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One Piece Thread (redux)


** This hailed from the thread that was asking which one of the "Big 3" was best. The thread closed AS I WAS WRITING MY FUCKING REPLY so I'm posting it here anyway. **

I really wish everyone saying One Piece would actually give a reason as to why. Every time I ask about One Piece the answer I get is "It's like so much better than Naruto and Bleach", why is it so much better?

Let's go down the list:

Characters: Every character has a back story. Like, holy shit.. some of them tear-jerkingly good. Wait.. all of them are tear-jerkingly good. People here saying that Luffy hasn't developed over the span of the series need to take a step back. He KNEW that after a certain incident
Ace's Death
his "happy-go-lucky" attitude would no longer fly. What did he do? He took it upon himself to take 2 years so that he could better himself both in body and mind. Since then we haven't actually seen him serious.. I'm eager to see how it all pans out.

Story: One Piece is hands down the best piece of fiction I have ever read in my entire life. I'm not a huge book reader, but I've seen hundreds of Anime and reads thousands of chapters in manga. I've never seen such storytelling anywhere. It's got adventure, romance(!), comedy, action, tragedy.. The list goes on. I've felt every emotion possible just by reading One Piece. Things that happened in the first couple of chapters are still relevant hundreds of chapters later. Oda does not fuck around with pulling things out of his ass like other authors
do. I've never been on a bigger emotional roller coaster than during Water 7/E. Lobby.

Action: Leave it to Oda to take a RUBBER fruit and turn it into something as amazing as Luffy. It's not just cool, but smart. Every fruit user (and even those without them) has used their powers in a way that I don't think I would have ever imagined. He was able to justify Sanji's flying.... I mean... who does that? This ain't no crappy DBZ/Bleach/Fairy Tale montage of "IF I JUST IMAGINE MYSELF BEING STRONGER IT WILL HAPPEN NEXT CHAPTERRRRRRR!!!!" The point is, if you run into someone who is stronger than you in the One Piece universe, you're gonna get fucked. You want to be stronger? Go fight monkeys.

Art: I NEED TO CONFESS. I WAS NEVER INTERESTED IN ONE PIECE/DID NOT CARE TO BE INTERESTED IN ONE PIECE BECAUSE OF THE ART. That shit looked stupid. One day when I had no internet and my friend loaded up some volumes onto my PC I finally sat down and gave it a read... best decision I ever made. Once you get past the 'unique' style it's definitely something to behold. As time and chapters go on it develops into something exquisite; something I've grown to love.

Honestly I can go on and on.. but I'm hungry and I have a date. Ichigo is such an emokid and Bleach has sucked since after saving Rukia. I'll be the first to admit, all the way up to saving her Bleach was GODLIKE. Naruto is still okay but it needs to finish so he can start his newest manga.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Just spent the day catching up on the anime.

Dressrosa! It's amazing in the manga, so I have a bit of optimism for the anime.
I imagine that the
tournament fights
will be greatly extended to avoid overtaking the manga.
The latest episode covered Chapter 700, the latest chapter is 734. Not a lot of buffer time really.
Dressrosa! It's amazing in the manga, so I have a bit of optimism for the anime.
I imagine that the
tournament fights
will be greatly extended to avoid overtaking the manga.

The latest episode covered Chapter 700, the latest chapter is 734. Not a lot of buffer time really.
I actually hope this happens, I want to see a ton of those characters fleshed out a bit. I can see the anime team taking advantage of that. I just hope it doesn't drag on for too long...
I think sanji was using it but vergo has mastery over armament haki, i'm just assuming both were using haki and vergo's was stronger thus cracking sanji's leg. I read somewhere that oda said luffy would be proficient in conquerors haki, zoro in armament haki, and sanji in observation haki. I don't know how true that is, but sanji nor vergo were going all out so who knows how it would've ended.

I see... It would of made more sense if Sanji's and Zoro's future haki mastery was switched seeing as Zoro uses swords and dodging would be more favorable while Sanji only uses his legs hence hardening to an extreme point against weapons would be better


I actually hope this happens, I want to see a ton of those characters fleshed out a bit. I can see the anime team taking advantage of that. I just hope it doesn't drag on for too long...

Typically they like to stay ~40 chapters behind the manga to avoid Bleach filler hell. Seeing as we are 34 chapters behind I expect either a mini arc or some expanded arena's should put us at the sweet spot.

Expect more filler now that Oda is getting more frequent breaks (thank god).
629 spoiler

i dont even remember buggy the clown becoming a warlord in the manga. But it was nice to see him in a episode lol. Its been a while.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Yea it was mentioned.

Correct, the manga just didn't have a scene of Buggy breaking the fourth wall and telling the viewers that "yes, this is not a joke, I'm a Warlord".
Toei loves to add scenes with Buggy (maybe the kids love him).
Correct, the manga just didn't have a scene of Buggy breaking the fourth wall and telling the viewers that "yes, this is not a joke, I'm a Warlord".
Toei loves to add scenes with Buggy (maybe the kids love him).

I personally find Buggy to be hilarious. The fact that he is weak, yet has these faithful level 5 and level 6 impel down prisoners as his followers, and whom actually respect him and see him as a true leader and powerful pirate is just too funny.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I personally find Buggy to be hilarious. The fact that he is weak, yet has these faithful level 5 and level 6 impel down prisoners as his followers, and whom actually respect him and see him as a true leader and powerful pirate is just too funny.

I think Buggy is great too, but he's one of those characters that's better in small doses. The fact Toei adds so many scenes with him kind of makes things annoying.


I personally find Buggy to be hilarious. The fact that he is weak, yet has these faithful level 5 and level 6 impel down prisoners as his followers, and whom actually respect him and see him as a true leader and powerful pirate is just too funny.

Yeah Buggy is cool but like BatDan said, small doses.

I find it really, really funny that he's a
Well, he does have a small army and a mighty reputation now, plus his ability is still pretty good and makes him invisible to a lot of attacks (though now that everyone has haki that might not be true any more; although if Mihawk didn't have haki two years ago I'm not sure how many sword-users do now).


Well, he does have a small army and a mighty reputation now, plus his ability is still pretty good and makes him invisible to a lot of attacks (though now that everyone has haki that might not be true any more; although if Mihawk didn't have haki two years ago I'm not sure how many sword-users do now).

It's funny because it's Buggy.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Pretty sure Mihawk has Haki.
The reason he didn't use it on Buggy? Luffy used Buggy as a shield, and Mihawk knows Luffy is weak to swords, feeling that he didn't need to use Haki to take him out. Hence why Buggy was merely split as he usually is, instead of given a real wound.

Plus, Zoro and Tashigi have Haki. It works for swords, and
some Dressrosa fighters mention having their weapons imbued with Haki
Pretty sure Mihawk has Haki.
The reason he didn't use it on Buggy? Luffy used Buggy as a shield, and Mihawk knows Luffy is weak to swords, feeling that he didn't need to use Haki to take him out. Hence why Buggy was merely split as he usually is, instead of given a real wound.

Plus, Zoro and Tashigi have Haki. It works for swords, and
some Dressrosa fighters mention having their weapons imbued with Haki

What. Why would he not use haki on Luffy? It's not like he has anything to loose by not using it. And I don't know, does Zoro really have that kind of haki or just the one that makes it so that you can sense enemies? And how do you
imbue weapons with haki anyway? I'm up-to-date with Dressrosa but don't remember that part.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
What. Why would he not use haki on Luffy? It's not like he has anything to loose by not using it. And I don't know, does Zoro really have that kind of haki or just the one that makes it so that you can sense enemies? And how do you
imbue weapons with haki anyway? I'm up-to-date with Dressrosa but don't remember that part.

Zoro does have Armamant Haki, he managed to cut Monet in her Logia form. Before cutting her vertically without it.
If one considers a weapon an extension of themselves, then I can understand how Haki works there.

As for Mihawk not using Haki on Luffy... no idea. Still, he probably knew that he could just easily cut Luffy without any additional help.
Zoro does have Armamant Haki, he managed to cut Monet in her Logia form. Before cutting her vertically without it.
If one considers a weapon an extension of themselves, then I can understand how Haki works there.

As for Mihawk not using Haki on Luffy... no idea. Still, he probably knew that he could just easily cut Luffy without any additional help.

To be fair Mihawk and Luffy happened before Oda/Editors made the decision to make armament haki black to make it easier to see it motion. We saw a weapon with armament haki in Punk Hazard from Vergo so we know in the future we'll see black weapons for armament haki.

I also don't think Zoro used armament haki on Monet, he didn't need to, his attack broke her mentally.

Edit: You mentioned that final swing was without armament haki scratch my other comment


What. Why would he not use haki on Luffy? It's not like he has anything to loose by not using it. And I don't know, does Zoro really have that kind of haki or just the one that makes it so that you can sense enemies? And how do you
imbue weapons with haki anyway? I'm up-to-date with Dressrosa but don't remember that part.

I assume you can imbue Haki in pretty much anything, provided you are proficient with it. Amazon Lily warriors can imbue Haki into their arrows, and Ben Beckman managed to hold up Kizaru (who can fucking turn in to light) just by pointing his gun at him so I assume he was capable of imbuing his bullets with Haki otherwise Kizaru would just make a silly face at him over the empty threat.


I assume you can imbue Haki in pretty much anything, provided you are proficient with it. Amazon Lily warriors can imbue Haki into their arrows, and Ben Beckman managed to hold up Kizaru (who can fucking turn in to light) just by pointing his gun at him so I assume he was capable of imbuing his bullets with Haki otherwise Kizaru would just make a silly face at him over the empty threat.
Well they could be seastone, but yeah he can probably do that.
Maybe those are different variations of the armament haki?

The black stuff being a physical (and visible) coating to harden it (that also can hit devil fruit users) while the "invisible" variant "only" neutralizes devil fruit powers?

So you would only need to turn your weapons etc. "black" if you actually need to harden them as well instead of just using them to attack devil fruit users.

Vergo had a bamboo stick that would otherwise break against Law's sword/Smokers weapon if he just had used the "normal/invisible" Haki. The black coating might also be harder to pull off, Vergo is said to be pretty great with this type of Haki.
Mihawk's sword might not benefit from the hardening itself, so he doesn't bother (or isn't skilled enough) and it looks normal while still dishing out Haki imbued attacks.
Zoro's sword was also not turning black and that was after the time skip.

btw, reading the wiki, is this true?
Apparently, Akainu has found some way to avoid Haki attacks, as he was not visibly harmed even after Marco and Vista sliced him in the neck with Haki infused attacks. It is unknown how he can protect himself from Haki-imbued attacks but when he was attacked by Whitebeard with this type of Haki, he could not protect himself and he bled.


Get Inside Her!
btw, reading the wiki, is this true?

I always imagined that what was happening here was Akainu manually opening a gap in his body to avoid the attack. Those blades didn't actually cut him, he just opened his body around the arc of the blade, and it looked like a cut. Same as how any Logia user has avoided haki attacks in the past. Doesn't really make much sense otherwise. (Unless it's a simple case of haki vs haki, and Akainu's being strong enough to negate his attacker's.)

As for the black armament haki, realistically it's probably just a new visual thing in the art style to make haki use more obvious, but I'm cool with an explanation for the black being a genuine hardening, true "armament," while using just a bit of it (and thus not turning black) is all you need to make contact with a logia user.

Also: let's be real, people, whether Mihawk clearly used haki in any particular instances or not, obviously he's been capable of it from the start. Greatest swordsman in the world, Shanks' sparring partner, come on.
I always imagined that what was happening here was Akainu manually opening a gap in his body to avoid the attack. Those blades didn't actually cut him, he just opened his body around the arc of the blade, and it looked like a cut. Same as how any Logia user has avoided haki attacks in the past. Doesn't really make much sense otherwise. (Unless it's a simple case of haki vs haki, and Akainu's being strong enough to negate his attacker's.)

Yeah that makes more sense to me. Then Logia users should still have an advantage in general.
Also kinda explains the part about Whitebeard, as he was simply giving him a beating (with Haki) and Akainu didn't (or simply couldn't) make openings thus was valuable to direct contact.

A lot of this haki stuff really doesn't make sense.
Link? Do they have any sources?

No sources apart from the scene I guess
(though I don't remember that it was actually stated in that scene that those two would now use Haki attacks)


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Found the scene. Chapter 574, Vista and Marco slash Akainu after he "punch-impales" Ace.

It's very likely that their Haki isn't as good as Akainu's, it's something that can be trained.
Found the scene. Chapter 574, Vista and Marco slash Akainu after he "punch-impales" Ace.

It's very likely that their Haki isn't as good as Akainu's, it's something that can be trained.

Ah yes. Reading now, and they VERY clearly cut his throat, and he even says "haki users". Maybe their haki isn't as good as Sakazuki's, sure, but still they very clearly almost cut off his head!
Found the scene. Chapter 574, Vista and Marco slash Akainu after he "punch-impales" Ace.

It's very likely that their Haki isn't as good as Akainu's, it's something that can be trained.

Checked the anime (Episode 483, ~10 min in), here they don't cut his neck but his shoulder.
However, there is visible blood, then he closes the cuts and complains about Haki users.

Could be of course that it's a misinterpretation of the anime. Or maybe he can use his devil fruit to basically cauterize his wound?

oh and just watching this again, Akainu is such an ass :p


What does that have to do with anything?

This is the post you're referencing right?

Checked the anime (Episode 483, ~10 min in), here they don't cut his neck but his shoulder.
However, there is visible blood, then he closes the cuts and complains about Haki users.

Could be of course that it's a misinterpretation of the anime. Or maybe he can use his devil fruit to basically cauterize his wound?

oh and just watching this again, Akainu is such an ass :p

He's talking about how the anime portrays his wound, which is a slice to the shoulder. You responding with the manga when he's talking about the anime didn't make sense to me.
^ Yeah, but that doesn't even make sense in the discussion. We all know that the anime has much less gore and such, and that many scenes aren't accurate.
^ Yeah, but that doesn't even make sense in the discussion. We all know that the anime has much less gore and such, and that many scenes aren't accurate.

It was just supposed to be a comparison of how the anime dealt with that scene. The main thing is anyway the anime having blood which you can't really see in the manga. It's kind of a dilemma, blood would make sense if he actually got hurt by haki attacks, but then the wounding should be much more severe considering the position&shape (which the anime somewhat compensates though) yet he shrugs it just off.
Maybe people here are right and it's just a stronger vs. weaker Haki thing, so he basically only got scratched a little on his "real" body and it just looks bad because most of the cut is through the magma or whatever.
Finally had a chance to watch last weeks episode.

I didn't know that
Devil fruits are somehow available again after the original owner dies, or is this one some sort of artificially made one?

Either way Luffy is definitely going to want it.
Finally had a chance to watch last weeks episode.

I didn't know that
Devil fruits are somehow available again after the original owner dies, or is this one some sort of artificially made one?

Either way Luffy is definitely going to want it.

Meh, that's old news. Oda said that ages ago I think. And besides, if fruits didn't respawn then they would all have probably disappeared thousands of years ago, no? There are also books in One Piece showing fruits and their powers. Blackbeard for instance had studied what fruit he wanted, and knew which one it was as soon as he saw the pattern. How would he have been able to do that if someone hadn't had the darkness-fruit before?
Meh, that's old news. Oda said that ages ago I think. And besides, if fruits didn't respawn then they would all have probably disappeared thousands of years ago, no? There are also books in One Piece showing fruits and their powers. Blackbeard for instance had studied what fruit he wanted, and knew which one it was as soon as he saw the pattern. How would he have been able to do that if someone hadn't had the darkness-fruit before?

Good points. It was was kinda news to me since I don't follow anything outside the anime, mostly in an attempt to avoid spoilers!

It does make sense they'd know and research them though, never really thought about that. I thought the straw hats might have stumbled across a devil fruit at some point by now.
On the English Dub side of things, here's the Shanks & Whitebeard scene.

They refer to Haki as Haki, which makes sense since that's the official term now.

I'm behind on the sets, but I'm not too crazy on Whitebeard's voice either (it may actually be the first voice I don't like, hmm). Maybe it'll be improved by Marineford, but idk.

I'm tempted to go back on board with the anime for Dressrosa, though I haven't really been fond of it since the sloppy mess that was Impel down.


OP 629

The new 15th anniversary opening feels a lot more like the animated openings toei makes for one piece videogames(gigant battle ds,ps2,gc games)where the straw hats face off against random big time opponents in the intro like zoro vs shura in gigant battle or ussop vs akainu,

Shiiiiit my man buggy-sama is a warlord now
-diamante modest antics are golden

great episode all round

OP 630

Dressrosa setsoff with great start sofar lots of great art all over the place,but damn those zany toys just weird me out,how did that toy have a baby toy with that woman or is she....secretly a toy too....dan dan dan.

Super awesome disguise loving the stylish beard + sunglass swag, luffy reminds me of master roshi.

great painted background art

Talk about overkill am not sure why toei decide to make the stairs fuji was walking down so detailed.

another great episode

Plus I've been notice there's been a lot of new music lately but this dressrosa episode new music is not even in the new ost,so there probably even more new music to come.
So I'm coming up on the end of the Skypia arc (which kind of dragged on a bit.. thankfully the final eps are picking up) and I was wondering about the next pair of arcs, namely the G8 arc and the Davy Back arc. I see that G8 is filler, and I've tried staying filler free thus far with so many eps still left to catch up on. But I've heard it's also some of the best filler in the series, so that has me hesitant to skip it outright.

Then there's the Davy Back arc, which seems to have been undisputedly labeled one of the worst arcs in the series. Would it be bad if I skipped this? I'm so excited to get to the much hyped Water 7/Enies Lobby arcs around the corner, that I might be jumping the gun by wanting to skip it. So is it as bad as people make it out to be?
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