Well, luckily, one of the new WB Commander sugo units (Haruta) has the same drop duplication ability as Baccarat (and with better attack boosts, too). Of course, it sucks that Japan gets the ability through a fortnight while we're currently stuck with it being RR-only.
(And hey, with our current sugo pace, we should have WB Commanders 3 in, oh, a week or so

According to Reddit, here's the upcoming returning fortnight schedule for Global:
8/2: Young Arlong, Buggy (Breed Week 1)
8/9: Young Vivi/Koza, Kuro (Breed Week 2)
8/16: Noland, Alvida (Presumably Nami/Lola Week 1)
8/23: Camie, Franky (Nami/Lola Week 2)
8/30: Gan Fall, Smoker (Presumably Tom's Workers Week 1)
Next two weeks will be rough. I need more Young Arlongs and Sengoku skill books, but I also want to get a lot of Breeds, so I'll have to alternate all through the next couple weeks.
I also plan to farm Bride Nami a lot (gonna try and do some Sengoku teams with her and Zambai), so luckily there's not a lot I need over those two weeks.
I want to get sockets for my Kimono Tashigi, so I hope we do get Tom's Workers there since there's nothing I need in that fortnight.