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One Piece Treasure Cruise |OT3| Zephyr any day now...


Even the Shanks on the Chaos Sadie tree is tough. 6 million HP, plus an orb shuffle and buff clear every turn? Yay.

But hey, I got Doberman. So I've got that going for me. :p


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Yeah my 8% Hatchi special did 249500. That should be 3 118 750 HP.

Shanks special does nothing. It's a different damage reduction. YES, HE SUCKS THAT HARD. <.<

SO did anybody beat Nami yet? And with beat I don't mean a 2x Enel team that takes 2493238 years.

I beat her with Double Enel, Intvankov, Legend Doffy, SW Usopp, SW Brook (sockets).

Intvankov for sockets + getting rid of poison. 4300 HP heal per turn, she only does 4100 damage per turn. stall 99 turns for her damage reduction to go away, then burst. lol

I almost fucked up though - I got her down to ~830K HP, bursted her for 850K while fucking up the combo chain


Santa May Claus
Fuck it. I zombied her. I don't have SW Shanks and I don't have Sengoku. The Squard team suggested on reddit just plain doesn't work because the damage needed was based on the wrong number.


Level 3 Anti Despair sockets help, but aren't necessary if you're bringing GPU. GPU was totally unnecessary for me. I would have rather brought Gladius for another health percent cutter.


that sense of satisfaction when you complete the infamous towel nami stage with your own team without following any guide :p

my team was

sw shanks
impact usopp


Oh right int Ivankov removes poison,too and heels for a lot. I forgot about him/her.

that sense of satisfaction when you complete the infamous towel nami stage with your own team without following any guide :p

my team was

sw shanks
impact usopp

But not without any tips or why did you know she would poison you? :p


I also got him. Guessing he's not a guaranteed drop in underground?

Nope, which amusingly makes him harder to socket than Sadie or Kid (stage difficulty aside, of course). I actually got him in Exhibition, along with 3 skillbooks, which netted two skill ups. Too bad he seems a bit useless. :p

(I guess it's noteworthy that he increases damage taken, which could see use in Blackbeard teams, but we'll get Colo Apoo eventually and he's better)


Oh right int Ivankov removes poison,too and heels for a lot. I forgot about him/her.

But not without any tips or why did you know she would poison you? :p

i said i didn't use any guide,not that i didn't knew what she does, i built the team around that :p

also this stage has been talked about since it came out on japan,everyone already knew what she does

the team is kind of straightforward...attack her with everything you got in the first turn,then turtle and chip at her health for the following turns using intvankov for the poison and marco when near death
then just stall when she is near 20% farming psy orbs (if you are unlucky you just use garp and re-roll orbs restarting the app if necessary) and burst her down by using impact and coby that will be now recharged


Santa May Claus
Alright, Chaos Kid down. After Towel Nami, everything else was a breeze. Now to work my way through the others. I'll tackle Sadie tomorrow.


Alright, Chaos Kid down. After Towel Nami, everything else was a breeze. Now to work my way through the others. I'll tackle Sadie tomorrow.

while i completed kid too,i wouldn't call that a breeze...
maybe it's just that i really don't like using g3 teams :(


Santa May Claus
while i completed kid too,i wouldn't call that a breeze...
maybe it's just that i really don't like using g3 teams :(

Just comparatively speaking. I don't really have a strong PSY captain like Shanks or Sengoku, so my only recourse was really to use a zombie-ish team. And that was after many many failures ending in figuring out that Towel Nami has more health than everyone thought, and the team I was using wouldn't work even in the best case scenario.
Smoker wasnt on Exhibition :/
And I didnt get either Sadie or Doberman from exhibition so is Underground time
My mistake. I meant to type Wyper, not Smoker. I have a lvl 3 drop of him, just like my lvl 3 Doberman, so I'm assuming it was Exhibition. If it wasn't then it was whatever the easiest difficulty Wyper showed up in.


Damn, Nami is handing my ass to me repeatedly. Absalom and Sanji spawning when I got close just wasn't fair. This Coliseum is pretty fucked up compared to the previous ones.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
I don't think I can even beat the finals for Sadie/Kid since I lack the appropriate skills for Kuma/Hawkins. :/

Do I farm Urouge or Smoker?


Damn, Nami is handing my ass to me repeatedly. Absalom and Sanji spawning when I got close just wasn't fair. This Coliseum is pretty fucked up compared to the previous ones.

Even Undeground was bumped a bunch, I dont remember any sub bosses having 800k health prior to this colliseum

Finally went on a dragon farming session and now I have evolved my Noland, Arlong, Calgara on my new account and I have the materials needed to evolve Sanji and Zoro but Im waiting until I have enought crew cost (Come here update that adds 20 crew cost) now I only need a red dragon and a purple one to evolve my Alvida and Sadie

Sengoku will have a party after everyone evolves and the crew cost is added


So I've cleared Underground and Exhibition. I think I'll start farming Urogue right now (I need PSY Urogue sockets if I want to clear Aokiji with anything that isn't a Log Luffy team) and wait a week before I do the new Chaos Coliseum.

Hope they don't fuck up this batch. With our boxes about to explode and a skill up the week where Coliseum rotates I bet a lot of people will wait until they've fred some space.

Even Undeground was bumped a bunch, I dont remember any sub bosses having 800k health prior to this colliseum

Finally went on a dragon farming session and now I have evolved my Noland, Arlong, Calgara on my new account and I have the materials needed to evolve Sanji and Zoro but Im waiting until I have enought crew cost (Come here update that adds 20 crew cost) now I only need a red dragon and a purple one to evolve my Alvida and Sadie

Sengoku will have a party after everyone evolves and the crew cost is added

Yeah, I was watching TV, not paying too much attention to the game and I almost died in some sub-bosses. I was like "what?!". I mean, it's a lower tier difficulty. I certainly didn't expect those bosses to be harder than the current 30 stamina fortnights.


I've been 1000 exp away from a p-lvl up for several days now, I guess new coliseum is a good time to go ahead and finally play some. Plus it's a day off and it's super windy, so staying inside sounds wonderful.


anyone tried THIS TEAM for sadi chan,suggested on reddit?
i tried it but it doesn't seem to work, i can't kill sadie before she attacks..i wanted to know if the team is tested or i am missing something
I decided to drop $18 on the Japanese version so that I could do a multipull. Don't know why, but I just had a good feeling when I saw Kizaru.

And....I pulled Legend Kizaru.

Boom baby, 10 Legends (+1 dupe). Pretty much ridiculous.

I assume Kizaru works pretty well on Shooter and Slasher teams, but is he better as a sub or as a captain? I've got Legend Mihawk and Ace.


anyone tried THIS TEAM for sadi chan,suggested on reddit?
i tried it but it doesn't seem to work, i can't kill sadie before she attacks..i wanted to know if the team is tested or i am missing something
On that same note the arlong team in the reddit guide sort of just... Didn't work


Looks like Whitebeard will be my main captain for this colosseum round. RIP SW Ace meta without Legend Marco or colosseum Apoo for Kidd. :(


finally beat Sadi on Chaos with a crummy team I through together

Enel/Enel/story lucci/legend doffy/boa/gp usopp

skin of my teeth!


Ditto. I did the first two rounds of everyone but currently stuck at Shanks in Sadie's Chaos stuff. Tried G3, trying Enel/Enel, just can't get anything to work

Alright, so I can't beat Shanks in Sadie's, and I can't beat Ace in Kid's. Any team ideas? I tried following the reddit guide, but I don't have story Moriah to break Ace's shield so that can't work (only other unit is Coliseum Hina, but her cooldown is 27 or something high like that).

For Shanks, I just don't seem to have the units. I have all the units they suggested here but I can't seem to make it work. Stalling's not an issue, just damage output


finally beat Sadi on Chaos with a crummy team I through together

Enel/Enel/story lucci/legend doffy/boa/gp usopp

skin of my teeth!

How did you kill her? I used a similar team but failed miserably on Sadies stage...

Cleared it now. :) Man this colo is brutal...


How did you kill her? I used a similar team but failed miserably on Sadies stage...

I managed to get through Arlong using only one of my Enels(just attacked him until he berserked then enel'd). On stage 5 I focused on Sadi, started with Usopp, bursted, kept attacking. Used Sunny to kill most of the mobs before they attacked, and just BARELY took out Sadi right before she'd have revived them.

I had orbs level 2 so I'm sure there was a toooon of luck there


Santa May Claus
I'm having a surprisingly tough time against Shu is Sadie's colo. I can't really one shot the mobs when I get to the final stage, and Shu just makes a mess with his shuffle and lock.

Can anyone suggest teams without Sengoku, Shanks, or Ace? Reddit slasher team didn't seem very reliable.


Reading all of your horror stories of this coliseum....I'm actually glad that I'm too much a scrub for this content.

Goals for 11/19:
-Pirate Level 82
-Diamante to level 50

-Ideo to level 50
-Trebol to level 50
-Law to level 70

Goals for 11/22:
All of the above plus:

-Pirate Level 85
-Nolan to level 50

-Vergo to level 50
-Thunderbolt Tempo Nami to level 50
-Calgara to level 50

Day 9: Overachieving

So uh....I may have underestimated my ability to powerlevel. By a lot. I'm 5 days early to my Pirate Level goal, and have two more days to accomplish my final goal for the 19th. I'm making this early progress post because, well, let's just say I'm going to lap that last goal for Ideo easily too.

Let's cover the notable achievements since the last update, aside from things that have been crossed out:
-Evolved Law to Trafalgar Law ROOM
-Evolved Nolan
-Got Young Buggy and Sadie <---- this woman is evil and refused to drop
-Cleared Twin Peaks, Whiskey Peak, and Little Garden
-400 box space

After having cleared my leveling threshold and lapping it twice over, I took a step back to reassess where I was. Aside from the obvious Pirate Level speedbump, my box space restriction was absolutely killing me; 300 was simply not enough. I also had a smaller concern about my pool of characters being small due to a lack of story characters.

So I decided to kill two birds with one stone, and decided to power through the story mode for completion gems and to be able to access story characters whose books I'm sitting on like Mr. 1, Mr. 2 Bon Clay, and Miss Doublefinger. My interim goal until the 22nd is now to clear as much of the story as I can under ideal conditions (half stamina/double EXP) and to otherwise focus on farming useful story characters under ideal conditions (half stamina/double drop). I don't have fixed goals for where I want to get to or what characters I'm specifically targeting but the following are on my 'want list':

-Clear everything up to and including Alubarna
-Chef Zeff
-Miss Doublefinger
-Mr. 2 Bon Clay
-Mr. 1
-Miss Valentine

In that order, although I'll prioritize farming whatever's under half stamina or double drop. Any other characters that have some use either as beatsticks or for their specials, like Django, Fullbody, Kuro, Buggy, etc. are all going to be available via fortnights and are thus low on the priority list. Django and Fullbody specifically will both be available in two week, so there's that to look forward to. Buggy will be available next week too. Hell, I'm looking forward to the fortnights from the next two weeks. Khalifa, Paulie, Buggy, Hina, Fullbody, and both variants of Django? Yes please, especially for Khalifa and Paulie. I need more DEX units and good ones at that to run with Law/Ashura Zoro as a Captain.

I'm looking forward to running something like

Law - Law
Paulie - Zeff/Chessmarimo
Miss Doublefinger - Khalifa/Bellamy

to give me my first burst team. At max levels, I get two turns to wreck face for 2m damage with Zeff and Khalifa, or alternatively get ~2.2m with Chessmarimo and Bellamy and 4 DEX orbs over two turns. Once I can get my hands on Doflamingo to replace Bellamy, the latter team turns into an easy and consistent 3.2m damage. And I'd always have the option of putting in someone like Mihawk in place of Paulie for a one-turn burst that'd likely do the most damage overall.

Things are definitely looking up. I'm not going to list any benchmark goals for myself again until the 22nd, but I've got a general to-do list, things I wanna gun for, and things that would be nice to accomplish like getting Heracles'n and Monster Chopper. We'll see what we get done by the 22nd.


The problem with Chessmarimo is that you need two story units to get him, aside of that how are you getting your characters leveled up so fast?


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
finally beat Sadi on Chaos with a crummy team I through together

Enel/Enel/story lucci/legend doffy/boa/gp usopp

skin of my teeth!
2 legends
Fuck you

Alright, so I can't beat Shanks in Sadie's, and I can't beat Ace in Kid's. Any team ideas? I tried following the reddit guide, but I don't have story Moriah to break Ace's shield so that can't work (only other unit is Coliseum Hina, but her cooldown is 27 or something high like that).

For Shanks, I just don't seem to have the units. I have all the units they suggested here but I can't seem to make it work. Stalling's not an issue, just damage output
Ise Kid Franky and Thousand Sunny like me for Ace

I'm having a surprisingly tough time against Shu is Sadie's colo. I can't really one shot the mobs when I get to the final stage, and Shu just makes a mess with his shuffle and lock.

Can anyone suggest teams without Sengoku, Shanks, or Ace? Reddit slasher team didn't seem very reliable.
The Reddit guide will absolutely work; Momonga an Int mob and my T-Bone is lv 80; no sweat, need those 2 orbs


2 legends
Fuck you

it's crummy for sadi!

edit: you could probably get away with subbing in raid doffy and killer. Neither of their legend-ness are really used

edit 2: For Ace just go Doflamingo/Doflamingo/Law, Asura Zoro, Mihawk, Smoker. It's not the flashiest team but it'll get the job done. Just save everything for a burst once he's near 20, use Smoker if you have to, and if you bring the coffin ship you'll have plenty of HP to just tank his stuff.


Yes, beat all Colo stages. Made some mistakes on the earlier stages and messed up my first Kid run but Kid is pretty straightforward if you hit your good great perfects with LL against Kalifa and Kid.

This will be my farming team:

Double LL
Story Lucci / Enel
Jabra / Raid Doffy

Used Doffy and my LL special against Kalifa and used Lucci, Enel, Jabra and friend LL against Kid.

One mistake and it's over though. Hopefully it'll be easier after the skill up event with Hawkins/Kuma.


Beat Nami with Double Sengoku, Coby, Impact Usopp, Dofy, and Log Robin...I'm just glad Log Robin finally came in handy for something. Holds the free orbs, and reduces the damage from Nami's first hit (since one shotting her is really damn hard). Sadly, I messed up on my first attempt with that team and lost what would have been 2 Kid skillbooks (or cola, I guess).

Still not sure what to do about that Shanks fight on Sadie's side. I did get a Sadie in Underground, so I could just sit with that, but I don't want to miss out on the other rewards for that tree.


The problem with Chessmarimo is that you need two story units to get him, aside of that how are you getting your characters leveled up so fast?

That's true, but he will fall in time; I did it before on accident, I can do it again. Honestly, I don't think I'm doing anything too crazy with my leveling. The recent FP Turtle event helped a lot, but even without it I still manage to level characters at a steady clip. Whenever I run a level, I always target pigs, damyo turtles, and treasure turtles in that order, even if it means taking some damage. All books that I'm not hoarding get put immediately into my current 'target' character. All fodder units are thrown at my characters who I'm targeting for level up, and I always match colors when feeding units, and always keep one unit in mind for each color that's my current priority.

Right now those are Calgura, Law, Ideo, Straw Hat Robin(I have a grand total of 3 PSY units...), and Nolan. My first goal threshold is usually level 50, lower if they evolve at something lower like Mr.5. My second threshold is Lv. 60, which is what I'm currently doing with Robin since I've already got Fukuro there. My current final threshold is Lv. 70, which is what I previously did with unevolved Law and am now doing with Ideo, who I really want to evolve to run Fighter teams.

I guess that the answer is that because I prioritize getting my units to lower thresholds, I can reliably level up my units faster and in larger numbers.

To my disappointment, my current farming plan has to wait until tomorrow because there are no story islands worth farming today at my current point of progress. My first go-to was to go and get Gan Fall, but lo and behold he dropped with relative ease. So now my goal for the rest of the day is to do try and clear the new Exhibition Coliseums, and later to try getting a copy of Heracles'n.

The current agenda is as follows:

-Clear Drum Island
-Farm Little Garden for Dorry/Brogy/Rainbow Pirate Penguins

-If ??? remains true, farm new FN for Young Nami/Robin/Chopper drops
-If by some miracle my FN luck is actually good, farm Frieza for the rest of the day

-Clear Nanohana + Alubarna
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