Time to farm all the Shanks!
My dad is working for BandaiNamco. That's why I knew this. xD
Seriously, it was obvious that we would get Young Buggy/Shanks since we already skipped the Domino fortnight once. Why should they delay her just for two weeks when nothing really changed during that. We got Aokiji and a Sugo without new shooters, so they are useless for Domino. Guess we will get her after Zephyr.
I will hate this fortnight. Since Prison Croc came out I did nothing but farming him and got only two Mr.1 so far. I guess it will be the same for Shanks v.v My plan: I'll wait the first week to see how my drops are and decide if I should gem for my SW Shanks. At least my Christmas Law will be useful.
Slasher Croc sockets update: Got 5 in anti-lock and cool down so far. 2 matching orb and 0 anti silence sockets, but 2 healing. I already had a few sockets for him so it's not like I did this since Tuesday/Wednesday.