Maybe give it a little time. There was something about how it might take some time before the order shows up on the oneplus website.
Maybe give it a little time. There was something about how it might take some time before the order shows up on the oneplus website.
Did it? I thought it was Google cracking down on what manufacturers and carriers could bundle with the phone.Welp, at least it appears that this phone has had the affect of making other producers realize, shovel ware sucks.
I must be blind as I can't see what member number I am :S
Go to your forum profile on the OnePlus forum. It's at the end of the url: -> mine is 133873.
Unless you meant another number?
I ordered mine on the 29th. It's still processing.
Where is the best place to get invites from the company? Twitter, Facebook, G+ or their forums?
Where is the best place to get invites from the company? Twitter, Facebook, G+ or their forums?
All Invites that I had to offer are now gone. Please do not PM me for invites, 3 Gaffers got invites, the other 2 I'm using myself.
There is one on ebay right now for $10 buy it now.
Apparently they make your phone after you order it, since stock is moving so fast lol. Just read a story about that.
Apparently they make your phone after you order it, since stock is moving so fast lol. Just read a story about that.
I ended up getting 3 invites today from 3 different sources lol, after I ordered the phone I told the other 2 people to give their invites to someone else
I'll have some invites for Gaf in a few weeks I guess
Wow, I was just sent another invite
If you need an invite go get active in the invite forum on, a lot of shareable invites are being offered today
That's the case now, but I think it just started recently. I ordered my phone July 17th and it had a build date of July 2.
I ordered on the 25th but mine was made on the 18th.
Be active on their forums and someone with an invite might see that you are not begging and send you one
Big might though
Are they selling the cases/backs yet? The bamboo looks awesome. What are you guys using for cases that have the phone?
I was offered several invites yesterday, only one from someone who was running a "contest"
Now is the best time to hang out on the forum since all the storm sharable invites were sent out
Okay - so I have an invite to give to GAF, what's the process? *goes to read the OP*
Okay - so I have an invite to give to GAF, what's the process? *goes to read the OP*
The list is really no good at this point, because the invites have such a strict deadline of when they can be used. It's better to do a modbot giveaway like yesterday.
What is a modbot giveaway?
What is a modbot giveaway?
oh dear prepare your inbox is about to explode
The list is really no good at this point, because the invites have such a strict deadline of when they can be used. It's better to do a modbot giveaway like yesterday.
I'm surprised that there aren't more GAF invites considering how abundant they are on the official forums