Gah, the timing on this fortnight sucks. I need 5 more skill ups on Izo and the full 10 for Capone with his book just coming out. If I aim for the average rate up for skill up events, that means I'll need about 60 manuals between the both of them. Not only that, I need 5 more skill ups on my SWS Zoro (I don't recall ever having saved them for a skill-up event from running the Lucci isle before) and I still need 4 level ups on Kaku which I haven't gotten from just being unlucky with drops.
I fed all my Young Buggy, Shanks, and Zeff dupes. My Curiel books are on the chopping block next since he's a unit I don't have. I think I might be okay so long as they don't throw a new raid at us. Oh god, the horror...
I tried
Thatch/Legend Mihawk
GP Usopp/Killer
Mihawk and Usopp for the despair. He locked Killer, and then I got creamed once he hit 20%. I don't think I have the levels on anyone in this team to really burst him down. Might sub out Killer and Thatch for Kaku and an orb manipulator, and see. But I'm not gonna gem for it.
I tried
Thatch/Legend Mihawk
GP Usopp/Killer
Mihawk and Usopp for the despair. He locked Killer, and then I got creamed once he hit 20%. I don't think I have the levels on anyone in this team to really burst him down. Might sub out Killer and Thatch for Kaku and an orb manipulator, and see. But I'm not gonna gem for it.
I didI tried
Thatch/Legend Mihawk
GP Usopp/Killer
Mihawk and Usopp for the despair. He locked Killer, and then I got creamed once he hit 20%. I don't think I have the levels on anyone in this team to really burst him down. Might sub out Killer and Thatch for Kaku and an orb manipulator, and see. But I'm not gonna gem for it.
don't you have the sockets for a lv 1 anti-despair?
makes the whole thing so much easier
also,i think you can exit and re.-enter to re-roll who blackbeard locks
I don't think you even need to stall on 3rd or 4th with lvl 1 despair. There's very little risk of dying at Blackbeard with double Enels.
My Doflamingo is skill 23 but you can stall for a long time in stages 2, 3 and 4 until all skills are ready. And you don't have to wait for 20%hp remaining if your orbs are good.What I'm saying is, I don't have the gusto to take him out once he hits 20%. So he hit me and I died, even with the fabled double Enel.
I have a Doflamingo, but I think he is either skill level 1 or 2. Gonna sit down here in a bit and sort this out.
What I'm saying is, I don't have the gusto to take him out once he hits 20%. So he hit me and I died, even with the fabled double Enel.
I have a Doflamingo, but I think he is either skill level 1 or 2. Gonna sit down here in a bit and sort this out.
My Doflamingo is skill 23 but you can stall for a long time in stages 2, 3 and 4 until all skills are ready. And you don't have to wait for 20%hp remaining if your orbs are good.
What's your max HP with a double enel team? BB does nearly 9k damage when he dips under 20%
I intentionally pack Tanky subs like Jimbe to get my HP up relatively high (14k or so) to make sure I can actually take the blow.
Congrats on wyper.Yeah, Wyper finally dropped.
Really want to farm BB but I don't want to yolo power up him just because I don't have the box space...
ended up using some of my i only have 5 left,but i only need 1 skillup and 1 Cd reduction socket..hopefully i can complete it on the next skillup event
I was in similar position last BB raid(15copied 0skill up)Yolo
Wow, checking back on this game that I abandoned not that long ago(gave my account to CloggerDude, I belive... hopefully he is still helping you guys out); it is crazy how far it has advanced in that short amount of time. It kinda makes me want to start up again whenever a Sugofest happens. If so, who is currently released that I should shoot for during such a thing?
Wow, checking back on this game that I abandoned not that long ago(gave my account to CloggerDude, I belive... hopefully he is still helping you guys out); it is crazy how far it has advanced in that short amount of time. It kinda makes me want to start up again whenever a Sugofest happens. If so, who is currently released that I should shoot for during such a thing?
How many are honestly important? I got over 250 saved for skill ups alone and that's with non-essentials like Laki and Aisa, and I still have 30 slots currently open. I know I can get rid of over 40 evolvers and more random pigs.No skill-up event and the space struggle has really destroyed my excitement for this game. I haven't even touched Zeff's fortnight yet, since I don't even have space to collect anything, and I'm not about to fuse away important units/skillbooks, many of which I spent Rainbow Gems in farming, under sub-optimal conditions.
It's depressing how Japan is getting their third...third skill-up event since we last had one, and they have a larger member box capacity than we do. :/
I could probably get rid of maybe...25 or so, but it's not so much the importance as it as it is the time I spent on these things and not be able to get the most out of them. I can understand not getting them every few weeks, it's supposed to be a limited event where people save up/wait for. However, I think a skill-up event once a month isn't too much to ask for, given how fast Namco Bandai give us content (and, more recently) raids).How many are honestly important? I got over 250 saved for skill ups alone and that's with non-essentials like Laki and Aisa, and I still have 30 slots currently open. I know I can get rid of over 40 evolvers and more random pigs.
YesHow do sockets for Carue work? Do all of the other ducks give him sockets?
I think I'm going to run Domino once for the gem and continue farming Carue and Lucci. Capone books would be nice but there's another fortnight that drops his book. Plus I can see myself using Lucci/Kaku more than Domino/Capone.
Doffy beats him in every way except his CD, which I would still use him for fortnights or story chapters with a low stage count. Plus I'm more in it for Lucci tbh.kaku,much like coby,it's not used that often after you acquire a max raid doffy
Doffy beats him in every way except his CD, which I would still use him for fortnights or story chapters with a low stage count. Plus I'm more in it for Lucci tbh.
Doing some housekeeping and planning for raids, a legend marco doesn't work with the Blackbeard team setup for Dolfamingo does it?
I guess I can only go for this listed team without a Jozu.
There's also a Sengoku team but require skill ups on Sengoku.
you should be good to go against doffy as long as you don't mind rerolling monster chopper's special damage if insufficientDoing some housekeeping and planning for raids, a legend marco doesn't work with the Blackbeard team setup for Dolfamingo does it?
I guess I can only go for this listed team without a Jozu.
There's also a Sengoku team but require skill ups on Sengoku.
Do you have Mihawk and GPU at maxed specials? If so, the following team works easily
you should be good to go against doffy as long as you don't mind rerolling monster chopper's special damage if insufficient
for the goons before it depends from your level and their timers, sometimes you might not have enough hp to survive the first attack from doffy
fodder (20% red.) or Sakura robin (30% for 3 turns)I guess technically it is possible to still use a similar Blackbeard setup for Doflamingo with legend marco, using a damage reducer with Moby dick instead of the Navy ship and it's not a stretch to do 400k damage per turn for 8 turns, but halving Blackbeard's special damage output to only 800k is a lot of work for not that much damage.
Are there any units that have damage reduction specials less than 50%?
For Aokiji, the Sengoku team is straightforward but for sockets I guess I can continue to hope that Mr. 2 will drop someday or Cindry will need a good amount of sockets, because Django sure aren't getting any with his terrible drop rates.
fodder (20% red.) or Sakura robin (30% for 3 turns)
Also log brook (45%);p