Still waiting for my pre-order to arrive :X
So those of you who have finished it, is it worth the 60 €/$ ?
I'm on the edge of buying it but am unsure wether I should by mow or rather wait for a price drop if there isn't enough content.
So those of you who have finished it, is it worth the 60 /$ ?
I'm on the edge of buying it but am unsure wether I should by mow or rather wait for a price drop if there isn't enough content.
I think for more than 10 hours only with history mode it's worthy and once finished the game you can spend more time with mini games other missions or get trophies or with colisseum mode, that said notice Vita version is for less than 35 euros.
How is the framerate in the Vita version, any slowdown?
I want to have the feeling of playing an anime. This game, SAO: hollow fragment or conception II (or something else)?
Has anyone in NA ordered the Vita version from Bandai Namco's store? I thought the game was out next week, but it still says the estimated date is late August. >_<
How is the framerate in the Vita version, any slowdown?
I want to have the feeling of playing an anime. This game, SAO: hollow fragment or conception II (or something else)?
Finished off all the "East Blue" difficulty quests. The last one I did, which I'm pretty sure is the last on the list anyway, is bollocks. Gotta beat Lucci with just Robin and Franky. I haven't played a One Piece game yet where I enjoy playing as either Robin or Franky.
Yeah I'm going to wait until the Wii U version is cheap, I am kinda busy for now.
August should be good while waiting Hyrule Warriors.
They really suck fighting wise in any game =/, sounds like that fight's gonna be tedious especially quest boss health levels =/
I think for more than 10 hours only with history mode it's worthy and once finished the game you can spend more time with mini games other missions or get trophies or with colisseum mode, that said notice Vita version is for less than 35 euros.
after the main story its all pretty much just shorter quests, a few new boss fights and grinding to finish the town / craft / upgrade words or doing Coliseum mode. So really depends on if that's appealing to you
Dang, I didn't mind Franky in Pirate Warriors 2, but if Robin is as awkward as she was in that, then I fear how she'll play in this.Finished off all the "East Blue" difficulty quests. The last one I did, which I'm pretty sure is the last on the list anyway, is bollocks. Gotta beat Lucci with just Robin and Franky. I haven't played a One Piece game yet where I enjoy playing as either Robin or Franky.
Seems people are too obsessed this days with frame rates, I have low standards on this so maybe you shouldn't get my opinion in mind but well I noticed it quite solid, maybe framerate slowed down a bit during the Akainu's fight in one of his special movements that he uses many times during that fight. There aren't many enemies on the screen during the whole adventure at least not that much as Pirate Warriors but well 5 or 6 fight quests have a bunch of them with 8 or 10 big bears or wolves and there you can find kind of frame drop but as I said I'm not obsessed with this and Vita works fine.
I didn't tried SAO but this game have nothing to with Conception II, this game is an action adventure you have a main world where you have to expand the territory and get the access to the episodes. You need your crews member skills to access some episodes' areas if you want to complete the game, power levels, the typical desert level, ice level, lava level, green/jungle level. If you like One Piece is a great game, but if you don't like the anime is a classic old-school adventure game. Nothing graphical fancy but quite decent.
It has some One Piece fanservice likeif you burn marine flag with Usopp's slingshot in Enies Lobby level you will get a tropy.
I am not one of the persons that are obsessed with framerate, I played through both jak and epic mickey and was njoying myself. the only vita game that I deleted 15min after I had dowloaded it was chronovolt and that wasn't because of the framerate. I was just curious about how well OP runs on the vita.
I love the One Piece manga and anime and the thing inside your spoiler are things that I really appreciate
the reason for my second question was that I have been watching anime (on and off) for 15 years but still have not found a game that feels like playing an episode of a series and every time something based on an anime comes out I hope that that will be the game. To clarify I would like a game with the structure and focus on story of a MGS game but with an anime aestetic instead of MGS's "realistic" look (and I want it on my Vita).
so, is this the one. are there a lot of story/dialog/cutscenes sprinkled throughout this game that make it feel like I am playing an episode of the OP anime?
Dang, I didn't mind Franky in Pirate Warriors 2, but if Robin is as awkward as she was in that, then I fear how she'll play in this.
Well, there's Romance Dawn which accurately portrays the One Piece anime.
Yeah it's just a sticker lol, better than what they did to the NA box at least.Finally got the game; will hopefully get to play tomorrow. One thing though: doesn't the Straw Hat edition say "Straw Hat Edition" on the box? All I got was the regular box with a sticker on the plastic that says "Including DLCs: 1 quest, 10 costumes". A bit cheap.
fyi its not in the australian eshop yet. was the date changed? cant see any info on the wiki pee diya or vooks :[
So gamestop is now saying the vita version is coming out on the 14th in the US and not the 8th....Should have just got it on ps3 I think..
Better than August 25th on Namco's store, I guess. lolSo gamestop is now saying the vita version is coming out on the 14th in the US and not the 8th....Should have just got it on ps3 I think..
Probably more convenient seeing as it has a map on the touch screen, also circle pad pro is compatible:How's the 3ds version?
Yeah it's a shame they didn't implement a map on the other screen =/I've got a Wii U review code. I must admit that I was expecting a worst game, technically, being a 3DS up-port. Instead at least framerate and character models are good. Environments are reaaaaaally cheap, btw.
Worst thing is that the Miiverse community is still not up, and that Gamepad during play sessions on the TV shows NOTHING at all. I mean, how hard would have been to put the map there? It would have been pretty useful too. Offtv on the other side is good for this game, and I'm liking the original VO, and the game is pretty well transalete with subs
http://www.bandainamcogames.eu/news/2014/07/02/one-piece-unlimited-world-red-red-stands-alone-dlc-available-for-free/4460To celebrate ONE PIECE Unlimited World RED launch, BANDAI NAMCO Games Europe is proud to announce that Red Stands Alone quest will be available for free...
To celebrate ONE PIECE Unlimited World RED launch, BANDAI NAMCO Games Europe is proud to announce that Red Stands Alone quest will be available for free as a DLC on the PlayStation®Network and Nintendo e-Shop.
Engage in combat once again against Red! Players will face some of the most familiar and toughest enemies in a completely new setup with a higher difficulty threshold!
The challenging ONE PIECE PIRATE UNLIMITED WORLD RED is now available European and Australasian shores for PlayStation®3, PlayStation®Vita, Nintendo 3DSTM and Wii UTM. For the latest news and updates, check www.OnePiece-Game.com. For the latest videos, check bngames.eu/OPunlimitedworldredvideos.
Free DLC PAL peeps
Yep pretty much agree entirely. I'm loving this game, but all the improvements are a little bittersweet since if they were in cruise I wouldn't have hated it so much, but this game is pretty much entirely different.
The location thing does get explained, but it's still not as fun as exploring new islands and having old characters return in the form of dekubaba vomit.
Downed characters aren't too bad once you figure out what works on them: Nami, Chopper, Robin, Ussop all have a "Chase" command which you use on downed enemies (Nami's is steal and might not do any damage) but you can also hit them with certain moves, Nami and Luffy's aerial triangle attack for instance. Actually, as Luffy you can do a gum-gum stamp, and follow it up with a 3 hit air combo, pretty handy for grunts.
edit: woah, i've not had that transtown event happen for me.
Oh weird you can change the camera angles on the Wii U version by sliding against the touch screen. Still should have implemented like the 3DS version though =/
And yeah those Transtown event happens randomly, if you see smoke in the town run towards it.
Man, I'm having trouble deciding which version to pick up..haha. Shame the US doesn't get that Chopper box. Anyone else have the same dilemma?
I ended up pre-ordering the PS3 version since I like my trophies, and I'd rather play it on the TV which is why I got it over the Vita version.
Oh yeah, by the way, the Vita version for NA was apparently delayed a week.
Yeah they probably are I've had it happen 3 times, twice in the initial town area, once across the bridge town area. That area I didn't get anyone One Piece character to fight there though. Probably gotten more of those events cause I wonder around town fishing/catching bugs/balloons lolThat Transtown event is the only one that's happened to me so far actually! They seem kind of rare.
One Piece: Unlimited World Red will now be available for the PlayStation Vita physically as a GameStop exclusive on July 14, 2014 and digitally on July 15, 2014.
Yeah they're all in engine cutscenes but tbf they do look surprisingly nearly like an animated cutscene.I'm guessing there are no animated cutscenes and that everything's in engine then?