I think dragon is at least admiral level. He trained that weak Sabo into someone who could rekt one of blackbeard og crew members
He has the will of the D and the will to whip it out and use itDragon is strong because he doesn't care for gold.
It would disappointing(or hilarious) that dragon isn't admiral level for the world/s most dangerous man and the hype he gets
But he's a D so he wouldBut he's not strong enough to take on 2 or 3.
One Piece is tamer than Dragonball and Bleach and a bit ahead of Naruto when it comes to lewdness.
Ok chapter. It would help if Germa was interesting...at all.
I liked Brook and Bege this chapter. Using Katakuri's reactions to determine what to or not to do is pretty funny.
Looks like Pudding may be the Sanji of her family. Although Sanji got out instead of trying to buy in. Sanji dodged pretty well!
Interested to see the Big Mom's reaction.
Off topic:
From my bits in the Super thread seems like some are taking Dragon Ball way more seriously then they should.
I thought people were still complain about the recent episode crap.But it's like Caesar joining!
Considering how strong Sabo is, I expect Dragon to be at very least close to Yonko level or having Admiral level strength.
dude Dragon is Garp's son, he cant be weak otherwise Garp would killed him ages ago
Garp too soft to so much as seriously injure Luffy and cried when his fake grandson was legally killed by Akainu seeking righteous justice, you think he's hard enough to off his own son?
Sounds like he knows his stuff.Blah Tekking is a Carrot supporter, into the trash he goes.
Blah Tekking is a Carrot supporter, into the trash he goes.
Blah Tekking is a Carrot supporter, into the trash he goes.
Sounds like he knows his stuff.
At least Pudding won't be alone now.
He ain't wrongNah he think she has a unique design.
It's alright ray. It's alrightJust being a rabbit girl isn't unique, just a plain white rabbit, hell she doesn't even have colored spots.
Chopper isn't just a Reindeer.
That's one ugly rabbit![]()
This is unique.
Not this.
You would know you ugly duck.
It's all love.
Just know when sanji does something awesome be prepared
You wait it's happening dammit the day of sanji shall come to and all of you will se All of u!!Like how evangelists have been telling me to prepare for rapture. It's coming, they say. Any day now....
So since we are about a day way from spoilers I will ask.
What will happen in the next chapter of One Piece?
So since we are about a day way from spoilers I will ask.
What will happen in the next chapter of One Piece?
I don't know what will happen but i do know shit's about to go down
My money is on thisI don't know what will happen but i do know shit's about to go down
It was his plan to use brûléeChopper will do something notable! Believe!
I'll predict this until it happens
MmmmHuh? Bropper is right behind Brook this arc in being instrumental to the plan. Without him they wouldn't have mirror hopping.