It's beautiful
Speaking of Ace, do you have the list to the recommended sockets for the dream team? I have every one but Usopp now so I think I'll start getting it together with Heracles.
Welp, found a team for Kid, but it's dumb: Double G3, Beast Lucci, Doffy, Boa, and QCK Marco. Basically a F2P team.![]()
Now we'll see how long I can farm with a G3 team before going crazy.
I did it with that but Enel instead of Marco, and Boa was basically just a beatstick
Thanks! Damage reduction though? Any real need or just extra sockets
It's beautiful
I salute you. I've been running into the dilemma of deciding to try to finish one or two sockets on one unit versus trying to start sockets on a different unit. It seems like such a waste just going for the hold out sockets. Unfortunately, my socketting experience has been nothing short of a nightmare with tomes out of the coliseum. I only seem to get decent sockets after I unwillingly max environmental and recovery boost sockets first.
I decided to yolo feed some of my books based on the idea that I'd be running the FN more often than usual thanks to the meat snails. Both my 3D2Y Luffy and Usopp are now one skill up away from max. I figured I'd take the chance since they only require something along the lines of 5 or 6 skill ups each. Right now I'm at 1035/1100 box space and since we have guerrilla turtles and Le Crap on the way, I'd like at least 50 space available when those come around.
It looks like the skill-up event and Coliseum Kid will overlap for two days so I think I'll just wait until then to farm Kid. That and we still can't rule out the possibility of Tesero coming out before the skill up event happens.
I stop socketing my units when they only need one socket for one or two powers. Hopefully we'll get those special tomes more often. My WB needs one socket, my Caesar two and right now I'm socketing Monet and then Trebol.
I run a level, I always target pigs, damyo turtles, and treasure turtles in that order, even if it means taking some damage.
Quick note: Drops are determined at the start of a run, so the order of killing enemies doesn't really matter.
And another thank you for the detailed posts, I like reading those!
How often do lobsters drop in raids? I might run Heracles on natural stamina if it's a reasonable droprate, so I can finally evolve him. Can run 40 stamina quite safe if I concentrate, but will probably hold off on farming him until I have a faster setup going.
Yeah and it's going to be a silverfest... Might go for two multis...Like everyone said we will get Legend Law for the next Sugo.
Like everyone said we will get Legend Law for the next Sugo.
Yeah and it's going to be a silverfest... Might go for two multis...
So I made a new Spreadsheet now. I went from adding a lot of captains, to none, to a middle ground. I've given a column to the captains I think are the most requested and Kid, which I would use a lot more if it wasn't because nobody else does.
So I've given a column to Mihawk, Enel, Gear 3rd Luffy, RR Kid, SW Ace (for Zephyr x Ace teams) and 6* Marco (since Enel x Marco teams are quite good too). The rest fall under the "Others" category.
Mark an X if you have him, write their CD like this (Number). I know I will update it because having a s.level 1 Enel is a bit embarrasing, but I know you guys won't![]()
Quote to see the link.
B-but it's Thanksgiving. They could step up their game and give an All Gold sugo.
I won't pull unless it is a Gold Sugo. Because if it isn't it means they're holding off for Christmas. Or I may wait for the 2nd Anniversary. I am at 150 gems, so I may have up to 200 in February.
I added myself to the list but I think more captains in the list would be great. Maybe you can add a column for 2.5x atk captains and 3x atk captains too.
I thought about having something like this:
There is a column where says "2.5x ATK boost", which would have 5 smaller columns underneath whose colour would be Red/Green/Blue/Yellow/Purple, so you could mark an X on those you already have.
The space would be small, probably just enough for an X, but it'd help a bit. The problem would be adding class based captains, which can't be identified as easily.
The Reddit guide will absolutely work; Momonga an Int mob and my T-Bone is lv 80; no sweat, need those 2 orbs
I wonder what will be the boosted units, I have enough for a multipull but since is not a gold only sugo I guess 2 pulls should be enough
I would go with Kyros, Sugar, Whitey Bay, Int Invakov, Koala and Senor Pink just because they are on the sugo banner.![]()
boa is there for the delay or the healing? I want to understand if I can substitute her with Leo or notfinally beat Sadi on Chaos with a crummy team I through together
Enel/Enel/story lucci/legend doffy/boa/gp usopp
skin of my teeth!
Quick note: Drops are determined at the start of a run, so the order of killing enemies doesn't really matter.
And another thank you for the detailed posts, I like reading those!
How often do lobsters drop in raids? I might run Heracles on natural stamina if it's a reasonable droprate, so I can finally evolve him. Can run 40 stamina quite safe if I concentrate, but will probably hold off on farming him until I have a faster setup going.
Looks like we might get story Rayleigh and Jinbei according to the latest V-Jump. You know where you have to look for scans.![]()
I do hope they follow it up with a Saobody Revisited island though, as there's a bit too much story there to just go straight to Fishman Island afterwards (and we could get story Fakehats plus Caribou).
Me too, and since the fake strawhats are already programmed in, there's no reason not to throw them and a few pacafista's at us
I'm actually shocked we haven't gotten Nightmare Luffy. Odds of that being the 27th? Probably low, if anything it'll probably be Tesoro I guess
Yeah, I think a colomn with just the colours would be great. And I think you don't really need a column for the different classes captain. There aren't that many great rr captains and the few that are useful (Kid, Caesar, 3d2y Luffy / Sanji) can be added in the other column.
Makes sense, they were in the banner announcing the 3D2Y Story Island (as is Dadan, so I guess we might get her too). I'm interested in seeing how that island works, it looks like it'll cover the Luffy/Ace/Sabo flashback, Luffy's training, and some/all of the other Strawhats too. We could get some interesting story units (hoping for a story Heracles'n myself).
Thought it might cover some of the 3D2Y Special as well, but I guess they decided the fortnight + World Colo was enough.
I do hope they follow it up with a Saobody Revisited island though, as there's a bit too much story there to just go straight to Fishman Island afterwards (and we could get story Fakehats plus Caribou).
I remember I used her to heal but I don't remember if it was necessary. I do remember sadi hadn't finished being delayed yetboa is there for the delay or the healing? I want to understand if I can substitute her with Leo or not
I'm really happy that we got all the movie stuff but I also hate it because this delayed like everything. Raid Boa, Sabo and Kizaru... Legend books for Mihawk, Sabo and Croc and a lot more. v.v Can't wait to get back on the scheduled path.
Added myself to the new spreadsheet, but only accounted for captains I've used at least once recently. I've mostly been using class-boosting captains, and legends like LL, Sengoku, or Rayleigh.
I modified the text wrapping behaviour for some of the columns. I think it would be cleaner if we did add class-boosting captain columns, using a copy-paste image of the game's icons for the class in the spreadsheet. The "others" columns are getting large for some people.
Other suggestions for the spreadsheet:
-Redundant to put both an X and a skill lvl number in some columns. A skill lvl number already indicates you have that unit.
-Can just copy/paste more images from the character database to represent different units. Gonna add a Log Luffy column as an example that others can use.
I think Legends need to be more prominent -- they're heard to get, and everyone can get a mihawk max special, but not everyone has a Sengoku, for example. Seeing those skillups would be better if moved to the left, IMO.
I'm adding myself now once I finish a Heracules'n raid
Yeah, modify it as much as you want. It's supposed to be for everybody after all.
And Google Spreadsheets aren't that flexible it seems. Or maybe I'm not too versed in them. But there are some limitations, like the column limit (only A-Z) as opposed to Excel which has infinite rows and Columns.