400-day login bonus of 10 gems, just in time for all this stuff that's coming up. Still working on a full character log, but I have been sidetracked on fortnights the last two weeks. According to my log, I have 79 empty spots:
41 from RRs I don't have or only pulled the evolved forms
8 I need to evolve
7 we don't have yet (3 R/B/G princess turtle, young shanks/buggy)
23 I need to farm (and evolve if needed)
So aside from having horrible luck with the limited time RRs (I only pulled 5* Kid Ace and 5* Xmas Law during those events, and zero VD or Sakura ones), I'm getting there.
Recently, I made a JP account for the app store and have been sidetracked playing Crows X Worst V, which is basically OPTC but with delinquent dudes punching each other:
It has been taking me away from OPTC, but it's Crows is the probably the only property I like more than OP, so even with the language barrier, I'm totally loving it.