It's here! Build date July 8th, I guess. I won't have time to start setting this up till tonight, what with managing migration from my old phone.
You Suck!!!
It's here! Build date July 8th, I guess. I won't have time to start setting this up till tonight, what with managing migration from my old phone.
This phone has some serious grounding issues. Educate yourself before committing to buy.
Here waiting for my order to switch from processing to shipped.
This phone has some serious grounding issues. Educate yourself before committing to buy.
Another issue. Great haha. What's this one about?
Probably this?
When I try replicating the issue, it happens when moving to 5 or more simultaneous touches. Has never been a problem for me though.
Ok, so I made it to the post office and luckily the mail man had already returned, so I was able to get my phone today. I have it charging right now before I boot it up and it definitely feels awesome in the hand. The back really does feel like sand. It's a strange feeling. You feel like you would have something on your hand when you look at it, but you don't. It's really not as big as I thought it would be either. Feels good in my hand. My build date was July 8th also, so looks like they have alot of stock sitting around and could afford to send out more invites if they wanted to.
I hate to ask cause it might be a once you see it moments but any yellow banding?
Haven't powered it on yet. I want to power it on with a full charge, so I'm charging first. Hasn't it been found that the yellow banding is the glue not settling yet behind the screen and sitting it in the sun or under uv light will fix it?
from what i've read it's hit or miss if it fixes it or not. getting a decent amount of sun here is rare enough as it is lol
If it is the glue, use over time should fix it anyway due to the heat of the screen. Maybe turn brightness up all the way and leave it on a video playing for a couple of hours?
Might be worth a try I guess but hopefully it won't come to that
I am not sure if I'm lucky or blind but i haven't noticed any yellow band. Either way I'm happy.
Using onscreen nav would probably help.
It's on the part where the onscreen nav buttons would be, so if you use those that is probably why you don't notice it. I am using the capacitive buttons as I like the extra screen real estate. I'm going to try to run some movies with the brightness all the way up on the screen and see if that might help fix it.
Nah i have gone back and forth between capacitive and on screen buttons and still don't notice a band. Ignorance is possibly bliss.
I don't think the heat will do you any good. I read that what you need is them UV rays. I also have the yellow band but it doesn't bother me that much.
About the grounding touch screen issue, I believe its a known issue and will be addressed with an upcoming update.
Okay, so I turned the screen to full brightness and played a movie on the phone for over an hour and it seemed to make most of the yellowness go away.
Bobo I'm so pissed that you got this phone! I've been dieing to get it! I'm still rocking and old Xperia Arc (2011) on Straight Talk!
I need an invite!
Okay, so I turned the screen to full brightness and played a movie on the phone for over an hour and it seemed to make most of the yellowness go away.
Sucks the banding is still there why they wont acknowledge it even though it is clearly there is shocking
No update for mine still pending shipment
One thing I don't get from that video is, don't windshields block out UV rays? You would only be subjecting your phone then to extra heat.Ahh, maybe I'll try putting it on my dashboard tomorrow then in the sun, like I saw a dude do in a video.
Anyone who received their OPO, have you received any invites to share yet? I've had mine for 3 weeks now and still haven't received any.
One thing I don't get from that video is, don't windshields block out UV rays? You would only be subjecting your phone then to extra heat.
I got mine around the first week of july and only received my invites last week.Anyone who received their OPO, have you received any invites to share yet? I've had mine for 3 weeks now and still haven't received any.
I got mine around the first week of july and only received my invites last week.
You got to be aware though that you got your invites since they only have a life span of 3 freaking days. I had to check my oneplus account everyday for the sake of spreading the love here at gaf.
in case anyone was looking for some the official cases are actually in stock on the site now.
No idea where they ship from though
I ordered this one
The official cases don't seem like they actually protect the phone. I used a portable uv light on the phone and it didn't really seem to help the yellow bar on the bottom of the screen. I'm going to give it a couple of weeks and RMA it if the next software update and regular use don't fix it.
I ordered a tpu case for mine swell for now not gonna spend money on official stuff yet. Its unlikely a software update will fix the yellow since its hardware shame the UV light didnt work though but aren't the ones at salons stronger than normal ones?
There's aluminum bumpers on ebay. I haven't got personal experience to recommend or not.I just want a case for the phone that only covers the edges of the phone like a gel and not one that covers the back or front of the phone, just the side edges.
Can anyone recommend me one?
I just want a case for the phone that only covers the edges of the phone like a gel and not one that covers the back or front of the phone, just the side edges.
Can anyone recommend me one?