Don't feel bad, I only had four total, I think. At this rate, I need another 6-7 Buggy island weeks at least, if I were to even get close to finishing sockets.
Took me about 40 gems to max SW Shanks sockets. Not fun lol.
Don't feel bad, I only had four total, I think. At this rate, I need another 6-7 Buggy island weeks at least, if I were to even get close to finishing sockets.
I spent all of my gems in the last Sugo. So I only have a few right now. I'll do one or two pulls then save them for the next time Mihawk shows up, so I can socket my shiny new IntHawk (I'm guessing Lock, Despair, CD, Orbs would be ideal, not quite sure).
T-Bone seems tough so far. That Lock Int is a bitch
I managed to beat 30 but I'm not sure if it's reliableYeah, trying to figure out a burst team to just bypass that entirely.
Whitey Bay (Captain)
Towel Nami (Friend Captain)
Nico Robin
Don Krieg/Poison Croc
Log Nami/Noland
Kimono Tashigi/Mr. 3
Go into the round with all specials ready, use everything, and he'll die due to the poison afterwards. Works, but with my levels I need at least 1 matching orb.
Special stage here is just T-Bone, but he can drop SW Shanks books (or himself, maybe? I got a book).
Also, Jerry is a weirdo.
Tried Tbone 15 stam. Do we really have to wait his 4turn invincibility before we can kill him?
if you have a skill that does damage it can finish him off if he's got low enough HP
"Can't be KOed" should really say "Can't be KOed by your regular attacks"
Yup. Poison is your best bet since it'll trigger before he can do an attack/special himself. So pull out your Kriegs and your Crocs.
Ohhh so that's how it is.
I guess prison croc will be useful now.
So hit him with poison first before anything else right?
Very torn on this new fortnight. On the one hand, INThawk teams with HW Brook make this easy as pie. And I need me some T-Bone since he's the best PSY slasher out there now.
On the other hand, I need absolutely 0 of these skillbooks.
I almost forgot this FN has SW Shanks books until I got a chest drop on the secret stage. That's okay though because I hear SW Shanks owners love to farm.
You can bypass the death prevention buff with fixed damage, however, in this FN when you bring Tbone under 20%, he'll prevent all damage for 2 turns so it would be pointless to bring Sanji/Vista just for their fixed damage.I beat T-Bone 30s without much trouble, but I used this team and I totally recognize it's easy mode
Legend Mihawk/Sabo
GP Usopp/Sengoku
Really, I think you just need to be able to stall for Usopp's special, and then if you have a fixed damage special, you can bypass the no-death barrier thing. Right? So like a Vista, or a DJ Sanji. What about Krieg's boat? I didn't even think about it until now, but it might work.
Alright, who's best to start feeding RCV cotton candy to after Enel? I just hit 100 today and need to start thinking. My INTHawk gets all HP/ATK ones until he's maxed, which is almost done for HP actually.
I had originally started GP, before Enel, just because he's a staple in so many teams. Not really sure who else to give a RCV boost to.
The only other legend I have is Lucci, and RCV is pointless on him since his Captain ability sets RCV to zero.
Alright, who's best to start feeding RCV cotton candy to after Enel? I just hit 100 today and need to start thinking. My INTHawk gets all HP/ATK ones until he's maxed, which is almost done for HP actually.
I had originally started GP, before Enel, just because he's a staple in so many teams. Not really sure who else to give a RCV boost to.
The only other legend I have is Lucci, and RCV is pointless on him since his Captain ability sets RCV to zero.
If you have Int Ivankov give them to him since his special benefits from more rcv.
What did they do to the friend list? I only have like less than 10 captains to choose from.
Edit: relog fixed it. Weird bug though.
Guys what are you planning to socket tbone?
Is Bind and Despair still the go to for Tbone?
For the 3rd slot, I'm torn between Heal and CD. Or Matching Orbs also good?
I'll be using Tbone for Slasher, Psy and Senguku team since his Atk is good enough.
I fed my first copies to my Tbone and got Bind x2, Healx2 and Silence
so... I guess he decided for me.
Wait, what is silence? It's Despair is it? Can't remember all the terms yet lol.
Won't pull this sugo. Don't really think the new units are that important and I will (hopefully) wait till there is a Law+Gold only+Multipull Sugo to pull again.![]()
I wouldn't call any of them vital (though Gladius is a straight upgrade from Ace for QCK leads), but there's some good units in there. Machvise is underwhelming (decent special though) and Violet's more of a curiosity than anything else, but Gladius, Dellinger, and Diamante all make good leads or stat-sticks.
My hope for this sugo is to pull Caesar, Trebol, or Diamante so I can have a good Driven lead. The Wapol fortnight (though still a while off) only allows Shooters or Driven and I'm going to need to farm it for Legend Marco books.
Or they could give me Corazon, I could live with that too.![]()
Enel is up. I totally forgot about him.
Going with Doffy/Doffy/Mihawk/Law/Apoo/Marco. Seems like that'll make it pretty easy? is up. I totally forgot about him.
Going with Doffy/Doffy/Mihawk/Law/Apoo/Marco. Seems like that'll make it pretty easy?
You need everyone to be under 22 turns to clear this with ease otherwise you'll have to find another way to stall.
So sugo soon for Global. Is there one day that seems better than the other? Both are DEX up as far as I can tell
Day 1 is Doffy 1 and 3 boosted, so you have a (hypothetical) good chance at Caesar or Dellinger. Corazon is also double-boosted, for whatever slight increase that gives legends.
Day 2 is Doffy 2 and some earlier RRs, so you get better chances for Giolla and Lion Song Zoro. New Log Luffy also has a boost.
Basically, Day 1 is significantly better unless you specifically want New Log Luffy (and pulling just for a legend will likely end in tears). If you want Doffy 2 characters then Day 2 is also better, though with only a single boost you may want to hold off.