Server maintenance next week... may give us another +100 box space? That's being fruitlessly hopeful though.
One other thing to consider, while we may not get a new raid this month, although stranger things have happened. We will definitely/(assumedly) get a new raid at the beginning of May. However keep in mind, Bamco could still very well do the 2x skill up second week of the next next event.
And even worse case scenario, a 2x skill up could even happen as late as the second half of May. So, with that in mind... hold onto your butts.
I didn't get a single GPU book from Usopp'un. D:
GP books from Fat Usopp raid were kinda rough, as it only dropped from the first encounter Usopp. So strange they made that such a rarer drop... but unsurprising in some ways. It's anecdotal, but I netted 16 GP books from something like 120-130 runs I did.
I'm not going to touch these Mihawks but I'm looking at all these Garps and thinking "Is his special really THAT good?"
we need a rate up. I'm trying to figure out what the business decision would be to hold one off for so long.
Garp is a gateway, much like Mihawk was a gateway to special max. Aokiji/(Zephyr, lol) raids providing the prep work was done, led to the Bon Clay/Garp/Impact Usopp + booster combo. We got the easy version of Aokiji since we had sockets released early and with the over abundance of RRs we have now, I want to say a few more options were made available to us than when Japan players encountered him first.
Business decision? It's all bottomline related. I still feel they're vastly overlooking not incentivizing the success level in the game even more so, where marginal spending across the board from players who wouldn't normally buy/use as much gems... would in fact do more. The players who spend already aren't going to stop, the micro-transactions should almost be approached in a skewed subscription fee per player, say each one buying a gem pack per month just to play. And I think that's doable, if the success rate was better (drops, skill ups, etc whatever). That's my theory though, as I find that players today in GBL do more micromanagement organizing and collecting within their box, rather than putting things to use immediately or are hesitant if things don't go well enough.
In that same sense, limited box space leads to dumping X units you may not need, or evolvers you've been stashing, or using books/copies, etc. Fact is, everyone is different but there is an underlying grind there where the objective is the same, albeit players reaching the goals, ie. immediately vs. later on through repeat events.
Why they would withhold a 2x event? I think it forces players to play in fear, similar to how the Enel raid dropped so soon after Doffy. We didn't get a skill up event until after Enel, but prior to that players fed their Doffy copies to be ready for Enel... however, Bamco did an impromptu Doffy repeat right before Enel. So it forced players who used those copies early to gem more or again, to get those skill ups in one last preparation for the Enel raid. Also, they dropped Apoo books two days before the raid, knowing full well players who had and would use him, would play feverishly for the books and skill ups.
While we remember we haven't had a skill up event since February, what's overlooked are the events leading up to that skill up event during the anniversary.
However I'm sure there were still players, be them casual or just truly patient, who held out and made their own decision of how they play. In the opposite end, the 2x skill up can simply be a placebo effect, I know I've read from players who have poored fairly during the event and that will happen. Just like there are moments where incredible luck for skill ups happens outside of the event. In the end, I still think they're truly trying to figure out how to better monetize the GBL format. The 48 hour Sugos were a test, the varying rate ups, the drip feed of new batches, etc. The initial problem was the lack of content, now I feel it's the pacing and my biggest complaint with the handling of the game is how inorganic it all feels currently. There should always be something to do in a broader scope.