Earlier in the night I was on Doflamingo, attack #2...and I forgot to use Perona.Wasted 2 attempts on don flamingo due to mistakes in my part. You really can't afford to make mistakes on stage 4![]()
Earlier in the night I was on Doflamingo, attack #2...and I forgot to use Perona.
Wasted 2 attempts on don flamingo due to mistakes in my part. You really can't afford to make mistakes on stage 4![]()
This might be a bit too early, but I feel like it's a good time to ask: what are you guys going to socket Enel with? He's good for both LL, WB, striker, and QCK teams. The only problem is that most of my team has level 2 bind/despair, level 2 orb, and level 2 CD (once I've finish the sockets for my team that is, they're mostly farmable units).
One of his socket will be CD reduction for sure, but what else should I get? Do I try to get level 3 bind/despair? I'd love to get auto healing but then I can't use him with WB... There's always resilience (lol), or any of the damage reduction sockets as well.
Also yes, the drop rates have fallen by so much on the weekly isle, ever since Bamco gave as sockets, Croc's drop rate was a joke to compared to the the rates before.my god the drops of the new fortnight are horrendous..
So what's the socket recommendation for Doffy? Bind and Despair? Don't think I've gotten Despair on him cause I have charge special and bind atm lol
I guess I'll go bind and despair because of Aokiji forest lol, still haven't beaten/took on Whitebeard one cause no STR nulling Zoro and I have a Whitebeard to use the ship for T___TI still use this guide https://ra-jq.reddit.com/r/OnePieceTC/comments/43b7a9/sockets_a_guide_on_what_to_get_and_look_for/ for socket decisions. It's pretty great and covers the most important units.
Yeah G3 team is nerve racking due to timing...lucky Log Luffy folks have more leniency =(, ironically if I didn't go for autoheal I would've maxed socket my IntHawk with charge ;__;, but I hate the low recovery of slasher team so c'est la vie lolMan, I hate how nerve-inducing G3 teams are. That being said, after last time when I could barely beat 40 stamina Doffy, this time I just beat his 60 stamina with a G3 team on my first try. No damage taken on final stage, it really is a good team!
G3 friend
G3 Captain
Max GP Usopp
Max Merry ship, I use the GPUsopp on the 4th stage to stall. I've got lock sockets lvl1 which was nice.
Only downside is I farmed Mihawk heavy yesterday in gems to gem sockets for IntHawk. Wound up with 4 despair, 3 slot rate, 3 auto heal, and 3 charge specials. Not one bind!!! At least with my Halloween zoro, which I use a lot, I can get level 1 autoheal. 100hp every now and then isn't a lot, and I'll toss it when I get a bind, but it's nice. I might wind up throwing a gem or two to get more Doffys, he really is useful at low skills, and mine is stuck at level 3 (26 turns).
Man, I hate how nerve-inducing G3 teams are. That being said, after last time when I could barely beat 40 stamina Doffy, this time I just beat his 60 stamina with a G3 team on my first try. No damage taken on final stage, it really is a good team!
G3 friend
G3 Captain
Max GP Usopp
Max Merry ship, I use the GPUsopp on the 4th stage to stall. I've got lock sockets lvl1 which was nice. Stalls enough to get Mihawk to use on the first turn against doffy. Jozu to protect, and if I've farmed orbs from stage 4, the left doffy is quick work
Only downside is I farmed Mihawk heavy yesterday in gems to gem sockets for IntHawk. Wound up with 4 despair, 3 slot rate, 3 auto heal, and 3 charge specials. Not one bind!!! At least with my Halloween zoro, which I use a lot, I can get level 1 autoheal. 100hp every now and then isn't a lot, and I'll toss it when I get a bind, but it's nice. I might wind up throwing a gem or two to get more Doffys, he really is useful at low skills, and mine is stuck at level 3 (26 turns).
Nice team! I use the completely same one, just Kid instead of Arlong because i like the fix red orb. I breeze through doffy, never had a problem even once. Will farm 60 and hope that's enough.
I did but I killed the other minion too early so i had to hit the purple one on his first turn before lockingif you have a max skill gp usopp you can use it at stage 4 and it will recharge in time to be used when doffy's debuff protection wears off
Man, I hate how nerve-inducing G3 teams are. That being said, after last time when I could barely beat 40 stamina Doffy, this time I just beat his 60 stamina with a G3 team on my first try. No damage taken on final stage, it really is a good team!
G3 friend
G3 Captain
Max GP Usopp
Max Merry ship, I use the GPUsopp on the 4th stage to stall. I've got lock sockets lvl1 which was nice. Stalls enough to get Mihawk to use on the first turn against doffy. Jozu to protect, and if I've farmed orbs from stage 4, the left doffy is quick work
I had a very good turtle time this week, sitting on 15 elders and my green princess. Looking for suggestions on who I should steroid the hell up:
I figure mihawk and doffy will get maxed when I can skill them up. I cut em off but I have most other green units too.
i can just bring my slasher team with the strongest guys and win?
My only issue is the stamina cost is too damn high! I'm at rank 201, which is 120 stamina. That's enough for two runs every gem, but it's still not a lot. I like to have a buffer of gems for certain occassions (sugofests mostly, and I'm still not at max box space). But waiting 5 hours to get 1 copy is so time consuming!
Agreed, this is the first raid (for me, at least) where I felt Log Luffy really shines, especially when he's socketed and paired with another socketed Log Luffy friend. I can mess up multiple times (as I did last run) and still finish with turns to spare.LL is really a monster compared to G3. I didn't have much trouble with G3 against Doffy but you really had to be in a flow. I could run Doffy fifty times but at some point you'd start messing up. With LL this won't happen that easily and then you deal more damage and the special is really nice to finish of Doffy.
Congrats on the finished Doffy! As for sockets, I...kind of hate them. Personally, having skill-up as RNG was enough, they should let you choose which sockets to unlock when you fuse an identical character. You'll still need something like 20-25 of them (depending on the number of socket slots) to finish them off, so it'll still be a grind. Needing to get the ideal sockets when the game keeps giving you the same useless ones (why hello there, reduce environmental damage!) is just frustrating.Played the Doffy raid way more than I intended, as I wanted to play and there was just so many STR captains up. If I had to guess, it was 50+ copies roughly for 5/5 cd and orbs. Outside of candy, his role as a super sub is now complete for my teams.
Doing sockets is so weird, it's a never ending grind on top of an already never ending grind.
I have one major goal that I hopefully can complete this weekend *knock on wood*, as I need 2 more sockets for my SW Shanks. Hopefully everyone else is finding success in skills up, sockets, or even just stashing copies. And congrats to those already completed said goals. Keep it up.
It hasn't happened yet, but there's still hope.I know it hasnt happened yet in japan, but do you guys think there'll ever be a rate up event for sockets?
like maybe two sockets per unit or something
40% drop on 40-stamina, 100% drop on 60-stamina.Had to use a gem to beat 40 stam Doflamingo...and he didn't drop.
Does he drop on 40 stam at all or do I need to defeat him in 60 stam mode?I have no gems left...and I can't even beat him in 40 stam w/o gem continue.
I still dont get why those arent just a regular drop in fortnights or somethingIt hasn't happened yet, but there's still hope.
Maybe make socket books a drop, with a specific socket on them? Like despair socket books that you can use on a character that will be a guaranteed despair socket unlock? Honestly, that's how I thought the socket skill books originally worked. When I heard that they were random too...
Try the lower stamina level or just use gems in 60 stamina assuming you can beat him eventually. 1 doffy is good to have but if you can't beat him at this point, they always come back almost every month anyway.I'm so jelly of you guys who can reliably defeat doffy. I just want one....lol.
Maybe make socket books a drop, with a specific socket on them? Like despair socket books that you can use on a character that will be a guaranteed despair socket unlock?
Yeah this socket book with a specific unlock is a thing in the Japanese version. I hope it'll come to global soon.I think I actually remember hearing this was a thing in the Japanese version? I think I read about it on reddit or something. Could be completely false. Either way, seeing as how we have yet to get any socket books beyond the free samples from the debut, we're probably pretty far away from anything special like that.
The game does seem to be focusing on making more characters farmable, seeing as how we've gotten seven of the Whitebeard commanders in the last two fortnights in Japan. Other characters will likely show up in the Colosseum, or as new raid bosses, etc. Still a whole ton of work, though, since most RRs have four slots.
I got 6 silvers and 5 gold... I wish I got a legend haha. At least the gold were all new (Jabra?, Sugar, Kuina?, Kaku, and Thatch).I tried the 10 +1 gacha in JP optc. It hurts to have a repeat legend. Damn you sabo.
I'm so disappointed with the low shanks drop rate that I might just do the turtle stage againso..how many shanks did you guys managed to drop?
I'm conflicted if doing the green turtle time or farm the fortnight...on one hand i have no really important green unit that i wan to level up,and on the other hand i only got a single shanks until now,so my initial idea to socket normal shanks didn't really worked out,and next week i'm gonna farm usopp at afro luffy's stage