Making him Donald Trump isn't gonna win him any sympathy points. Not from me anyway.
Well at least OP Donald Trump can't run for President...
Making him Donald Trump isn't gonna win him any sympathy points. Not from me anyway.
When you are losing control of your life.
Team Pudding, I'm shocked and disappointed by this weeks chapter with how she has been characterized. I am having a crisis in faith. It's almost like Pudding and Sanji deserve each other. They're both losers.Pudding is not a loser is she? Is she?!
You can do that while also not throwing any kind of trust in that you'll act in good faith on your alliances in front of a bus.
Also, I feel it's presumptuous. If the best that the vinsmoke artifical human factory can produce are the quarduplets, who've been shown repeatedly to be beneath Sanji, it's hard to get a metric for how strong they'd be. I assumed that they're advantage laid in numbers rather than quality soldiers.
We're still in the middle of things with Pudding. Once we get her full backstory, that will explain more about why she's acting this way.
idk. Big Mom wants to be Pirate Queen. This would make a big statement.
Morgans just spouting his Big News catchphrase every chapter is hilarious.
What does that have to do with no pointlessly burning down bridges to potential alliances?
You keep saying this, but there's no indication she'd need one after this. The Yonkou are in a stalemate right now, no one is strong enough to beat the others. This puts her over.
from reddit
Again, what proof does she have of this? I don't dispute that this will be an advantage, but why would anyone assume it's some kind of instant win button? There is no evidence of that, especially since we know the other Yonko's themselves are gathering more power. Kaidou is getting his beast army while Blackbeard is getting that special metal from the revolutionaries. It's a huge assumption to assume that you just won't ever need help after you get one advantage.
just read the chapter
uhhh.... not sure what's going on with judge there
It's the classic powerplay. It's her announcing she's got a near-infinite army of super-tech-enhanced soldiers. It's not that complicated.
That's really not an be-all, end-all in a series where armies can literally get annihilated by a single fighter.
All you've established is that it's an advantage. A seriously good advantage, one worth getting. What I'm continually missing is why this is supposed to be a key to instant victory, especially when the other Yonko's themselves are getting an upgrade of indeterminant worth.
But if you're argument is that "this may not be true, but it's the reasoning big mom uses", well, then, I don't disagree with that as much. It just paints as even more of a fool for making that giant ass assumption.
These aren't armies that could be annihilated by a single fighter, if that were possible then there wouldn't be a stalemate.
How do you know that?
We've never seen the army in a real fight, unless you count skirmish between Sanji and his dad and Ichiji and Niji against that random army at the beginning, and they were only used there as meat shields.
How do you know that a powerful enough force like Kaido, whose power is also one we haven't really seen, wouldn't be able to decimate them in one swing?
So where are you getting this information?
It's part of the backstory we've been fed all throughout the series! The Four Emperors of the New World are locked in a stalemate since if one attacked another a third could swoop in and take them out after. It's literally why Kaido or Big Mom aren't going after each other's ponyglyphs right now. One might be able to beat the other at the current moment, but after the fight they wouldn't be able to hold the spoils. That's why they're both looking for an advantage! That's why Kaido wants the faux-devilfruits and Big Mom wants the Vinsmoke tech! They not only have to beat the other guy, they have to hold onto their spoils of war.
from reddit
I have to agree with this, it's fairly obvious the yonko are all nigh-unstoppable armies. They own territories the already super powerful government doesn't interfere with in any substantial way and rank above the Shichibukai, who are already considered dangerously powerful pirates.It's part of the backstory we've been fed through the series! The Four Emperors of the New World are locked in a stalemate since if one attacked another a third could swoop in and take them out after. It was why Shanks clashed with Kaido while Whitebeard went to war with the Marines. It's why Kaido or Big Mom aren't going after each other's ponyglyphs right now. One might be able to beat the other at the current moment, but after the fight they wouldn't be able to hold the spoils. That's why they're both looking for an advantage! That's why Kaido wants the faux-devilfruits and Big Mom wants the Vinsmoke tech! They not only have to beat the other guy, they have to hold onto their spoils of war.
Germa tech wouldn't guarantee her anything, but it would certainly give her a massive edge over the others. Even if the Vinsmokes themselves don't end up being anything yonko-level, having the technology for herself would make her army incredibly dangerous. It's not really any different from what Kaido was doing with his SMILE fruits. I don't know if BM even had knowledge of that. Either way, it goes to show how some of the yonko are trying to gain an edge in power to break the implied stalemate. Which leads us back to the Throne Wars stuff.I feel you're trying to answer a different question than the one I'm asking.
I get all that. Which is why I have already happily granted that it's an advantage. That's established. I know why she's going after it. I agree that it will help her in fighting the other Yonko.
What I'm asking for is "What assurance that it's an instant win so much that she will not need any further alliances beyond it?" Because that's the assertion your defending here, that once big Mom has the Vinsmokes technology, she will not need any other form of aid from anybody to make her pirate king.
And how would you know that? How would you know that the Germa tech alone is enough to tip the scales so much that the other Yonko don't have a chance? How do you know that the Beast army and special metal that the other Yonko are gaining cannot match Big Mom's Germa Tech? How do you know there can't be any further complication that hinders her power?
Because as far as I can tell, she has no assurances on that front. And if that's the case, why would she be okay ruining any public trust she has and torpedo any chance of gaining additional alliances?
I feel you're trying to answer a different question than the one I'm asking.
I get all that. Which is why I have already happily granted that it's an advantage. That's established. I know why she's going after it. I agree that it will help her in fighting the other Yonko.
What I'm asking for is "What assurance that it's an instant win so much that she will not need any further alliances beyond it?" Because that's the assertion your defending here, that once big Mom has the Vinsmokes technology, she will not need any other alliance from anybody to make her pirate king.
And how would you know that? How would you know that the Germa tech alone is enough to tip the scales so much that the other Yonko don't have a chance? How do you know that the Beast army and special metal that the other Yonko have cannot match Big Mom's Germa Tech?
Because as far as I can tell, she has no assurances on that front. And if that's the case, why would she be okay ruining any public trust she has and torpedo any chance of gaining additional alliances?
I'm not even sorry but yeahimo, it explains why he made his kids feeling-less machines: Judge is emotional. Just like Sanji. He's a coward who hides behind might, technology, the Germa name, and his super human sons. So when he wanted children he made them emotion-less sociopaths because he's an emotional, weak person.
It also explains why he hates Sanji so much. Sanji is similar to him: a highly emotional person. Out of the sentai color schemes, Sanji even has the same color as Judge's hair. He probably sees himself in Sanji.
So when we see him crying at death's door, it explains a lot of his motivations.
It's not about them no longer having a chance, it's about her being able to maintain the stalemate after attacking Kaido. They only know where two ponyglyphs are, though it seems word of the one on Zou is starting to spread. After she has them she has to maintain the stalemate to make sure she isn't attacked, announcing it like this is the best way for her to do that without having to fight one of the other emperors right after Kaido.
Wait, wait, wait! Back up. So she's not even trying to be proactive here? She's just trying to maintain the the status quo rather than gathering her army to strike for Kaido, Blackbeard or Shanks?!
(BTW, this still doesn't answer the question of why she'd burn bridges on future alliances. Hell, that makes even LESS sense since that means she's just trying to maintain the balance, which will shift in the future anyway, so she'll need more power later on. But I'm guessing I'm just not gonna get a satisfactory answer on this one, so I'm moving on)
No, she wants to fend off an attack from another Emperor after she strikes at Kaido for his ponygylph. This is absolutely proactive.
I wonder how much of a deterrent killing the Vinsmokes is to other pirates. Hell the Vinsmokes aren't even actually pirates, it's technically Big Mom taking out a nation, just like she always does.
Okay, I misread that then. That makes more sense.
Still, this doesn't really cop to 1. How you know it will work 2. How you know it will work so effectively that she'll never need another alliance again. She's just closing doors on gaining more potential power than before.
The only explanation I can think of is that I'm just being too realistic about human nature and people will just...ignore that she brazenly skewered her allies for no good reason and make alliances with her anyway due to her power. If no one cares that she'll kill them at any given moment, then knowledge of her doing so isn't important.
You're not being realistic enough about human nature. If you want power bad enough to ally yourself with someone like Big Mom (knowing what she does to people that offend her even a little bit) then you aren't going to be put off by this. You'll take the risk because you're just that driven by power, which is what was Judge's downfall. He never considered that "Hey, maybe I might be betrayed by this cold-hearted pirate with a history of doing whatever it takes to get back at people who wrong her.
If you want a real life example look at the truce between Nazi Germany and the USSR. The USSR figured the Nazis wouldn't mess with them, but as it turns out they were stupid for thinking it.
It's not like they were loyal to begin with Jinbe and his crew only joined to protect fishman island and would have abandoned her if the other yonko could guarantee it's safetyI think when you break it down, the difference is that Big Mom can assassinate The Vinsmokes and gain a subservient clone army no fuss no muss. But why would she ever pull that assassination plot on a pirate crew? When a pirate crew hooks up with Big Mom, she gains their probably strong captain and a strong pirate crew loyal to that captain. That crew is then allowed to operate with relative impunity unless called upon. Big Mom wouldn't betray a pirate crew like this because unlike a clone army, a pirate crew wouldn't really be loyal if you tried to kill their captain (although, this is a bit moot since Big Mom is being betrayed by two seemingly loyal pirate crews).
No, I don't think so. We have no idea if Big Mom has ever done anything like this before. If she hasn't, then at the very least, one has no material evidence that Big Mom is a betrayer. There are varying levels of trustworthiness even among the pirates in the manga. For example, you could count on Shanks and Whitebeard to not betray you like this.
So, word of an actual betrayal that happened is different from a hypothetical betrayal. That's essentially what Big Mom would really lose.. Judge fell in beside her because he assumed she would keep her word. If evidence that she doesn't keep her word surfaces, then even someone like Judge won't ally with her because he won't have reason to expect her to do as she says and keep her word.
The only kind of person your talking about is someone who sees that she went back on her word, and then, for no reason at all, says "Oh, I'm sure she wouldn't do that to me." And yeah, I would think that at the very least, where the matter of their lives were concerned, most people would be smart enough not to do that. It'd be like entering a bears cave and expecting it not to maul you for no reason, even though that's what happens to everyone else. Not even the biggest of idiots think that.
I think when you break it down, the difference is that Big Mom can assassinate The Vinsmokes and gain a subservient clone army no fuss no muss. But why would she ever pull that assassination plot on a pirate crew? When a pirate crew hooks up with Big Mom, she gains their probably strong captain and a strong pirate crew loyal to that captain. That crew is then allowed to operate with relative impunity unless called upon. Big Mom wouldn't betray a pirate crew like this because unlike a clone army, a pirate crew wouldn't really be loyal if you tried to kill their captain (although, this is a bit moot since Big Mom is being betrayed by two seemingly loyal pirate crews).
I think when you break it down, the difference is that Big Mom can assassinate The Vinsmokes and gain a subservient clone army no fuss no muss. But why would she ever pull that assassination plot on a pirate crew? When a pirate crew hooks up with Big Mom, she gains their probably strong captain and a strong pirate crew loyal to that captain. That crew is then allowed to operate with relative impunity unless called upon. Big Mom wouldn't betray a pirate crew like this because unlike a clone army, a pirate crew wouldn't really be loyal if you tried to kill their captain (although, this is a bit moot since Big Mom is being betrayed by two seemingly loyal pirate crews).
If you put it like that, why betray the vinsmokes at all? Social status aside, they themselves are powerful fighters who will, as far as you know, honor their debt to you?
If you put it like that, why betray the vinsmokes at all? Social status aside, they themselves are powerful fighters who will, as far as you know, honor their debt to you?
People make bad decisions all the time. You're assuming everyone's going to look at things 100% rationally and make the perfectly rational choice, well I'm here to tell you that more often than not they don't. Especially when driven by ambition or greed. The history of the world's most successful people is littered with men and women making irrational choices that just happened to work out for them.
The Vinsmokes themselves ain't shit. Sanji was punking them. Also, they wanted to go an conqueror the North Blue with her help. They didn't want to stick around and help her.
She probably doesn't trust the family itself, the actual army is probably programmed to listen to whoever is in charge and with have we been told that is a powerful army, she probably don't want to give the Vinsmokes cards to play when they can just withdraw anytime. Plus Gemma 66 give powerful mooks the vinsmokes maybe strong but it's not like BM needs more strong pirates and nothing has been shown by them to be anything special considering that guy with a stand is not commander yer looks like a bigger challenge than any of the vinsomkes but that's just me speculatingThe Vinsmokes themselves ain't shit. Sanji was punking them. Also, they wanted to go an conqueror the North Blue with her help. They didn't want to stick around and help her.
If you put it like that, why betray the vinsmokes at all? Social status aside, they themselves are powerful fighters who will, as far as you know, honor their debt to you?
Did that need confirmation lol, i mean in the new world you ain't shit without haki though he has fishman karate and Vinsmokes are modified so i'm just a dumbass.I just realized Jinbe is finally confirmed to have Haki
Judge was set to use Pudding as leverage over Big Mom, and it's no secret to anybody that he wanted to use her forces to conquer the North Blue. If I'm Big Mom, and I have my own goals to reach, why waste time and resources on a campaign to take over the North Blue when I can just trim the fat, kill 5 Vinsmokes, and keep the clone army?
Right, but here's the thing: The rationale has to be supported by something. In your lotto example, the advertisements promote the lottery by giving you the idea that you could be the one lucky one. The lady who voted for her brother is under false illusions about Trump. They're making bad decisions because various outlets have fed a narrative to construct a false reality around them. Big Mom doesn't have media painting a good image of her (Unless....big bird?)
But here's the thing: Those are individual people. As a whole, people are more realistic about their chance at the Lotto, even if they still play it. As a whole, people are getting angrier and angrier with Trump. His popularity is dropping as everything goes on.
At the very best, you're just saying that Big Mom is shrinking her pool of alliances to crazies and idiots. That's not a negligible loss. Powerful, intelligent people that might have considered allying with her before wouldn't because now they have tangible evidence that it's not worth it. For your arguement to be valid, you'd have to say that absolutely no people would be deterred by Big Mom's treacherous nature. And I feel that's pretty unlikely.
Did that need confirmation lol, i mean in the new world you ain't shit without haki though he has fishman karate and Vinsmokes are modified so i'm just a dumbass.
Judge was set to immediately use Pudding as leverage over Big Mom, and it's no secret to anybody that he wanted to use her forces to conquer the North Blue. If I'm Big Mom, and I have my own goals to reach, why waste time and resources on a campaign to take over the North Blue when I can just trim the fat, kill 5 Vinsmokes, and keep the clone army?
I'm saying people often make bad decisions when driven by greed, ambition, hate, fear, love and so on and so forth. If they decide that allying with Big Mom will get them what they want they'll take the risk.
Look at it this way, tons and tons of her daughters and sons have married powerful people of many different races to accomplish her dream/make her more powerful. What the Vinsmokes bring to the table is so minor that she doesn't give a shit about betraying them AT THE WEDDING.
Sanji's family ain't shit. She'd frankly be more interested in Sanji if she only knew how good of a cook he was!
The more i'm seeing the new world the more i'm wondering how did Ace make it as far as he gone, i know he is supposed to be talented but i like to believe he last this far because whitebeard and he is actually shit. That is my new headcanonWell like you said, Fishman Karate and what not. And like yea, it's like expected, but it's always good to have confirmation. Could've been another Ace for all we knew lol
I just realized Jinbe is finally confirmed to have Haki
Betraying the Vinsmokes is a strategic mistake for all of Big Mom's current and future alliances. But I'm not surprised Oda is going that route since he's obviously mimicking the Lannisters making the same mistake in Game of Thrones. It's just not nearly as well set up due to the constraints​ of the medium (an hour long HBO show with thousands of book pages backing up it's lore can do a lot more than a weekly kids manga).
Thanks Greg.
because big mom knows they aren't always going to be loyal and might screw her over in the future. what she wants is their tech and that's all. big mom betraying a bunch of royals with no country isn't a very big thing at all and i don't think it would affect future alliances either. she tried to make an alliance with elbaf but they aren't affiliated with the world government so they aren't traditional royalty and they seem to have a very powerful army. i don't think big mom could betray them because that army wouldn't stay loyal to a non giant. she might not be able to get new royal alliances but there probably aren't many out there worth it either.If you put it like that, why betray the vinsmokes at all? Social status aside, they themselves are powerful fighters who will, as far as you know, honor their debt to you?