Congrats on the Coby!
15 copies of nami..only 3 useful socket...damn that's harsh
Any tip to beat Alvida in Loguetown? She has a defense strong like a turtle
Sanji and his special is halving the defense for 2 turnsWhat are your strongest quick captains (or strong rainbow caps like G3)
And do you have any def reducers like manticore and/or cabin boy helmeppo?
Worst case scenario if your capn's suck: take cabin boy helmeppo with you and use his special on 'vida.
Any tip to beat Alvida in Loguetown? She has a defense strong like a turtle
I've seen it 3 times so far. Ryuma from Brook's FN was really rare, I've only encountered him once out of 2 different weeks of farming for him.FINALLY got the secret stage in the wedding fortnight. God, sometimes these haunt me.
Haven't been lucky on the socket front either. My Kimono Mani is at 3 autoheal/2 socket, and I had some of those from before this event
Coby's been making Alvida runs a little less painful when I don't get a book. His drop rate is like 80%, seemingly, and he's brought my Good Coby from 2/10 sockets to 6/10.
I suspect I'll finish his sockets before hitting my (possibly unrealistic) goal of 20 Alvida books (got 4 on the first day, 0 on the second). Nami rates are much better, getting 4 of her per day easily.
Why is the secret character in this fortnight good? Decent attack with a very low cost?I guess it would be nice for the ranking missions that require a low team cost but I'm not sure if I should bother keeping this character in my box.
next week I wanna get rayleigh books T_T
Despite having Rayleigh, I don't even know if I want to bother farming his books. His special really doesn't feel all that important.
Legend book farming is so draining.
Despite having Rayleigh, I don't even know if I want to bother farming his books. His special really doesn't feel all that important.
Legend book farming is so draining.
on the one hand yes you're right, Rayleigh's skill isn't that critical and I've already maxed everything else in the takoyaki fortnight
on the other hand, not maxing a skill all the way feels wrong
Farm the one of the Halloween FN for Ray books. You can use the straw hat drops for sockets so it's not a complete waste.
When was the last time Lucci came to global? I feel like it's been forever since I last saw it, might be due to skipping his FN.
I've also lost all hopes for LL skill books. They've removed so many SW books and it doesn't seem like they will keep his skill books in Tom's fortnight. Hopefully they change his special's name so that we can just use the new LL books...
Oh wow. For some reason, I though LL and the new LL didn't have the same special. Then I take it back, I'm looking forward to running Tom's FN.Something like 150 days? Why wouldn't they keep LL books for Tom's Workers FN? It's one book they don't have to change. They'll probably replace the Oars books with one of the RR CP9 units if I had to take a guess. The rest of the drops on the FN seem pretty worthless unless you have a LL or if the Oars replacement book is for a decent unit. None of the droppable units are any good and we don't even have a good Franky to feed Cutty Flam dupes to.
If you are going to buy Bartolomeo's jacket, you are expected to dye your hair green and cut your hair like his. Are you willing to go that far?This is basically a cry for help. Someone come in here and bad-talk my style of fashion so I don't pre-order one of these.
I might be convinced.If you are going to buy Bartolomeo's jacket, you are expected to dye your hair green and cut your hair like his. Are you willing to go that far?
This is basically a cry for help. Someone come in here and bad-talk my style of fashion so I don't pre-order one of these.
I might be convinced.
I'll have to work on my six-pack abs, though.
intvankov books stopped dropping for me,but on the other hand i now keep getting more kumadori and kaku books..
Feeling confident -- ran my LL Aokiji forest team on the WB forest as a test. I easily made it to the last stage on the first try lol. I just barely died, but mostly because my team is built for the Aokiji forest and doesn't have the damage mitigators to juggle.
My team is OP as fuck... with level 5 auto-heal lol,870:99,718:99,675:99C7,10B0D0E0Q0L0G0R0S100H.
If for whatever reason I fail, there is an even better team with 6* Marco instead of Ivan (but he doesn't have any sockets currently).
Damm, nice team. Sadly I don't have IntHawk and Doffy.
My team with LL/DexDoffy/SW Shanks/GPUsopp/Aokiji should work too though.![]()
(bad paint skills)
You sir, are a genius!That's easy
I'm so glad I got Garp finished during the 1/2 stamina event.My Garp is at 18 turns. Doing natural stamina today, and 0 skill ups. These raids are really not giving me anything lately.
Feeling confident -- ran my LL Aokiji forest team on the WB forest as a test. I easily made it to the last stage on the first try lol. I just barely died, but mostly because my team is built for the Aokiji forest and doesn't have the damage mitigators to juggle.
My team is OP as fuck... with level 5 auto-heal lol,870:99,718:99,675:99C7,10B0D0E0Q0L0G0R0S100H.
If for whatever reason I fail, there is an even better team with 6* Marco instead of Ivan (but he doesn't have any sockets currently).
For sureAny team with Log Luffy and either Doffy is a great team. What kind of sockets do you have?
Need one more despair sockets for Aokiji and it would be perfect (right now I needto use my GP with bind/despair sockets instead of heal).
With fully maxed Aokiji my team would look like this (LL friend with heal/orb sockets):
bind max
despair max
heal max
cd max
orb level 2
Franky FamilyGot Brook and Nami on Strawhat Isle. Feels weird getting another Story Brook so soon after TB2.
If anyone gets Franky, does he drop as the evolved version or the Franky Family version?
Franky Family
Good for me, it was a new unit
I got Franky, but I feel like I had him already. Is he not the same one you can farm in Water 7? People on Reddit make it sound like this is the first time he's been available.