Gem 1 got me:
4x usopp:
(3x charge specia, 1x poison resist; not what I needed)
3x luffy:
(resil, poison resist, rc boost; not what I needed)
I do love how I keep getting the skills I need on the wrong char. (e.g. charge special)
Gem 2 got me:
4x luffy:
(2x poison resistance, 1x auto-heal, 1x damage reduc)
still not the skills I need :'D
3x usopp:
(2x recov boost, 1 slot rate)
Also not what I need.
(also got +1 bind resistance and +2 charge specials on LOG tropper, because he gets all the skills I need on the others for some reason -_-
Oh well, I"ll leave it at that; will gem some more on tuesday if I still don't have LOG's lock maxed on the final day.