First world problem post with regards to decision-making due to multiple legendaries on my global account.
So, I have Log Luffy, Whitebeard, Hancock, Sengoku, Rayleigh, and Mihawk legendaries. I am trying to figure out my priorities on powering up with the sockets we get from the upcoming Colosseum.
I believe Mihawk raid is coming back next week, so I am going to try to fully-socket my INT Mihawk with raid Mihawk drops. Bind and despair are givens. I am thinking of going with auto-heal with one of the other sockets and orb chance or cooldown reduction with the last one. Auto-heal seems handy for slasher teams, especially with the RCV reduction from the coffin boat. But then, what if I need to use INT Mihawk on a Whitebeard team? Are there situations where raid Mihawk is better than INT Mihawk?
Going back to Whitebeard... are there any situations in this game where he is a clearly superior captain option than one of my other legendaries? Log Luffy and Whitebeard both have 100% clearance rate on Gamewith. But managing your team's HP on a Whitebeard team seems like it involves more effort and I don't have the boat from his training forest yet, while a Log Luffy captained team can afford to eat meat orbs to deal with mistakes. Rayleigh teams can also eat meat orbs, but that hurts their combo multiplier.
I generally run fortnights, rankings, and story mode with Sengoku or Rayleigh captain just because their teams are pretty straightforward to use and execute with. Which of the following legends do you guys recommend socketing first: Whitebeard, Sengoku, or Rayleigh?
After only logging on the game just for the daily rainbow gems for a few months, I am back into the game in full force. Too bad I missed a ranking or two for the prizes from those.