Just when I've thought I've run out of creative accidental ways to kill myself I started a Blackbeard team with the Moby Dick as my ship. In my defense they're both giant white boats.
Problem is that we have Colosseum and Wapol FN. I want to max Marco's skill but based on the drop rate, I don't think that's going to happen... I, at the very least, want to finish Colosseum for this gems, CC, and tomes.
Max skilling a Legend is definitely worth throwing 5-7 gems. That's what I did during Tom Workers Island.
Do you need to skill up any of the Clash characters?
For example Hack - he seems like a kickass sub for a G3 team right ? I think he can replace Arlong on my G3 squad.
Also are Jewels Pork the standard ones we always had or some new special ones ?
And for Coloseum,,,can units like Rebecca drop there ? I cleared the lower difficulty and didnt get a drop, so maybe i need to clear it on the higher difficulties. If they drop...is it 100% like for Raids on the higher difficulty ?
Is new Khalifa better than Alvida/Perona as a defensive sub on G3?
Nope, to risky. She's great for Whitebeard and Legend croc since they are always at low HP. But for general teams she's too risky.
My only Legend is IntHawk and I already have him at 20/20 due to getting him shortly before the 1/2 STA raid event. I'm unsure who to invest all of these Socket Books into. I don't want to clog up my inventory with them, now that Colo is available. Who would be a good choice to use them on? I'm thinking maybe Marco?
Problem is that we have Colosseum and Wapol FN. I want to max Marco's skill but based on the drop rate, I don't think that's going to happen...
My only Legend is IntHawk and I already have him at 20/20 due to getting him shortly before the 1/2 STA raid event. I'm unsure who to invest all of these Socket Books into. I don't want to clog up my inventory with them, now that Colo is available. Who would be a good choice to use them on? I'm thinking maybe Marco?
I mean, there isn't much more you can do. And Colisseum is giving for free quite a bunch of them.
Max skilling a Legend is definitely worth throwing 5-7 gems. That's what I did during Tom Workers Island.
Do you need to skill up any of the Clash characters?
Alright, you guys convinced me to gem, but I don't have much time to do so. I still need to farm Aokiji, his skill level is still at 27 turns... At least his sockets are almost done I suppose.. I may also toss a few gems for him as well. Good thing his raid is 48 hours.My problem with the Wapol FN so far isn't that Marco books are rare (I expected that), it's that chest drops in general seem rare. I'm mostly getting pigs and turtles. Stage 6 is fixed as well, and I don't think it drops anything useful yet from what I've seen.
Just gotta gem. We're at the point where even 15-20 gems used to max Marco would probably be a better investment than 4 RR pulls.
(Now if only I was confident that 20 gems would be enough to get the Marco books I need...)
Marco will be farmable eventually, but that's probably 6 months away for us since his colo version just hit JPN. It's not a bad choice. I'll certainly be using socket books on my Marco once I finish Sengoku.
Law farming so far: both Celestials dropped, one beli bag from Law in 20 runs...
Will try to farm Law and Kidd today and if I don't get them I won't farm them the next few weeks...
Anyone here farming Coliseum for tomes? I was wondering what the drop rates are like.
I can imagine her having some synergy with Enel on certain blue teams, right?
use enel's special to cut your health down all the way, then get full protection from Kalifa the next turn.
I think double enel lead wouldn't work with that as you'd heal straight out of immunity, but if they're both subs I can imagine it working.
You actually can't heal out of immunity. It only counts your health at the time of activation of the special. If you're healing immediately after activation by using either Marco or Boa Or Enel, you still get the protection. In fact it's encouraged. Enel, then Kalifa, then heal.
O: ... well I'm going to be using Kalifa a lot more then, that's really awesome.
You are doing something wrong if you can't beat your STR enemy with a Log Luffy QCK burst team.![]()
Oh, but he has a Log Luffy?! I didn't know!
almost finished this wave of the colosseum.. only need the last two stages of Rebecca exhibition and to get the last gem... tomorrow after the hime turtles I don't know if to farm urouge or summer perona to socket the DEX one....
My only Legend is IntHawk and I already have him at 20/20 due to getting him shortly before the 1/2 STA raid event. I'm unsure who to invest all of these Socket Books into. I don't want to clog up my inventory with them, now that Colo is available. Who would be a good choice to use them on? I'm thinking maybe Marco?
Oh, Lucky Roux. Every time I read your skill description I think, "Oh, hey, that's not too bad, could be useful on a Sengoku team," and then it scrolls to the part about locking himself for 3 turns.
Anyway, last Chaos colo down. I'll probably put a stamina bar or two into Urouge farming tonight and see how many more socket books I get...my Sengoku's sitting at around 18/25 now.
(Also got Law from Sabaody when I needed to burn some stamina before leveling. Nice!)
My only Legend is IntHawk and I already have him at 20/20 due to getting him shortly before the 1/2 STA raid event. I'm unsure who to invest all of these Socket Books into. I don't want to clog up my inventory with them, now that Colo is available. Who would be a good choice to use them on? I'm thinking maybe Marco?
I've been thinking this through myself,
I guess frequently used characters that aren't farmable? If Marco's on a lot of your teams he'd be a good fit.
If you have anti-lock 3 there won't be any bind![]()
I've been debating between using the Tomes on one of the following:
Marco - Full Heal sub on Garp teams / Raid teams that need the heal to stall.
Kidd - Striker lead / Blackbeard Red team sub.
Law - Green lead / Green orb manipulation / Green Slasher sub.
Apoo - Green orb manipulation.
Vista - Purple Slasher sub / Hime Turtle lead.
Whitey Bay - Purple lead / Purple Slasher sub.
Koala - Fighter booster.
Welp, just pulled a Legend Mihawk on JP version. That gives me:
Log Luffy
SW Ace
Six legends.
I have yet to pull a single legend but then again I started early AugustWelp, just pulled a Legend Mihawk on JP version. That gives me:
Log Luffy
SW Ace
Six legends.
Welp, just pulled a Legend Mihawk on JP version. That gives me:
Log Luffy
SW Ace
Six legends.
3 Bind and 3 Despair sockets on my Ghost Princess Perona, and she still needs two skill levels. I think I'm done with the Summertime Perona isle for now. I don't feel compelled to socket Bride Perona when I already have Caesar with the better special for driven teams.
Wanze's Ramen Kenpo appears to be coming back later this month, and I'd like to cap out Koala's special for my Log Luffy teams.
Well, I think Bride Perona is still quite useful because her special cd is at 13 compared to the max cd of Caesar at 18.
Didn't get Law/Kid so my plan for the next few days is to get at least 30 Jabra books, then max socket my first 3d2y Robin and start with my second and then maybe start socketing fn Perona and bride Perona and rr Urouge... Yeah, lot of work to do.![]()
Yeah, too many things to do these next few weeks! I'm saving my gems for the upcoming raid nights, so I can't go too hard to sockets for RR Urouge and Bride Perona.
Tried WB forest for the first time since I was out of stamina to do other things. Got to the last 2 guys on stage 19 before dying on my first attempt. Screwed up my special management at that point while preparing for stage 20. It doesn't seem too hard though.
decided to change my hime tutle team in
duval x2
squardo lv 95
dj sanji
stall 8 turns on stage 1,go to stage 2 when enel is at 1 cd,then use inuppe,dj sanji,enel, and then squardo on the final princess turtle
if there's a secret stage i use squardo on it and enel on the last one
it should work right?or i'm missing something?
already have the bezan in place,that's why ener is only 9 turns (17- 6 from 2 duval - 1 from cd red -1 from the bezan)Make sure you use the Bezan Black for one fewer turn to stall. Everything seems fine. Personally I prefer the General Zombie over Sanji and Tilestone over Squard since they don't have special animations but it all works just the same.
Beat Alubarna, fighting Crocodile and when in low in HP use Desert Spada and does 25k in damage, practically a OHKO ,is NOT fun, ESPECIALLY IF HE KEEPS SPAMMING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
already have the bezan in place,that's why ener is only 9 turns (17- 6 from 2 duval - 1 from cd red -1 from the bezan)
i have tilestone but i'm waiiting for the skillup to give him books
general zombie for sanji seems resonable..i didn't know he doesn't have a special animation..BUT my sanji has a sull cd reduction socket..meaning that i either have to make sure every time to find a friend duval with a full cd reduction socket or stall a turn more..i'll probably stick to sanji but thanks for the advices...until now i was trunning a double vista that doesn't need attention to HPs..this one has a lot less hp's but it's also 3 turns faster in terms of stalling,so it should work fine,let's hope
i have 3 qck characters in need of exp,i'm also ready to gem this time
already have the bezan in place,that's why ener is only 9 turns (17- 6 from 2 duval - 1 from cd red -1 from the bezan)
i have tilestone but i'm waiiting for the skillup to give him books
general zombie for sanji seems resonable..i didn't know he doesn't have a special animation..BUT my sanji has a sull cd reduction socket..meaning that i either have to make sure every time to find a friend duval with a full cd reduction socket or stall a turn more..i'll probably stick to sanji but thanks for the advices...until now i was trunning a double vista that doesn't need attention to HPs..this one has a lot less hp's but it's also 3 turns faster in terms of stalling,so it should work fine,let's hope
i have 3 qck characters in need of exp,i'm also ready to gem this time
the meta of this game has slowly but surely moved towards burst (killing enemies in one turn thanks to a combinaion of good captain,class/type boosters and good orbs with orb amplifiers)...the more you go on,the more you'll find bosses that have nasty effects based on how much HP they have left, with the <50% generally being annoying, the <33% generally being dangerous and the <20% generally being lethal (see doflamingo and aokiji raid for an example of that)..of course not all the bosses have them and not all threshold at once,but it's generally useful to learn beforehand what a boss does based on his health and try to burst them if possible.
that's why mihawk is such an amazing unit,it' s a x2.5 capt of a class that it's usually heavy in the atk department ,and if you have two (one friend captain and one as your captain or as sub with doflamingo as captain) you basically cut the hp of the boss by 49%,so a lot less hps to burst down in one turn (or before it attacks)
Boa's good tho.
I did the same yesterday. Got to stage 19 with my Log Luffy team. That's the farthest you can get without a max skill Duffy.
There is a really great guide of reddit focused on LL teams. I tell you all this because I think you actually have one?
the meta of this game has slowly but surely moved towards burst (killing enemies in one turn thanks to a combinaion of good captain,class/type boosters and good orbs with orb amplifiers)...the more you go on,the more you'll find bosses that have nasty effects based on how much HP they have left, with the <50% generally being annoying, the <33% generally being dangerous and the <20% generally being lethal (see doflamingo and aokiji raid for an example of that)..of course not all the bosses have them and not all threshold at once,but it's generally useful to learn beforehand what a boss does based on his health and try to burst them if possible.
that's why mihawk is such an amazing unit,it' s a x2.5 capt of a class that it's usually heavy in the atk department ,and if you have two (one friend captain and one as your captain or as sub with doflamingo as captain) you basically cut the hp of the boss by 49%,so a lot less hps to burst down in one turn (or before it attacks)
Oaky so I've ben trying out the colosseum for a bit to get a sense of it, just started doing some chaos difficulty stages and ...
I know a lot of people intentionally socket farm fortnights (crocodile, lucci etc) for copies of characters ... but the drop rates for socket books don't seem all that bad from my first few tries.
What's the big advantage of farming fortnights for sockets v.s. colisseum?
I get it for a fortnight that drops 3-4 characters at once (halloween, kimono) but outside of that.. ? I was curious to hear about this.
The colosseum bosses have been particularly tough with this. I have had so many damn close calls.
Anyone have any opinions on whether the attack boost from the Thousand Sunny would be better than the extra healing from the Going Merry for a 3D2Y Sanji team? Since you end up having to burst anyway I feel like the extra healing is beneficial since it helps you stall more safely. Or is there some other ship that is better for powerhouse teams?
He means the Flying Merry: 1.2x ATK boost + 350 HP recovery at the end of every turn.the goijg merry doesn't have heal properties..
it just gives you 300 hp more..nothing that it's really worth it imho..never used it since we got the sunny