Maybe I should finally get the Moby Dick ship. The extra HP you can build up seems useful for some raids.
Other than the standard Mihawk/Doflamingo team for Enel, I was also successful with Log Luffy, Sengoku, and Rayleigh captain teams. Sengoku team required too many defensive buffs. I liked playing the Log Luffy/Rayleigh team with raid Doflamingo, Koala, Marco, and raid Mihawk.
With Koala's and Doffy's buffs, a Koala last hit can hit over 3M damage with Log Luffy captains and about 2.5M with Rayleigh captains. You have to eat meat orbs while stalling through the first four stages... this is easier to do with Log Luffy teams and my Log Luffy actually has sockets, unlike my Rayleigh. I use the Marco to help stall at the Enel stage until his defensive buff is gone. Mihawk's there for the damage cut and as a DEX beat stick.
For stalling, I would take one hit on first stage and try to get the meat orbs to recover. On the third stage, I would let a couple units do their bind move which would be negated by level 1 bind sockets. Just make sure to end at the right turn for the lightning to kill the elder seahorses on stage 4.
Remember that you can restart the game on the turn Enel randomizes your orbs. I also use a turn or two after that to hunt for at least two DEX orbs total that Doflamingo's special can move around.
Farmed 20 copies of Enel tonight. Going to bed now, and I will be away tomorrow for Canadian Thanksgiving. I hope I can farm a few times tomorrow to at least hit 30-40 copies. >_<