kinda,but most of the colosseum units are not that great either from what i heard
It gives socket books. They Coliseum units could be reskins of Cabin Boy Coby and I would still run it lol.
kinda,but most of the colosseum units are not that great either from what i heard
the problem with g3 teams is that you basically have only 3 units that can attack..2 of them are red and one green,so you don't have a 50k hit assured every time in case of mismatch or bad orb.
It's quite bad. Sucks considering his attack animation is dope.Do you guys ever have that moment where you look at X.Drake's special and cry a little inside?
It's quite bad. Sucks considering his attack animation is dope.
Quick question, do you receive Robin for free after Ennies Lobby like the other straw hats ?
For some reason I can't find the answer ...
We will after the next story island, yes (EL1). However, it's a different Robin from the RR version, this one's a PSY unit (that's sadly a bit unremarkable).
I've been trying to use his special in the WB 0 stamina with my Log Luffy team but my health is always too low when I need his special. Maybe I'll try using Marco with him, but I can't see his special being useful outside of 0 stamina raids.Do you guys ever have that moment where you look at X.Drake's special and cry a little inside?
Do you guys ever have that moment where you look at X.Drake's special and cry a little inside?
I found myself fighting Whitebeard! I took out 50% of his health and Usopp was ready...
Hehe thanks! I'll leave up WB for my fellow WB since my Luffy is... lacking... compared to others.Congrats Heng. Both for clearing and upgrading the ship. Need to follow your lead and do it as well lol
Thanks! The couple of fails I gotten were really early and only had like 2 at the end.Beating Beard forest is definitely one of the big milestones in the game, since you can have all legends, but only skill and luck will get you to the end. I used the same exact team.
Congrats, Heng! Really sick cola rate. 243 is nearly a no Usopp fail ship upgrade.
My man - congrats !!Proud new owner of Moby Dick! Maybe I'll try to use WB on some fortnights although it feels unnecessary since I have a better team. Good thing I didn't level my marine ship!
Maxed WB ship using 243 colas with 6 failures.
Thanks, I'll give it a try later!I ran with:
Log Luffy/Log Luffy
Killer (any strong QCK unit will do)/Crocodile
I killed a few units by mistake by not hitting good/great/perfect but in the end I still made it through on my first try. Also I only got 2 hits on the 2 "mini boss" units and accidentally 1 shot the boss. I've messed up a few times and let them hit me and still finished with 50% health.
Congrats to you!So I decided to practice my timing with Log Luffy on 0 stamina Whitebeard island... While practicing, I got some pretty good orbs along the way. Before I knew it:
I found myself fighting Whitebeard! I took out 50% of his health and Usopp was ready...
For the next 3 turns, I had 1 matching orb on Doflamingo, 1 bad orb on my Luffy, and 2 bad orbs on my friend captain. This was unbelievable to me considering that I have level 2 matching orbs socket...
At this point my hands were shaking hard and I was worried about choking the last turn... I remembered that I only came in here to practice and it wasn't too hard getting to this stage with this team. It took a lot of pressure off me.
And then I did it.
Proud new owner of Moby Dick! Maybe I'll try to use WB on some fortnights although it feels unnecessary since I have a better team. Good thing I didn't level my marine ship!
Maxed WB ship using 243 colas with 6 failures.
As well you shouldn't. That art is just too nice.I'm never evolving this Robin.
Damn... going through the last stage of Water 7 is such a slog. It's basically filled with enemies with 3-5 attack cooldown that have >100k HP. Not a difficult fight, but I often need 2 turns to clear a stage with 5 enemies.
Finally!I'll prob stick to farming Shandia for more Urouge and Kuma books + hopefully get an Aisa drop (she's the only secret character I never encountered from the fortnights).
She's basically a Legend-tier.Finally!
Not only did I get her on the first day of farming Shandia, but she showed up on the first or second stage of the very next run as well!
Do 3* like Kamakiri (whose special isn't anything to write home about, except for the boost which may come in handy) fill any kind of niche in the game?
Like fortnights/rankings that need to be played with 3* units or something.
My man - congrats !!
Also you have a kickass LL team - perfection :-D
Heh thanks guys.Thanks, I'll give it a try later!
Congrats to you!
well it's the only qck character atk booster if i remember correctly..but he does need a lot of investment to be useful since its CD is pretty long
but i never had to use him if that's what you are asking
well it's the only qck character atk booster if i remember correctly..but he does need a lot of investment to be useful since its CD is pretty long
but i never had to use him if that's what you are asking
I'm never evolving this Robin.
Okay, finally cleared.
But my Usopp was thirsty. I used 709 fuckin colas just to max the Moby Dick... 28 failures...
Proud new owner of Moby Dick! Maybe I'll try to use WB on some fortnights although it feels unnecessary since I have a better team. Good thing I didn't level my marine ship! Maxed WB ship using 243 colas with 6 failures.
That's a lot of cola... but it's done and you did it! That's all that matters. It'll be awhile before our next ship anyway, so more time to collect.
This, I tried Killer a few times since people were like it's so easy and sucked. First time G3, no sweat.I suck with Killer/log luffy because I'm used to going for perfects :/
Congrats! Finding a LL with autoheal is pretty rare, and I have level 2 auto heal on my successful run. I don't think I could have done it without it.Okay, finally cleared.
But my Usopp was thirsty. I used 709 fuckin colas just to max the Moby Dick... 28 failures...
Heh thanks.Congrats Heng! Good stuff. Thanks for the play-by-play.
one of these days i need to strat trying seriously for the moby dick..i'm quickly reaching the max cola possible and i don't wanna waste it..but also i have no real use for the ship atm..don't have fact i have none of those captains that work well with low hp...
I've run Log and Rayleigh, totally doable. Have Dofla, Robin, and 2 heavy hitter purple dudes and lay waste in a couple turns.Pretty sure pelican tried a Log team when Garp returned awhile back, if I'm remembering correctly he had no difficulties... unless it was the Mihawk raid.
I setup a Ray team, so I'll probably be running that tonight, but we'll see how the event goes and what captains are up. Hopefully we're all in/out pretty quick for what we're after socket wise.
The bounty means how many missions you've beaten. At first place, you get 1 million beri, 750,000 for 2nd, and 500,000(?) for third.Does the bounty shown under friend approval mails mean anything?
At the highest level raids, is the boss drop 100%?
The bounty means how many missions you've beaten. At first place, you get 1 million beri, 750,000 for 2nd, and 500,000(?) for third.
For raids, yes.