I'm using Lock/Despair and on my second one I have CD/Heals. If I need matching orb/CD instead, I usually swap to my 2nd GP Usopp. I think autoheal is underrated, it becomes so much better (if) when we finally get Colosseum.If this half stamina raids during a skillup event is a legit thing, there probably won't be a better time to get a second Doffy. Starting the 9th it'll be half stamina for evolver isles AND on the 11th we'll get green princess turtles so you can easily save them to quickly level and evolve Doffy on the 15th so you can get his 2nd socket.
I'm reevaluating my slasher sockets. Since I have IntHawk and 3D2Y Zoro, it's probably worth it to have healing sockets since they both have 4 slots. Due to the way the IntHawk captain ability works, your first attacking unit won't get any sort of damage boost so you'll likely be running a support unit like GP Usopp and it might just be better to invest your 1 matching orb socket on that unit.
On the topic of socketing Doffy, what sockets do you guys plan on running on your two Doffys? My current one is cd/lock but I'm considering even redoing that and I'd like to work auto-heal into one of them.
I'm so happy to just be running a fortnight now
I think another week of raids will kill me
I almost died using a similar team due to his no recovery penalty. I think I'll stick with LL for this one...I hear that. It's draining! And if it wasn't for the skillup event I don't know if I could handle it...
That being said, any other Legend Lucci owners, feel free to friend me (Code in the google doc). I need more captains! Been running this FN with:
Mr2 doesn't get any bonus, but gives the team full orbs with garp which is necessary on the last stage (as is Marco, for saftey). I do wish Lucci FN would come back so I could get some sockets though
I almost died using a similar team due to his no recovery penalty. I think I'll stick with LL for this one...
She and Dellinger are both pretty fun to use. They aren't characters I normally use but their attack animations and timing are very similar to one another.It's certainly not the fastest team, but I've been using a slight tweak of the classic Garp burst team to easily crush this fortnight.
Garp | Garp
Koala | Marco
Bon Clay | Coby
It's nice to put Koala to use so fast after pulling her in the last Sugo. Her attack animation is so fun.
Isn't Mihawk Raid supposed to be now? Nit seeing it on Extra Island...
That's messed up. People planned for this, stayed up, and it was on the notice board.
It's not like Mihawk was a special raid or something. It was part of our regularly scheduled raids now.
Well he will be back on the 9th with half stamina so i guess that is pretty cool.
What are you guys talking about there is no Mihawk in the notices
Looks like next week is real![]()
That's messed up. People planned for this, stayed up, and it was on the notice board.
It's not like Mihawk was a special raid or something. It was part of our regularly scheduled raids now.
Why would this be an indication of anything? lol
New ranking also coming up.
it's super shitty they removed the notice that he was coming...
Because it wouldn't make sense to give us Mihawk twice in 6 days. But I was half joking.
They even tweeted it. Lol
Oh great Shiki is back on JP. Another unit we'll probably never get on global. Sigh
There's your Mihawk, now the 1/2 is fake.![]()
As a apology they extended his trip to the extra island.
WOAH HE WILL BE REMOVED FROM JAPAN! https://mobile.twitter.com/OPTCAcademy/status/761410168496140288
The game updated and I TT'd to see if the half stamina raids stuck around. They did AND it looks like we'll be getting a sugofest on the 11th, during an INT rate up no less:
Yeah Fujitora batch. He's INT so yay? I believe Mansherry and Leo are the standouts of this batch.
Btw Mansheryy doesn't make any sense for us since we don't have the status "numbness". lol
The game updated and I TT'd to see if the half stamina raids stuck around. They did AND it looks like we'll be getting a sugofest on the 11th, during an INT rate up no less:
Nope, I don't gem for SW Ace books... The drop rate is as bad as Boa's. Got one book so far with natural stamina.Meanwhile I have 18 Breeds and 16 Inazuma books. I don't expect the same rate for legend books but give me at least one per day ._.
"Burning Blood" accurately describes the people still (patiently) waiting for Zephyr.Whoo, got a double Breed drop. I suspect those will be rarer than double T-Bone runs.
Also: One Piece Burning Blood is getting Film Gold content, so if you want to hold some irrational hope that Bamco licensed content for Treasure Cruise alongside it, now's the time.