Colo Oar Jr. special do that for one turn. Also Young doffy make any color beneficial for 3 turns for driven
It would be kind of funny if the entire purpose of Legend Akainu was to give Young Doffy something to do (since Akainu's more likely to use Raid Kuma as his orb booster).
Anyway, I can't quite decide if Akainu is broken or just super good. It might depend on just how much he boosts STR orbs. If it's less than SW Shanks, then it isn't too bad. Even though he's a "universal" booster, he still mostly wants STR units since any non-STR units have to choose between the 1.75 boost for having a STR orb or the boosts they get from having an orb of their color (which would also include the boosts from orb boosting specials). Granted, a 2.25 ATK boost at absolute worst is still pretty strong. In that way, he compares a lot to SW Ace and Fujitora, in that the teams need specific orbs to be at their best. Of course, his attack boosts are higher than theirs, and missing out on the HP boosts isn't too bad when you have the proper ship. Any legend who looks better than Fuji and Ace (not to mention totally clowning Shanks) is going to be good.
But he's still a legend who relies a lot on chance. Even with his STR orb boost and matching orb sockets, you still have to win the dice roll. Akainu teams should still pack a full STR orb combo (and on that note, we're lucky he can't team with Raid Akainu without making that his friend captain). And for all we know, they're planning on adding more enemies that mess with your orbs constantly. We've certainly gotten a lot of good orb manipulation lately, after all.
If nothing else, Akainu will wreck basically every DEX raid from here on.
Whether he can handle, say, QCK raids, will be the question.