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That Violet
Need to get me one of those
Need to get me one of those

Do you guys really feed 5 at a time? I do either 1 or 2, but then, I've run about 20 times already today on Doflamingo and I'm only up to skill level 8. Maybe I should change up my method.
Got the fabled two breed drops in one run, it was a sight to behold
no skill up of course
Well I finished my second Doffy's sockets (Heal/CD) but he still needs 4 levels on his S-Lvl. I'll probably finish it another time if not today.
Who are you guys feeding your candies to? I've been thinking if giving them to Doffy since I use him in almost every team. Atm it's all going to a turtle until I decide who to give it to...
Who are you guys feeding your candies to? I've been thinking if giving them to Doffy since I use him in almost every team. Atm it's all going to a turtle until I decide who to give it to...
Well I finished my second Doffy's sockets (Heal/CD) but he still needs 4 levels on his S-Lvl. I'll probably finish it another time if not today.
Who are you guys feeding your candies to? I've been thinking if giving them to Doffy since I use him in almost every team. Atm it's all going to a turtle until I decide who to give it to...
No, just ATK and HP on a turtle and RCV to Marco atm. HP to Blackbeard is a good idea but I haven't used him at all. Atm I have +50 on a turtle (50% HP and the other ATK), I may just give it to Doffy after all.Are you putting all three candies on one turtle? I think it'd be a good idea to separate them out since there's the +200 cap.
I think I've done like 30 runs, and I got his cooldown to 20, but it just does not want to give up any more skill ups. I think I'm gonna switch to socketing QCK Doflamingo now.
Must be nice to have that option!
5 more Doffys fed, 1 skill up away now! And I just leveled up, so hopefully with natural stamina I can finish this off. Then... probably start a second one with Autoheal and something else. Orbs maybe? Or Maybe stay with bind.
So I'm close to max-skilling my first Doflamingo...and I realized I have sub optimal sockets for him (Bind/Despair). The worst part is that the sockets are nearly finished, I just need one more Bind and I'll be done. :/
Do I start work on a second Doflamingo, after I max the first, or do I begin the new socketing right now on the first one...
Oh, okay. Thanks!I don't think they're suboptimal. Just safe, and I think this is okay for a single Doflamingo. A lot of people still recommend throwing Bind and Despair sockets on him.
I think there's only a few instances where specific sockets are right/wrong for a character, like not putting Despair on Blackbeard.
I agree with this. The major reason to use BB is for his special, so reducing the amount of time you need to stall should be a top priority. Auto heal is also another good socket for him (although really not needed) so you can stall comfortably if you have to.I'm also of the opinion that not putting cd reduction on your BB is almost as egregious as putting despair sockets on them.
Yeah, going from different teams back to Log Luffy can be difficult, especially if you continually swap in/out members in that Log Luffy team (you need to get used to the timing of their attacks all over again). Thankfully, I use a lot of the same members (at least for farming Doflamingo), so I don't really need to stress over that too much.I am so not used to using Log Luffy in the 60 Doffy raid lol, so many defeats from mis-timing lol, but will probably use him whenever Doffy comes back the added ability to eat is valuable. Just really need to socket my Luffy before next time, would like to do Breed FN for the skillbooks but gotta finish so keying raid and Legend Doffy Orz
Yeah, going from different teams back to Log Luffy can be difficult, especially if you continually swap in/out members in that Log Luffy team (you need to get used to the timing of their attacks all over again). Thankfully, I use a lot of the same members (at least for farming Doflamingo), so I don't really need to stress over that too much.
aaaaand tilestone maxed. Octopus, Dugong, and Breed are all 1 away but whooooooooo fucking caaaaares. I am so glad I can raise two middle fingers to this fortnight forever.
I'm free.
I'm only two levels away from max on Rayleigh and am contemplating just feeding the books when the fortnight comes around but this also strikes me as a possible Really Bad Idea(tm).In other middle finger to a fortnight news: I've managed 15 Sengoku books from the Sand Sand fortnight from the last week. Those have resulted in exactly 1 skill up.I'm rescinding my 0 for 18 Onigumo skill ups as my worst moment of the skill up week. Sorry Sengoku, you're going to have to wait for the Whitebeard fortnights, because I'm done in Alabasta.
I did end up with a skill-maxed Cobra and 21 Doma books (I don't have Doma). I'll have to be content (or cry) with that.
I got a Doflamingo.
But it was ugly.
So now I have a Mihawk, Doflamingo, and Ivankov.
Not a bad week for me.
I know your pain.Started the day with 5/3 autoheal/lock Doffy,
ending the day with 5/3 autoheal/lock Doffy
Sockets are the devil.
How much beli are you guys sitting on after this crazy week? I'm at 36 mil now and I skipped like half of the raids too. Lol
How much beli are you guys sitting on after this crazy week? I'm at 36 mil now and I skipped like half of the raids too. Lol
Also feeding my candies to bartolemeo (hp and attack) and
currently working on my striker team of
Bartolemeo (will max him once evolved)
Biker smoker max lvl
Eneru max level or log usopp lvl 60
Squardo lvl 60
Vergo lvl 45
40 books, holy smokes. We need the boost that Japan got awhile ago, and soon.
it's a 2nd year anniversary thing..so we probably have half a year before that
I got 5/5 on Shiki today. Thumbs up
He's being pulled from the game entirely over there, right? So if you got him now, you're good?
Ha, no way I'm hoarding stuff until then. Except gems.
I was looking at my box earlier and since I'm keeping 4* dupes for use with Sengoku, I'm sitting on a ton of characters and I don't have many max leveled. So I think I want to level guys and maybe gem for turtle times and that's it, until the 2Y sugo... which I would hope is a gold-only and has multi-pull. I would hope.
He's being pulled from the game entirely over there, right? So if you got him now, you're good?
Okay I decided to farm Gate of Justice & just got Kaku and Jabra both on my first try.
What are the odds of that?
I guess Doflamingo didn't go as well as I would've liked given the time I sunk in it, but it's not as bad as it could've been. Ended up with:
Raid Doflamingo: level max, 5 lock/5 despair, skill level 10. 19 turns is high, but way better than 26.
Legend Doflamingo: level 61 unevolved, 2 despair/3 poison/1 autoheal/2 damage... I basically fed 9 copies and tapped out by this point, but anything is nice to have for now. Plus his cooldown starts at 20, which I feel like is the absolute highest a special can be for usability.
I'm pretty close to 6 million. I'm typically constantly feeding to characters so I tend to run pretty low compared to most, but even 6 million is more than I'll need at any one time.
This is a pretty solid team as is, but do you have an Aokiji? Mine isn't low enough to confirm it, but his special seems like it would be a great addition to a striker team.
Yes i have him almost maxed in level but still at special level 1
Is he better them vergo?
I thought vergo would be better as he can manipule his own orb and his damage
his special is definitely better than vergo in general but they are fondamentally different in usage...aokiji locks orbs and increase damage of EVERYONE if it's a striker by 1,75..if you combine it with some good orb manipulation and an orb effectiveness booster it can be extremely powerful
does not mean that vergo is a bad character,but aokiji is definitely better,but it's also a pain to farm and skillup
True thanks ill use aokiji then