Makes you wonder can she give life back...Also with the firetanks outtie, guess there goes the idea of Pudding going with them.
Yes but I doubt anyone important or recognisable at this point will die.
Makes you wonder can she give life back...Also with the firetanks outtie, guess there goes the idea of Pudding going with them.
Yes but I doubt anyone important or recognisable at this point will die.
Makes you wonder can she give life back...
That would be an interesting way to fend of Big Mama. Sanji and Pudding tag team. I imagine the Big Mama pirates will prioritize calming down Big Mama and they (Katakuri) may deliver Sanji's cake.The arc resolution will 100% have something to do with Pudding's memory manipulation. Her ability hasn't been utilized at all since it's reveal. It's totally possible that she goes into BM's head and sees what happened to Caramel, then shares that truth with everyone.
And Sanji baking her a cake is also almost certain. This arc began because of him and Pudding, and that'll be how it ends.
I want to say that it was explicitly stated she can't bring back the dead, but as for returning life to someone who is still alive? That seems likely.
Also, as a final note, there's no way we get out of this without something tragic happening with Jimbei, right?
I don't know why I come to this thread the day before the chapter is out. Makes me wanna read the spoilers with all your comments.
Wednesday is the worst day of the week for me.
This ain't over.Kaido and Wano here we comes I guess.
Big News Morgan the MVP
The arc resolution will 100% have something to do with Pudding's memory manipulation. Her ability hasn't been utilized at all since it's reveal. It's totally possible that she goes into BM's head and sees what happened to Caramel, then shares that truth with everyone.
And Sanji baking her a cake is also almost certain. This arc began because of him and Pudding, and that'll be how it ends.
Color page is dope
So I already read the chapter. Bege's final gag for farewell was pretty funny. By the way, who was the girl Dogtooth saved ("Brother! Calm down.") ? She didn't look like Pudding.
I wonder what will happen now that Big Mom has gone bananas.
I liked that Fairy Godparents style art, but Pudding was missing.
So I already read the chapter. Bege's final gag for farewell was pretty funny. By the way, who was the girl Dogtooth saved ("Brother! Calm down.") ? She didn't look like Pudding.
I wonder what will happen now that Big Mom has gone bananas.
I liked that Fairy Godparents style art, but Pudding was missing.
No Jinbe in the color spread?
So, the powers of her family are DF powers, right?
I picture her eating everyone left on the lsland and getting all the food powers and rampaging everywhere but she shouldn't be able to have more than one power unless we get some reveal.
You can't eat multiple devil fruits, unless your Blackbeard who we don't even know how he does it.
That wouldn't be his canon color anyway. Niji is blue.Hope you like Sanji in that raid suit in the CS, cause you won't see that ever again.
You can't eat multiple devil fruits, unless your Blackbeard who we don't even know how he does it.
What's the guess?Although we can hazard a guess now.
He's not an official SH yet.
What's the guess?
Not until they throw a big party with everyone there, so it'll indeed be a while.
The 56 is just a reference to Luffy, since 56 means Gomu.
Plus the crew in total will equal 11 anyhow, 1 captain and 10 crew mates.
Jinbe and Carrot B E L I E V E.
The 56 is just a reference to Luffy, since 56 means Gomu.
Plus the crew in total will equal 11 anyhow, 1 captain and 10 crew mates.
Jinbe and Carrot B E L I E V E.
Some people in here are sure thirsty for more Pudding. There is 0 reason she would read BM's mind and even if she did, I don't see how it would be a big reveal to her crew. Everyone knows about her murderous hunger rampages already.
I would bet on the rampage simply making time for the SH to actually escape their pursuit and any further development with Pudding will be left for the rematch arc.
Carrot has been so irrelevant in this climax, but her stans still want her on the ship. Smh.
Yeah something like this will somehow get them to stay guys, lol.I see Big Mom's rampage as an excuse to stay instead of helping them leave.
All I know is, the whole Sanji baking a cake for Big Mom theory still sounds dumb as hell on paper. It's one thing for a person to be starving, another for them to be craving something.![]()
Unless her cravings are because she metabolizes food differently than most people, just like how Nami pointed out this arc that Luffy's a walking stomach because he needs more calories to maintain a stretchy body. Big Mom seeming to be a giant human (rather than a straight Giant) might have metabolic issues, compared to straight-up Giants who are more adapted to their own bodies.
Though that wouldn't explain why she gets a mania for one food in particular.