Just to update, I spent 9 gems on 40 stamina and got him to drop. No maxed units or specials. Luck, but it's the result that counts.![]()
9 gems on a 40% chance is incredibly risky.
Just to update, I spent 9 gems on 40 stamina and got him to drop. No maxed units or specials. Luck, but it's the result that counts.![]()
1 for 25.
These odds are killing me.
2/20 myself. Just need 4 more to be good for Enel farming.
3/18 currently
My ratio was 2/19. I stopped farming because I was too tired to keep doing it, really. I need a Blackbeard team. CD ended at 23
All I want is 2 skill ups.
Just 2.
.... Ouch, hope you still get it done. RNG can be a bitch.1/49...
Glad I didn't try to skill up Doffy. Still farming him. So far I only messed up once again, because I attacked the INT guy on stage 4 one turn too early...
I'm amazed that I managed to run Garp's quest 40+ times without any real screwups, and meanwhile I've screwed up about 5/6 Dofy runs today. Just so many more places where things can go wrong.
It's probably best that I wait until I have 2-3 much more reliable methods for beating him. I don't want to start putting serious gems into it until then anyway.
9 gems on a 40% chance is incredibly risky.
When I started feeding Doffy's 3 at a time, I got a skill up each time. Achievement unlocked.
was it really necessary to max it now?55 copies for 2/3 skillups?
if you had a bit of patience those opies would have been enough to max it AND have enough copies for sockets
and farming doffy it's not cheap either being 60 stamina.
RIP 60 STA. You win this time, Doffy.
was it really necessary to max it now?55 copies for 2/3 skillups?
if you had a bit of patience those opies would have been enough to max it AND have enough copies for sockets
and farming doffy it's not cheap either being 60 stamina.
If you are confident in hitting your perfects, he's one of the best Captains in the game.Gear 3rd Luffy just fucking wrecked Arlong, damn. Really hard to not put this unit in any of my squads.
When I started feeding Doffy's 3 at a time, I got a skill up each time. Achievement unlocked.
Whoa. UGH!
I don't want to offend some guys but i don't get the people that used their doffys now, sorry. Have fun with the sockets later, some didn't understand this feature i guess. It can be harder to max the sockets rather than the special itself. Have fun doing this all over again pals, so many gems (more like money i mean) and exp down the drain.
Also, for the ones that farmed doffy now, but keep him.. Why? Any reasonable logic behind this? Just some numbers that fit my situation actually:
First appearence of Doffy: 120~ sta
After the update and reapperaring: 140+ sta
3 gems: 360 sta - 6 copies
3 gems: 420 sta - 7 copies
Not much by any means, but you get where i come from. It's essentially 1 free doffy every 3 gems.
I only used my natural stamina, thank god i didn't try to partake in this unreasonable competition.
Of course you're right, but only when we get sockets next month. But what if we don't get them? I mean how many times did we think we would get Zephyr by now? No one knows when we will get them because global is a different game. Just because Japan got them x days after an update doesn't mean it is the same for us.
Knowing Namco we get the skill up event first and after that they're going to release sockets. Which means you have to wait another 4-6 weeks to use your copies.
And what you write is only valid for f2p players. I guess people (like me) who buy a few gems here and there don't mind that they have to farm him again. Otherwise we wouldn't do it.
Furthermore if they want to farm Enel with efficiency a 17cd Doffy is a lot faster than the Marco heal team.
And of course: Everyone can play the game how he/she wants.
Last but not least like I wrote earlier, with 60 Doffy copies I would stop playing this game because I wouldn't have any box space left and that's a situation I won't experience again. I guess I could squeeze out 20-30 space if I sell my evo materials but that's it.![]()
Story Enel simply won't drop for me... Farmed all day and even gemed twice but still no luck...
People have fun playing the game however they want. I think that's all there is to it.
We complained when we had 200 space and now we're complaining when we have 500 space. Players either play what is in front of them, or they play what is to come. In the mix you have those who'll buy gems and those who won't. Your own personal pace is all that should be matter. The advice, theorizing, strategizing along the way is where we get together as a community and help one another out. That's the fun it.
Personally speaking, the socket/slots debate is a little tiring.
That's the minimum recommended cool down IIRCoooooh crap, i missed doffy because of the new bleach game O_O my mingo is at 21, enough for enel?
Ooh, Whitebeard 3 sugo on Tuesday night. Marco 6-star.
Looks like we're still skipping Strong World. Ace, too. Who needs shooter boosts anyway?![]()
Whitey Bay is pretty cute.I think I'll keep my gems. IIRC, Squard is the only good character of the bunch.