Gave in to temptation and did one more pull this morning, and got SW Zoro. He was actually the SW character I wanted the most, so I'm quite happy with that (and now the "Hey, you should do more pulls" Monkey is vanquished until next sugo). Maxing Enel is one of the next big things I need to do, so he'll be a big help there.
Hallelujah! Snow Chopper dropped.
Is it just me or is his special kind of awesome? 50% damage cut plus orb matching up for three turns
It's quite good, and I think there are definitely situations that call for longer damage reduction instead of the 1-turn ones that Alvida/Perona do. The problem, much like many other secret fortnight characters, is that his starting cooldown is ridiculously high, so you'd basically need to max him in order to get any use out of him.
Plus, even with the DEX orb boost, I feel like you'd just use Smoker in any situation that calls for multi-turn damage reduction anyway.