Doffi usually stay out of power level discussion, but this time ill bite
how about when kaido said dofflamingo is weak, he meant doflamingo as his whole pirate rather than doflamingo himself, because by god when it come into power dofflamingo really is miles ahead compared to everyone else on his pirate crew. The reason moria was defeated by kaido is also because moria's old crew was weak.
So I think dofflamingo has to be on a yonko commander level, so even if katakuri is still stronger than sanji,i expect brief confrontation is possible.
And how i love how vinsmokes look hella confused. they butt their head into a pirate's business and bewildered by the fact that when pirates do business, shit's gonna happen
still i dont know how will this arc resolve itself, this arc is fucking bonkers.
Wasn't that a short fight between Sanji and Doff
If there's one thing that's been consistent with the One Piece fandom, it's that they are always jumping to conclusions