Should I spend gems to farm Monster Chopper or only beat him with natural stamina? he is coming back later this month and his raid is REALLY easy(Thanks Enel and GP Usopp)
Should I spend gems to farm Monster Chopper or only beat him with natural stamina? he is coming back later this month and his raid is REALLY easy(Thanks Enel and GP Usopp)
Thanks bjork. Yeah, I feel it was a good pull.Who is trash?
Everyone else is solid and has their uses, GP Usopp is key and you're right in keeping him unevolved. His cooldown maxes at 10, and the books are farmable on the 15 stamina version of Captain Kuro's fortnight. Mr. 3 has a turn delay special as well, so if you need a shorter delay or you just want all your guys to get a boost from a slasher or INT captain, he fits right in there, even if his stats aren't amazing.
Moria is great for yellow turtle times, Thatch is great for red turtle times and he has a good orb-generating special.
Jozu's special nullifies DEX attacks for 1 turn so he is great for the Doflamingo raid, and Kalifa's special is a damage reducer that could be useful too. Diamante I like for his special as well, and he has decent stats.
All in all, that's a pretty decent multi-pull.
However these two guys saved it for me-
Of course I couldn't resist, spent way too mich, got only four new units and got another legend dupe.This time IntHawk. Will keep him too...
My last four legends were 2 Doffys and 2 IntHawks...
Thanks bjork. Yeah, I feel it was a good pull.
Managed to get a few more gems and did another multi.
CP9 Dark Justice Blueno
Basil Hawkins the Magician
Thunderbolt Tempo Nami
Cabin Boy Coby (sigh)
CP9 Dark Justice Fukuro
Diamond Jozu
Pound Phoenix Zoro
Yeah, the worst part were my last two multis. Nothing new and just crap. I don't even know why I pulled those last two times. Just wanted to get Elizabello but no luck. Got at least the other new units...I got dupes for
And croc
Also soent way too much
Sucks to see the red and get a dupe especially as i need mihawk and ace to complete a dream team
After saving my Tomes, Cotton Candy, and Meat for months now, I finally just decided to use everything. Invested all of my Tomes into my new Legend Marco and all of my Candy into my G3.
Thanks GE. As always you are extremely helpful.Vergo, Blueno, and Koza are standouts from that group. And Jozu, but you already pulled him before. Orlumbus will be really good for certain stages that switch your orbs to block. Fukuro and Hawkins are decent, especially when starting out.
Vergo in particular is a strong Striker captain, and a great sub in any Striker, INT, Powerhouse, or rainbow team. Self orb manipulation and self boost is really valuable.
I'd keep your extra GPU as a skill book during 2x special up event. GPU book grinding is notoriously annoying and he's one of the most important characters to max. Also even if some of the characters are trash, hold onto one copy. You never know when there will be a fortnight condition that will make that character useful for you.
Btw, I've been meaning to ask this here for sometime now. How is 4* INT Franky? Ive been investing a lot on him since he has high attack and HP. I was wondering if I'm doing the right thing or wasting my material.
Does anyone on here have Jimbei? Wondering what teams are best for him/what you use. I have legend Marco and Lucci who could theoretically work into his team and vice versa I guess but I'm missing Koala so I know is good.
Btw, I've been meaning to ask this here for sometime now. How is 4* INT Franky? Ive been investing a lot on him since he has high attack and HP. I was wondering if I'm doing the right thing or wasting my material.
Yeah, the worst part were my last two multis. Nothing new and just crap. I don't even know why I pulled those last two times. Just wanted to get Elizabello but no luck. Got at least the other new units...
Does anyone on here have Jimbei? Wondering what teams are best for him/what you use. I have legend Marco and Lucci who could theoretically work into his team and vice versa I guess but I'm missing Koala so I know is good.
There's something about seeing sugo rare screenshots that makes my finger hover over the tavernYou money-spenders making it hard to resist to do a multi! The bonus pull only being a boosted rate, and not a guaranteed boosted unit, helps with not pulling though.
I've used him a few times for Bind reduction, and he's a passable Free Spirit captain if you don't have anyone better. He's unlikely to see much late-game use outside of Sengoku teams, but he's certainly worth leveling a bit to use early on. 3D2Y or SW/Loyal Strawhat Franky are better targets for sockets, though, if you have them.
Thanks guys. Unfortunately I don't have any other Franky so for now I'll keep on investing in him.INT Franky has surprisingly good stats for a story strawhat, so it's not a bad idea to put stuff into him early on. As Redboot said, hes not the best version of Franky, so youll abandon him later on most likely.
At this point, I think your best captain might be Vergo (once evolved) until you get yourself a Raid Mihawk, provided you have some other Striker units. Hawkins and Diamante are both also strikers. If you were able to grab a Kaku from the Lucci fortnight for orb boost, you have a pretty good starter striker team. Despite his weapon, Killer is also a Striker.
You already have two great units for him with Lucci and Marco. Senior Pink is the best orb booster for him other than marco as he gives a 1.75x boost, he's a good option if you really need that one turn burst opposed to marcos two turn 1.5 and healing. Koala is pretty important, but can be replaced by 3d2y sanji so long as you make sure your team is all fighter/powerhouse. Which is pretty easy to do considering how often units are. Monster Chopper is a great f2p beatstick option. As far as good f2p units go for him there's Kung Fu Dugong who will give fighters a 1.75x attack boost if you score all perfects in the previous turn, Dalmation who can boost damage after a delay (Fighters are lacking a bit in turn delay on global though. There's Boa Hancock and 3d2y Robin. But if you don't have either like me then we gotta wait for Nightmare Luffy)
I generally use teams with a combination of Koala+either orb booster at the moment, jimbe allows for alot of sub versatility, so depending on the requirements for a fortnight or raid i'll just adjust. Like throwing in INTvankov or any other sockted fighters I might have. Stalling also isn't really an issue with jimbei because of his high health. Since you have marco that saves the headache of going into bosses without your 2.75 ATK boost from Jimbe's captain ability as well.
Jimbe is one of my most wanted characters because he works so well with 3D2Y Sanji. If you have Marco, Lucci, 3D2Y Sanji, that's a very strong Jimbe team. You can toss nightmare luffy in there once he's released for some turn delay.
There's a ton of cross compatibility between fighters and powerhouse.
Out of tradition at this point, I'm doing a few pulls via emulator to see if I can get anything crazy; the current dream target is either a triple legend account, or double legend + good RR units. I'll post back later if I make it happen. ATM I've got a Whitebeard + Rayleigh account which I'm planning on giving away; I forgot to open all the mail though, so those have been lost outside of the extra starting units + gems used for the multipull.
Thanks guys. I don't have Koala or 3D2Y Sanji but I do have Senior Pink and a bunch of powerhouse/fighter characters. I was planning on gemming for Nightmare Luffy as I believe one of you guys said he was the delayer for Lucci teams (before I pulled Jimbe).
Do we have a farmable version of him? I know there is Colo for ace eventually but no idea with Jimbe. If not I might use my socket books on him after I finish Sengoku.
My story Franky is only level 50 but he made me do a double take when I glanced at his stats. Like someone said he's pretty great.
Anyways got a quick question myself. Don't the color for turtle times rotate? I swear I only missed one within a week this time around and its already back to black? It was black right before the last red one... is it random or am I missing something?
Thanks guys. Unfortunately I don't have any other Franky so for now I'll keep on investing in him.
Yeah, I've noticed Killer being a striker as well. I was actually glad to know that I can possibly use him and Diamante in a striker team together. Though for now I'm finding it very difficult to replace Killer with anyone else since his 3.5x attack boost makes him a really attractive captain.
On Monday it's always black turtle time. Only turtle times on friday rotate between red, blue and green (no yellow).
Even better, he has his own fortnight.
The good thing about my pulls is that I already have all the evo material. Ideo was already evolved, IntHawk and Dagama after the first turtle time and I try to evolve Suleiman after the second today and feed him my last 5 million XP booster.
Suleiman seems like a perfect fit for a rainbow slasher team. I really should have stopped after getting him. Elizabello doesn't seem that great to pull for after all, oh well 100 gems wasted... Maybe I'm smarter next time (don't think so).
I got burned bad by this sugo too. My biggest disappointment is my newly discovered lack of self control.
It's not on global yet, is it? I've been playing for ~300 days and don't remember seeing it.
Just starting out. Got a Black Clad Redhead Shanks. Keep this account or reroll?