Finished the missions, I really like those. It's a nice break plus the cut scene at the end makes it fun.
The duck isle is really odd, very random but I guess that's the point. Apparently the Unluckies have a story mode drop rate on the first stage, oddly enough they dropped first run for me. So I'm grateful given I didn't drop them for my character log before. As I thought, definitely won't be bothering with the Duck Squad unit's special. Way too much doing and the drops for all the ducks to evolve is really sporadic.
Otherwise ranking is pretty straight forward, pretty sure you just need a cost below 100, clear each stage in one turn with the exception of the last one and you're good. I imagine if you one turn Kraken though, you'll break the 800k point barrier.
All in all, we got 9 gems I think today? I used that towards a couple pulls and stopped on the third one when I got a new unit with Moria. Although I may go back in seeing what Pelican did below... (Boa join my crew please!)
I'm so sorry.
I'm so so sorry.
Third pull. Lol.
Dude NICE! Don't be sorry, that's fantastic. Congrats as your red poster streak continues!
Now... good luck with the Whitebread trials. Bamco knew, especially with Kraken back - hopefully you have some books stashed from previous fortnights. Definitely wait for a special rate up and if the Heracles thing is true as the next raid boss, the Blackbeard team is probably preferred anyway.