She can drop on any difficulty but I think she has a higher drop rate on the maximum difficulty (not 100% sure about this).can i get AISA in elite difficulty (the 3rd one) or i have to beat on the 4thn difficulty in order for AISA to appear?
Any difficulty will let Aisa drop as she is a bonus stage character. Even at the highest difficulty, Aisa won't show up sometimes so attempt the stage difficulty that you are comfortable in beating.can i get AISA in elite difficulty (the 3rd one) or i have to beat on the 4thn difficulty in order for AISA to appear?
I just used vista x2, towel nami and all my strongest int since I don't have robin.I always forget how to beat Garp for some reason.
New record.
I'm using the same team. There's something unsatisfying about not being able to get that last hit in.
Using my beautiful new Inthawk to beat him myself, but I have to keep defaulting back to Rayleigh because my Mihawk friends keep vanishing on me.
IntHawk/IntHawk/Crocodile/Vista/Mr. 1/Mr. 3
Rayleigh/Rayleigh/IntHawk/Crocodile/Robin/Log Nami
Alvida and Perona are 2 other good damage reducers although they do come from fortnight. Do you have me added? I can put up a level 76 Princess Vivi for you if you want.Tried with slashers since my list is full of level 40-something Vivis (why?! Why 43-45?!) and... Kinda blew coby away before he used his buff, so I faced Garp with 4 bound units.
Who would be a good second damage reducer if my smoker is still 3* by the way? I tried Aisa but her cooldown is too long (I'm set on using a Zombie team later, once I have a bit more time, so this is just out of curiosity).
I've been using friend legend hawks with my raid hawk. 1 turn kill nearly every time-only time i dont is when RNG says no int orbs for you.
friend legend hawk/raid hawk/croc/vista/robin/doffy with 3 int orbs reaches 3.2 mil burst,2 orbs 2.5 million-ish burst.
Takes 14 turns of stalling for doffy special, lots of time to get at least 2 int orbs somewhere to then swap using doffy.
Alvida and Perona are 2 other good damage reducers although they do come from fortnight. Do you have me added? I can put up a level 76 Princess Vivi for you if you want.
Yeah, I replaced Croc for Legendhawk in the later runs just to break that record, since I never have Croc's cool down ready anyways. Have to basically skip Doffy in the chain in order to hit him with all my purple dudes.I'm using the same team. There's something unsatisfying about not being able to get that last hit in.
Yeah, I replaced Croc for Legendhawk in the later runs just to break that record, since I never have Croc's cool down ready anyways. Have to basically skip Doffy in the chain in order to hit him with all my purple dudes.
Super easy raid, but stuck at 3 lock and 2 despair. Around 30 Garps in.
Finally beat him. Now I can finally get Squard out of my SW Shanks team!
Great to hear, congrats !!
Which team did you end up using ? Zombie ?
Heh, thats cool i have to admit i didnt saw any Vivi users in my friendlist - guess she is really a leader you have to ask for nowadays since everyone is able to farm Garp with faster teams.Thank you!
Yeah, zombie team with full lobster crew since I couldn't wait much longer for Vivis to show up (I'm a bit busy today) so it was a nightmare. It's kind of ironic too, now that I have more high-level Vivis I don't have the time to farm him.
Garp is really hitting at a bad time for me. I was busy last night farming points in the Dokkan Battle tournament and I'm currently en route to visit my sister from outside the city. It looks like I'll farm him next time he returns, but I'll keep my Towel Nami up for those that need it.
Good luck and have fun!
(I didn't text this while driving, that would be entirely irresponsible!)
Sorry I went to bed shortly after making the post. I've accepted the request anyways in case you need her or anyone else in the future. I'm glad to hear you got him down though.I have Alvida, but some guides recommend two damage reducers so I was looking for a second one. I really wish I had Perona right now.
I actually don't have you added, but I'd like to add you if you have room - I'm in no rush though, as it is still early in some countries so most Vivis might still be sporting Jimbes and whatever they use to clear these FNs.
Thank you for the offer.
It maybe possible to clear it with G3 but I think you'd have to get really lucky in order to do so. Log Luffy special is pretty great, I used it on Izo stage and Ace stage. G3 doesn't even come close and on top of that he also changes his orb to STR. His captain ability also allows you to heal without sacrificing damage as well, something you'd have to choose for G3. You could probably find a way to work around that with Auto heal, but you'd have to sacrifice a lot of sockets since everyone on that team has only 1 or 2 there any video of someone able to do the beard forest with a double g3 team?
all i can find are videos of people failing at some point..and log luffy's psecials seems to play a big role in a successful run in the one i checked with the legend instead
also,better to bring doflamingo or mihawk as the other guy other than the trio perona/gp usopp/alvida?
is there any video of someone able to do the beard forest with a double g3 team?
It'd be cool if we got Boa and only like 3 people could beat her 60 stamina version.
How many friend captains can you have in the japan version? Is it also 200 like in global?
It's really hard to delete some friends even with 200 friend captains...
You probably dont wanna farm him with Vivi anyway - his Special Animation., i still have nightmares from watching it over and over again lol.
Sorry I went to bed shortly after making the post. I've accepted the request anyways in case you need her or anyone else in the future. I'm glad to hear you got him down though.![]()
You probably dont wanna farm him with Vivi anyway - his Special Animation., i still have nightmares from watching it over and over again lol.