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One Piece Treasure Cruise |OT| Golden Hammer ---God--- Usopp


I got some more gems from clearing islands I've been slacking on for a few more pulls

-Got an evolved Kuma and unevolved Kuma to join the evolved Kuma already on my team from last night's pulls.
-Only new one was an unevolved Blamenco.

Hancock, why you do this to me?
Is there a guide you guys used for the 0 stamina island?

Any suggestions on when to use my special?

When I did it this morning, I had a ton of runs ruined by bad orbs or missed perfects. This was my final strategy that worked.

2x MAX Mihawk (Mine was MAX Skilled, the other CD doesn't matter)
MAX Arlong
MAX Usopp
84 Helmeppo v2
64 Mr. 3
This should be doable at lower levels. However, I would warn that I had a lot of failed runs and lower levels = more reliance on orb luck.
Note 1: You will need enough HP to tank a hit from Buggy, Smoker, multiple from a Crab and Mihawk's 2k preemptive attack.
Note 2: I have a MAX Merry.

01/20-10/20 - Stall w/out taking damage until all skills are ready.
It is not completely necessary to have all of the skills up this early. They just need to be ready by the Arlong wave.
11/20 - Take out Ace.
I usually have a green orb on one of the Mihawks and do this in one round, but it doesn't matter since he is easy to take out in the two given.
12/20 - Round 1: Take out the fodder. Tank one hit from Buggy.
Round 2: Take out Buggy.
13/20 - Round 1: Take out Kuro.
Round 2+: Orb farm / heal up as needed vs Django since his first "attack" does no damage if he isn't at low health.
14/20 - Round 1: Aim at Gin. Attck w/ Usopp > 3 > Helm > Mihawks > Arlong.
Gin should be taken out by one of the Mihawk hits and Pell should be taken out by the final Arlong hit.
Round 2+: Take out Don.
15/20 - Skills: Mihawk with the longer CD + Mr. 3.
Aim at Arlong and DPS.
The wave should be defeatable in 2 turns.
If not, you will have to tank one hit from Hachi and will need to eat some meat over the next few waves.
16/20 - Skills: 17 CD Mihawk + GP + Arlong on GW.
Defeat them all without taking damage. Stall turns while orb farming (try for at least 1 Mihawk green orb held over to the next wave) vs Miss Valentine. Don't take her out until she is about to deliver her attack.
17/20 - Skills: Helmeppo to free your chained captain.
Round 1: Take out Tashigi + Damage Smoker.
Round 2-3: Damage Smoker but don't get him into critical HP range. Tank one hit from Smoker.
Round 4-6: Stall as per Val in the last wave.
18/20 - Skills: Golden Pound.
Round 1: Take out all but one of the crabs.
Round 2-6: Take out the Rainbow Dragon / Tank hits from the Crab.
Round 7+: Continue tanking the crab to stall / Orb farm. Once Usopp's CD hits 6 you can take it out.
19/20 - Skills: Both Mihawks + Mr 3 + Arlong on Zoro.
Round 1: Take out Sogeking.
Round 2: Take out Nami.
Round 3: Take out Zoro / Sanji (whichever you have matching orbs to defeat faster).
Round 4: Take out Zoro / Sanji + damage Luffy.
Round 5: Take out Luffy.
20/20 - Skills: Golden Pound.
Tank Mihawk's 2k Preemptive strike.
DPS Mihawk before the 4 turns are over.


We CAN get her evolved in time. I believe in both of us. :D
I actually evolved her this morning and used my 24 stock-piled skillbooks.

Two skill-up. :/

Oh well, I guess I'm farming more of them when the event island returns that carries them I can't remember which one it was, but I recall them being a pain to drop. Not looking forward to it. I mean, 15 turns isn't terribly hard to stall for, but still... :(

I hope you have better luck than I do.

Also, congrats to everyone who posted their pulls. Some really great stuff in here.


Is there a guide you guys used for the 0 stamina island?

Posted here some quick and dirty suggestions from my succesful run: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=173323740&postcount=13181

After what seemed like a thousands tries, I finally got my Coffin Ship!!

If you're having troubles and seem to be stuck, here's what I did.

This was my team:

Just stall to activate all specials during the first 11 rounds (don't sweat it, there's plenty of time).

Use a G3 special to clear the mobs, then play as usual.

Focus on Kuro first, try to kill him at the first round, but anyway, he doesn't hit that hard.

Start on the lower interval between Gin and Pearl, keeping in mind that you should kill the first one in the 4th attack leaving the right color for the next (ie. if you start with Pearl, kill him with Jozu at 4th attack and leave Mihawk to kill Gin in 1 hit).

Activate Alvida and focus on Arlong. If you can't kill him in 1 turn, try to leave him with ~30% health to avoid his special on the next turn.

Activate Usopp and kill them following their intervals and stalling for food if needed and to recharge your specials.

Focus on Tashigi and try to kill her before Smoker's first attack.
If you manage to do that (I kinda never did), activate Jozu to bring Smoker's damage to 0; otherwise, use Alvida again.

Use another G3 special to clear the fodder and then cross your finger and bring the dragon down.

Mihawk special and Usopp again.
Then clear them following the default order.

You should have Jozu or Alvida specials up again. Use one of them and hope to kill him in 2 turns.

To be clear: you don't need a max-skilled Mihawk as his special kicks in at round 19, and you have plenty of time to stall during the first 10 rounds.
Alvida's special is more important, especially if you don't have Jozu to fully block a Smoker attack.


My Mihawk 0 run was like this.

MAX Mihawk
70 Mihawk
90 Arlong
MAX Helmeppo
MAX Golden Pound Usopp.

1 Mihawk MAX skilled, Mr3 was at 9 CD, Ussop at 14.

12 Buggy: If you have a matching orb in Ussop you may be able to kill all of them in one turn.
13 Kuro. No CDs, Kuro first, then Django
14 Krieg. No CDs, Gin -> Fire Pearl -> Krieg
15 Arlong. Use Mr3, kill Arlong, stand one Hachi hit.
16 Baroque Works. Use Golden Pound.
17 Smoker, stand one hit, use Mr3 again
18 EVO materials. Keep a crab alive, kill the Dragon in the last turn before he attacks, stand a bunch of hits until Ussop is at 5-6 turns or so. Keep in mind you'll need 2000 hp for Mihawk preemptive.
19 Use both Mihawk specials and Mr3 kill Sogeking first, then Nami, Sanji, Zoro and Luffy. If you manage to get pass this stage you're almost there!
20 Mihawk. Use Ussop, kill him.

You should be able to use a Mihawk in the Arlong stage and have it again on the Strawhats. TBH the only "complicated stages" are Arlong and Luffy.


2x MAX Mihawk (Mine was MAX Skilled, the other CD doesn't matter)
MAX Arlong
MAX Usopp
84 Helmeppo v2
64 Mr. 3
Note 2: I have a MAX Merry.

I'll give this one a try, hopefully the max Merry isn't needed. Usopp keeps failing the ship upgrades...

Posted here some quick and dirty suggestions from my succesful run: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=173323740&postcount=13181

To be clear: you don't need a max-skilled Mihawk as his special kicks in at round 19, and you have plenty of time to stall during the first 10 rounds.
Alvida's special is more important, especially if you don't have Jozu to fully block a Smoker attack.
Ah, I'm not lucky enough to have G3 Luffy, but I'll definitely take some of your advice on the special uses.

My Mihawk 0 run was like this.

MAX Mihawk
70 Mihawk
90 Arlong
MAX Helmeppo
MAX Golden Pound Usopp.

1 Mihawk MAX skilled, Mr3 was at 9 CD, Ussop at 14.

12 Buggy: If you have a matching orb in Ussop you may be able to kill all of them in one turn.
13 Kuro. No CDs, Kuro first, then Django
14 Krieg. No CDs, Gin -> Fire Pearl -> Krieg
15 Arlong. Use Mr3, kill Arlong, stand one Hachi hit.
16 Baroque Works. Use Golden Pound.
17 Smoker, stand one hit, use Mr3 again
18 EVO materials. Keep a crab alive, kill the Dragon in the last turn before he attacks, stand a bunch of hits until Ussop is at 5-6 turns or so. Keep in mind you'll need 2000 hp for Mihawk preemptive.
19 Use both Mihawk specials and Mr3 kill Sogeking first, then Nami, Sanji, Zoro and Luffy. If you manage to get pass this stage you're almost there!
20 Mihawk. Use Ussop, kill him.

You should be able to use a Mihawk in the Arlong stage and have it again on the Strawhats. TBH the only "complicated stages" are Arlong and Luffy.
I thought Alvida was almost needed, I will give this strategy a shot!

Thanks for the feedback guys, I appreciate all the help. It's nice to know it's doable with a slasher group, and I saw a guide on how to do it with WB but mine is still unevolved and would still be under level if I feed him the remaining turtles and pigs.


my run at mihawk (with lv 9 merry ) was

g3 luffy x2 (both lv max)
mihawk (max skill,around lv 85)
Golden pound usopp (lv max in skill and level)
evolved alvida (around lv 70,lv 2 skill)
arlong (around lv 70)


12 Buggy: 1 shot of g3 luffy special,then kill buggy and thr one guy that remains
13 Kuro. use gp usopp..kill kuro first,stall on django until he attacks..remember that if kuro is down when his timer is over,he will do nothing for one turn
14 Krieg. start with gin,then pearl and then krieg,you should be able to kill all three without getting attacked
15 Arlong. defend with alvida and try to kill arlong as fast as possible (is doable in one turn,alvida is your life assurance)
16 Baroque Works. use GPp usopp,kill them in order,if alvida or usopp have not charged their special at the end of the stage,feel free to take an hit from miss valentine,she doesn't hurt too much
17 Smoker, use gp usopp,kill tashigi first,then smoker
18 rainbow dragon. use g3 luffy's special to wipe out the crabs,kill the dragon in the remaining 3 turns,is doable
19 strawhats use gp usopp and mihawk (and g3 luffy,you are not gonna need it later) and then kill them in order of turn (usopp>nami>etc..)
20 Mihawk. you should be able to kill him in 2 turns using alvida to protect yourself..if you are not sure i think you can tank an attack at the beginning and use alvida the turn after,but it shouldn't be necessary


So I ran the 0 stamina about 10 times and here are the results: I take damage on Buggy (clear all fodders around him and tank a hit), rarely get unlucky with orbs and take damage from Don, can tank Hachi for one blow after finishing Arlong in 2 turns, come out unscathed in BW (besides the initial hit), usually get unlucky and die to Smoker. I think my other characters are a bit too low (Had a good run at one point but I got greedy and held Arlong back and Tashigi + smoker wrecked me) because Smoker is surviving with <5% health.

I'm sure I can pass him if I stop getting the opposite orbs. Thank you everyone for the advices, hopefully I'll reach the Strawhats again but now I know to aim at Sogeking first.
After 838328runs and 5 golden pound books I finally got the last skill level up to max usopp. Never again! >.>
Sogeking books are in next week's Hogback fortnight. I have both a Sogeking and a GP Usopp, so I'm contemplating not bothering with Kuro 15 and instead waiting for Ducksquad Fortnight in November to max GP Usopp.


Sogeking books are in next week's Hogback fortnight. I have both a Sogeking and a GP Usopp, so I'm contemplating not bothering with Kuro 15 and instead waiting for Ducksquad Fortnight in November to max GP Usopp.

Yeah that's definitely the better approach and I only did it because it was really just one level. Otherwise I would've waited till the ducksquad fortnight. Because these books are rarer than whitebeard's >.>

Another achievement! I finally could evolve my fat alvida, which I leveled up with fodder units and got a skill up! :D I was desperate because the books wouldn't drop so I did it this way. xD
I know that we are ~9 months behind the Japanese timeline, so we likely won't be seeing the Princess Turtle Isle appear until early 2016. However, when did Japan switch from our current schedule of 2, 30 min Purple TTs every Monday to what they have now of 1, 1 hour Purple TT every Monday and 1, 1 hour TT every Friday (where the colors rotate weekly)?

It would be so nice to get the Friday TTs for more efficient leveling of non-purple units.
Although, losing the recharge period between our current 30 min TTs means more fruits spent and a greater chance to completely miss out on a day's TT due to scheduling issues.

Also, in regards to major changes: When did Japan get the STA recharge time sliced down to 5 min?


Mihawk September 1st!
Chopper September 8th!
Garp September 13th!

However, when did Japan switch from our current schedule of 2, 30 min Purple TTs every Monday to what they have now of 1, 1 hour Purple TT every Monday and 1, 1 hour TT every Friday (where the colors rotate weekly)?

Also, in regards to major changes: When did Japan get the STA recharge time sliced down to 5 min?

I believe japan had 1hours turtle times from the beginning. We have 2x 30minutes runs, because we are around the world and so no one would miss his/her turtle time because of that.

Stamina recharge time change was like 2 month ago?


Neo Member
I know that we are ~9 months behind the Japanese timeline, so we likely won't be seeing the Princess Turtle Isle appear until early 2016. However, when did Japan switch from our current schedule of 2, 30 min Purple TTs every Monday to what they have now of 1, 1 hour Purple TT every Monday and 1, 1 hour TT every Friday (where the colors rotate weekly)?

It would be so nice to get the Friday TTs for more efficient leveling of non-purple units.
Although, losing the recharge period between our current 30 min TTs means more fruits spent and a greater chance to completely miss out on a day's TT due to scheduling issues.

Also, in regards to major changes: When did Japan get the STA recharge time sliced down to 5 min?

I think the big stamina change happened in late June, around the time Water 7 released. It was pretty recent, but I wasn't playing the Japanese version then, so I'm not sure when it was exactly.


hahaha I got excited for these global announcements but Japan is killing it again. Looks like they are getting a 6* Mihawk and Crocodile. (I'm not sure if they will be really 6* because I don't speak any japanese but it looks like it). and they get another type like freedom.


hahaha I got excited for these global announcements but Japan is killing it again. Looks like they are getting a 6* Mihawk and Crocodile. (I'm not sure if they will be really 6* because I don't speak any japanese but it looks like it). and they get another type like freedom.

Looks like they're 5 stars. I don't see number six anywhere(edit:well, that was incorrect). Bigger news is they're removing shit east blue characters from the rr pool. No more Hachi.

Question. Now that I have G3 Luffy can I take on Mihawk, MC and Garp ? I don't wanna resort to laboon. Sounds boring. Thanks.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Bad Sugo for me:

Story Usopp
Story Nami
LS Zoro (woot!)
Story Chopper
Fire Pearl (new to me, at least)
Story Zoro
Fire Pearl

I don't specifically need any of the shichibukai for any teams or upcoming content, so I think I'm going to save the 35 gems I have left. I've already pulled 4-5 times more than I intended.

I just realized that my "Story Nami" is actually unevolved Towel Nami, which I didn't have and really needed. Soooo glad I double-checked before trashing her.

So, that's a total of 10 pulls:

2/10 very good/usable gacha-only units.
1/10 a farmable unit worth keeping that's new to me.
7/10 dupes/trash.

So... still not a great Sugo, but considerably less dire.

Edit: Upon closer inspection, my "story Usopp" is actually an unevolved Impact Dial Usopp, as well.


Looks like they're 5 stars. I don't see number six anywhere. Bigger news is they're removing shit east blue characters from the rr pool. No more Hachi.

Question. Now that I have G3 Luffy can I take on Mihawk, MC and Garp ? I don't wanna resort to laboon. Sounds boring. Thanks.

They never show the 6 stars because you can't pull them, only their 5*version.
gamewith and optc-guide.com confirmed that they will be really 6* units. Holy shit.
I'm really curious what they will do. Mihawk can't be better than his raid boss version. Probably something like 2.75xAtk. But theres no way he will have his 30%HP reduction skill.

And yup that's really nice, but there are still a lot of other story units in .__.

Question. Now that I have G3 Luffy can I take on Mihawk, MC and Garp ? I don't wanna resort to laboon. Sounds boring. Thanks.

Depends on your other characters.
Mihawk: 2x G3, Arlong, GP usopp and Alvida should be enough to be really save.
Garp: It looks like you still need Robin for a G3 team, but I'm not sure with that, because I never ran Garp with a G3.
Chopper: 2xG3, + something like this: Hina, Sanji/Lucci, Coby v2


They never show the 6 stars because you can't pull them, only their 5*version.
gamewith and optc-guide.com confirmed that they will be really 6* units. Holy shit.
I'm really curious what they will do. Mihawk can't be better than his raid boss version. Probably something like 2.75xAtk. But theres no way he will have his 30%HP reduction skill.

And yup that's really nice, but there are still a lot of other story units in .__.

Depends on your other characters.
Mihawk: 2x G3, Arlong, GP usopp and Alvida should be enough to be really save.
Garp: It looks like you still need Robin for a G3 team, but I'm not sure with that, because I never ran Garp with a G3.
Chopper: 2xG3, + something like this: Hina, Sanji/Lucci, Coby v2

So only Mihawk.
Don't have Hina, Coby or Robin. Coby could be replaced with Kaku I guess. I'll revive with a gem then. They're worth it. Thanks.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Mihawk September 1st!
Chopper September 8th!
Garp September 13th!

I believe japan had 1hours turtle times from the beginning. We have 2x 30minutes runs, because we are around the world and so no one would miss his/her turtle time because of that.

Stamina recharge time change was like 2 month ago?
Guess I will be able to max skill Garp before Zephyr which is good.
Mihawk September 1st!
Chopper September 8th!
Garp September 13th!
Yay! I'm so glad that they spaced these out. It will give me time to save up Gems after dumping them all into Sugo.

I probably won't gem farm Mihawk, simply because I have him MAX lvl and skill already. But, the P.LVL Exp + Beli + his drop being good green exp means I can see myself just spending natural STA on running him whenever I can.

Monster Chopper is great timing because I've been trying to max level my MC and G3 and this should help immensely. Although, his skill doesn't seem all that important to MAX. Am I off here?

I will be farming Garp like crazy. Now that I have a full purple team roster, I should be able to decimate him. My next two TT turtles will be dumped into the Robin I just pulled.

I believe japan had 1hours turtle times from the beginning. We have 2x 30minutes runs, because we are around the world and so no one would miss his/her turtle time because of that.
Ah! So then, it is likely that the RGB Friday TTs will prob stay as 2x 30min runs w/ the 10 hour gap between them whenever they are added. I'm ok with that, if so. :D

Stamina recharge time change was like 2 month ago?
I think we are ~9 months behind Japan's timeline. If that's the case then 5 min STA refreshes are prob not coming to Global until sometime next year. Although, we have gotten stuff like Story Isles, Updates and Sugos earlier than Japan did so... *shrug*.

So only Mihawk.
Don't have Hina, Coby or Robin. Coby could be replaced with Kaku I guess. I'll revive with a gem then. They're worth it. Thanks.
After farming Mihawk, you may be able to run a 2x Mihawk team for Monster Chopper and Garp.


Thanks to BAMCO for giving us the boss raid event AFTER the special up, but still no Box upgrade huh? You had ONE f** job.... Really don't know if i gem for this shit. I know i will struggle with the skillbooks and characters from the next fortnight...AGAIN


Happy that Mihawk is returning, sad that the skill up event ends right before Mihawk. My Mihawk is still at skill level 1 so this will take some time to farm...


And we were complaining because of the lack of raids. They probably were waiting since summer must have been slow and now they're going all out.

I'll finally be able to max Mihawk and Garp. Maybe even Monster Chopper. Awesome.


woa at that event...
shame it's not during the x2 skillup chance though,i don't have the space to amass raid bosses :(
still wanna try maxing garp...is monster chopper skill that useful?


woa at that event...
shame it's not during the x2 skillup chance though,i don't have the space to amass raid bosses :(
still wanna try maxing garp...is monster chopper skill that useful?

I think it depends. If you're using a Monster Chopper team for Doffy, yes it is. If you decide to use another team... not so much.

I'm doing the math for Mihawk run and this are the 2 choices I've got so far.

2x Mihawk, Arlong, Morgan, Helmeppo and GP Usopp. (280k damage per turn, I would use my friend Mihawk skill and GP Ussop)

2x Monster Chopper, Arlong, Mihawk (high HP), Franky (Swap 2 orbs), Golden Pound Usopp. (>450k damage per turn, should be easy in 4 turns).

I want to decrease Garp cooldown, maxing him if posible. I have >40 gems, my Mihawk CD is at level 6. I'll see how many gems I have after I finish him and then I'll decide if I max Monster Chopper too or not.

For Garp I'll probably go for a 2x Mihawk team, since it looks like the safest route I can take. I'll use Helmeppo, Crocodile, Alvida and Smoker :)


Happy Mihawk is coming back. Doubt I will max him but if I get him to 25 I'll be happy. At least I can put my kuma to work now.


0 and 5 are Gold today, if somebody wants to barrel break I can in around 2 hours. Chrono? Maju-kun, ZekeThePlumber? I think you're my usual traders :p

Want the Cola for my Coffin Ship. I'm gonna destroy Garp!

Happy Mihawk is coming back. Doubt I will max him but if I get him to 25 I'll be happy. At least I can put my kuma to work now.

MAX him! Do your best!


0 and 5 are Gold today, if somebody wants to barrel break I can in around 2 hours. Chrono? Maju-kun, ZekeThePlumber? I think you're my usual traders :p

Want the Cola for my Coffin Ship. I'm gonna destroy Garp!

MAX him! Do your best!


can you meet me at "municipio roma IX"?
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