What do the numbers mean?

What do the numbers mean?
The first is probably her thinking about Lola like you guys are saying, but that second panel is definitely Nami being cautious. And like Nibel said, the way Pudding is remembering Sanji definitely is supposed to show it's not an accurate memory. My first reaction is that Oda is drawing the memories from her perspective (being love struck) and Oda may give us the real memory later with Sanji doing something stupid/less cool, but it could be the case of her making the memory sound more sweet to fool the Straw Hats.
I dunno, it kind of just looks like the face a person might have when they're listening closely. There are too many conclusions you could draw from a face like that.
I need to see him in one of those outfits asap.I think the more important question is whether we will ever see Sanji in a Germa 66 outfit.
Also, does he have any special powers that we have not heard about?
I think Pudding is totally lying about having met Sanji now that I read several reviews. She described him having heart shaped eyes and black legs, Chopper and Brooke found that weird. She is using his wanted poster and the data Big Mom acquired to convince the Strawhats. She even gasped when Chopper asked if she met him.
That's fine, but Oda thought it was interesting enough to include in that arc. It wasn't perfect, but the theme of discrimination and the theme of "everyone sharing the same red blood" is a crucial part of the fishman-human conflict.yeah the first two aren't really interesting. Either way, it wasn't a super enjoyable arc to read. Fights weren't that interesting and neither was the characters, Jimbei is so boring, I hope someone more interesting joins. Sanji was the best part of Fishmen!
As someone still catching up on One Piece (I'm at Fishman Island arc), why do say Skypia was the most important? I know it foreshadowed Haki, but what else besides that?
Ftfy.Plus if you want a traitor we still have pedro right there!
Pedro is too obvious! He's there to distract you from the real traitor: THE RABBIT!Ftfy.
Pudding isn't the kind of character Oda uses for a traitor. He usually leaves those for unassuming or wacky characters who lack depth (because their depth is revealed via their treachery). Pudding is probably hiding something but her intentions are likely noble. At worst, she'll be forced to do something against the Strawhats against her will or because she has to.
Plus if you want a traitor we still have Carrot right there!
Noooooo lies all lies she just wants her carrots and chocolate leave her be. Pedro was supposed to be watching pekoms so why wasn't he? Huh huhPedro is too obvious! He's there to distract you from the real traitor: THE RABBIT!
Pudding isn't the kind of character Oda uses for a traitor. He usually leaves those for unassuming or wacky characters who lack depth (because their depth is revealed via their treachery). Pudding is probably hiding something but her intentions are likely noble. At worst, she'll be forced to do something against the Strawhats against her will or because she has to.
Plus if you want a traitor we still have Carrot right there!
Nakama!Leave "Not-Going-To-Be-Namaka" #2089 out of this.
And most damning, she has been portrayed as nothing but a bubbly bunny girl. And when's the last time a wacky unassuming main character turned out to be just a wacky unassuming main character? Oda loves adding depth to characters and never leaves main characters without a tragic backstory, a change of alliances or some kind of intrigue. He loves to surprise his audiences.Yep.
You can't trust Carrot, she lied her way onto the Sunny she bribed the monkey with his only weakness of bananas to cover for her. She probably gave Jack a Vivre card to lead him to Zou.
She shocked Zoro nearly to death for saying hello, she assaults people and evades there personally space and tried to rip out Luffy throat.
She a lose canon who doesn't follow the rules, she trades alliances when its convenient for her.
She said she heard about him having black legs or something. Chopper even corrected her.Not arguing against Pudding probably lying, but the amount of stuttering and blushing Pudding was doing overall could just be shyness about her love for Sanji. Also, she didn't describe him as having black legs, she just thought he had black legs due to this pirate name, which "could" just be a silly mistake. And there's no way Sanji didn't have heart shaped eyes when he saw her. Plus, the biggest issue with this theory is she mentioned Sanji helping her cook/teaching her things about baking sweets. This isn't something well known about Sanji outside of the Straw Hats/people who know him so if she is lying about meeting Sanji, she had to have gotten that info from Big Mom's intelligence/info, but her comment about the black legs throws that off.
Noooooo lies all lies she just wants her carrots and chocolate leave her be. Pedro was supposed to be watching pekoms so why wasn't he? Huh huh
Even more evidence for Carrot THE TRAITOR: she's the only mink who wasn't shown injured from Jack's attack. Which is pretty suspicious considering she was a part of the Mink Musketeers.Leave "Not-Going-To-Be-Namaka" #2089 out of this.
It's an arc about happy food islands from a woman who's known to eat her subordinates and run a terrifying mafia, and an equally terrifying family of assassins that have reached literal legendary status in the OP world. Luffy's new comrades include a subordinate of Big Mom and someone who snuck on board his ship. Trust no one.Ah shit, now you guys are making me doubt Carrot as a sincere character. Who is there left to trust in this arc?
In Goda we trustaAh shit, now you guys are making me doubt Carrot as a sincere character. Who is there left to trust in this arc?
ugh the more I think about it the more I am positive Pudding just scammed the straw hats
I wanted I legitimate kind person for Sanji
And to further establish Luffy's ability to hear the Voice of All Things.And to further highlight the racial tension and bigotry among fishman and humans that's been a thing since Arlong Park.
And to show the dangerous effects of leaving unsupervised generational prejudice unchecked (Hody Jones)
And to develop ties between the upcoming reverie and the fishman plight.
And to further solidify Jimbei's placement as a future Straw Hat.
He will have it in the epilogue. Oda won't make him having a girlfriend until the end of the series. It would change his character too much.
But other than that, yeah, a total nothing arc.
That said, it's still also the least enjoyable arc of the series. Oh well.
but if her character was just that then it would've been lovely
and way more interesting then the typical betrayal
She might still be good if she is betraying them. She must be afraid, she could be like Conis from Skypiea.
Forgot about that third eye business with Pudding. She seemed pretty evil the first time we saw her. By that I mean, completely indifferent to burning down a village, potentially burning down fishtown island, and finally witnessing big mom eat god knows what. This starts sounding more and more like a Launch situation.
also Vinsmoke family is definitely...
because in your plan the place where big mom wants them to go and where they are going anyway it's the same exact place.
so what exact purpose this would act would have?
they were going to whole cake island anyway,so with or without pudding's intervention,it's where they would have ended up with,because it's where sanji is.
the trap doesn't have any motive if not a "surprise! i was evil all along" by pudding,but in practical terms,they don't need her help,at all,to reach the island,since they have pekoms
if I had a third eye in a world where pretty much everyone else only has 2,i would cover it too if i can, since i don't want people to look me strange in the streets,same reason really why sanji covers one eye with his hair..because asymmetrical eyebrows are hilarious,and people would look at him strange.
i don't really see anything "suspicious" in her covering her bizarre trait.
she clearly stated in this chapter that he wants sanji to go with them,so of course she is gonna give them the safest and quickest route to reach him
You can argue that she is lying,fair enough,but as i said before,the whole trap doesn't make any sense,they don't need to be lured to whole cake island,they are already going there,willingly.
"Oh hey, Luffy, Big Mom wants to see you, go right ahead."she is the captain,and queen of that nation,she decides if she wants to detect them or not..if all there is to this plan is to make luffy arrive without combat at whole cake island,she can just say to her subordinates to not engage in combat with them and let them pass acting as they didn't see them whenever they happen to pass closeby a tarte or any other surveillance post.
it's even worse..if not even for the smack of the surprise,what's the point in luring them in a place they were already going to? have said that she wants to deal with them on whole cake island specifically for some reason,i was saying that if she wants them there ,she just needs to wait.
also still missing the reason why she need to lure them on an island they are already going and has to give them the route to not get detected when she controls everything and can just fake not detecting them whenever route they take,just as she did until now
they needed to check in because they had no food,if they didn't,they wouldn't have any need to do's not like there's only one way to enter big mom's territory,it's an archipelago basically
of course once they HAD to stop on that island,they played by the rules,checking and using pekoms rank to avoid useless conflict
that being said,it's possible that the archipelago is somehow "closed" so that there are only some points you can enter from,or probably pekoms rank wouldn't have been enough when passing through a more militarized area,so i'll concede that it's possible that they MUST pass from there
Okay Maju. It's impossible.many zoan or minks have,aladdin,or fishmen in general,don't
many have theories that the vinsmokes are going to betray big mom but what if it's big mom that betrays them? after all she seems to be after their technology so if she took them all hostage she could get the vinsmoke father to hand over all the stuff he has. she will literately have them right where she wants them at whole cake island. perhaps the sacrifice will end up being them.
I'd buy this if we knew what the Vinsmokes actually wanted with Sanji. All we can say is that they get an alliance with Big Mom out of it but is that really it? Why specifically Sanji and not Yonji for example? Both sides are so mysterious that I wanna say they're both planning to betray each other and Luffy will have to get out with Sanji amidst the chaos.many have theories that the vinsmokes are going to betray big mom but what if it's big mom that betrays them? after all she seems to be after their technology so if she took them all hostage she could get the vinsmoke father to hand over all the stuff he has. she will literately have them right where she wants them at whole cake island. perhaps the sacrifice will end up being them.
I think I'd like to see Reiju take over. Jumping in when the dad is about to be defeated or something.I hope at least one of the Vinsmoke siblings ends up being a good guy. Likely to be Reiju but I'm really hoping Ichiji or Niji doesn't like their dad either
yeah i'm hoping luffy's final form will compact his gear 4th form and give him an incredible speed boost. his arms might even be red like that if his his body is under tremendous pressure. he already got a little red with gear 2nd.Hope Luffy's final form looks something like that, that's beast.
I hope they use a really chilling sound effect for when they discover Pekoms is missing in the anime.
Yeah, It could have been shorter, think it would have been much more enjoyable. There’s always something interesting in every Arc, even thriller bark has that epic Zoro scene. But FI/Dressrosa just went on for too long. Still, if Big Mom arc is crazy epic again, going back to those will likely be much more enjoyable. Like Skypedia wasn’t than fun especially watching the anime, but going back and reading it, and that end fight with Enel was pretty amazing.And to further establish Luffy's ability to hear the Voice of All Things.
And to introduce the Tamatebako (you know, that bomb that Pekoms brought back to Big Mom that seemingly still hasn't gone off?)
And to further establish the concept of Yonkou territories
And to introduce the Sunlight Tree Eve (as opposed to the Treasure Wood Adam)
And to introduce Koala, one of the top members of the Revolutionary Army
Oh, and it was also an allegory based heavily and almost explicitly at times on the American Civil Rights Movement (Fisher Tiger is Malcolm X, Otohime is Martin Luther King, Jr.).
But other than that, yeah, a total nothing arc.
That said, it's still also the least enjoyable arc of the series. Oh well.
saw this on reddit. damn i really like luffy's design there.