got the phone 3 days ago., when should I get my first invite email
got the phone 3 days ago., when should I get my first invite email
I honestly can't tell.
I think I see it, but I can't tell if my mind is playing tricks on me or not. It seems like when I stare at it I start seeing more and more yellow.
They do a slow rollout. Don't think it took longer than a day last time though.
I just got a silicone case from ebay for $3... And the glass protector I also got from ebay works fine with it.
The Tudia will provide better protection, but the Diztronic looks nicer. If you get the Tudia don't do clear. It's not really clear. Just a warning. Also glass protectors work with the Tudia and might not with the Diztronic.
After a week with the phone I'm absolutely sure I don't have any yellow bars or yellow areas on the screen.
The only thing that's pissing me off a little is the proximity sensor bug. That aside, I think it's a great phone and don't see any flaws in it.
Nah, that last update with the battery draining bug took five or six days from when I read about it here to going out to my phone.
Anyone know if I can safely ignore the previous update and wait for the new one, or do they have to be installed sequentially?
I just got a silicone case from ebay for $3... And the glass protector I also got from ebay works fine with it.
I'm having a problem with charging on mine. For some reason the charger it came with is hit or miss. As in sometimes I plug it in it will charge and sometimes it won't. Third party chargers are fine though and the OPO charger itself is fine as it still charges other stuff. Not sure what to do.
I updated this afternoon with the buggy update and within an hour the even newer update was ready for my phone.Pretty sure it requires your phone to have the latest update. You could wait for a fully flashable zip version though.
Love this phone even more after the update, love the lock screen notifications. Android has been missing out. And the battery has been back to normal, which is a really awesome battery.
I hope the second gen phones will be better.
Would probably be the best idea since there were no hardware issues with all those oppo finds.I just don't know what their end game is. We know they are part of Oppo and they could be doing the same thing under the Oppo name.
Would probably be the best idea since there were no hardware issues with all those oppo finds.
I had no idea. What the fuck.The Oppo has the same yellow band issue and ghost touch issue the one plus one has. Oppo finally admitted it was a problem and replaced phones for people, while One Plus One still claims it's a feature. Some speculate they are using the bad screens that get returned or fail qa from Oppo for the one plus one.
First to reply gets it via pm. Expires in one day, better hurry 3:34 pm MT. If not claimed by 12pm MT tomorrow, imma give it away at OPO Forums.
I'm probably late... Been wanting an android for awhile now.
They released a fix for it last night. It could take a few days to get to your phone or you could sideload it.
Anyone have any invites to spare? My N5 shit the bed and an invite would be perfect timing!
LG G3, rooted of bloatware from att.
They still haven't sent me invites from when I bought mine a month ago.
I've gotten a hold of 4 invites and they still have to send me 3 more..... I should be able to provide them to gaf eventually
I've been meaning to upgrade from my Nexus 4. I kind of getting tired of it to tell you the truth. Would love to have a 64GB OPO invite if anyone has one to spare, I'm looking for something with a lot of storage, LTE and a better camera.
I'm getting tired of my Nexus 5 lol. I can't imagine holding out that long![]()
There is a link at the bottom of the OP where you can ask for an update of your status. You've to quote the OP to reveal it.How can I take my name off of the list?
Just bought a Moto G because my last phone broke and I needed a replacement. I won't be buying any new phone any time soon... :|
There is a link at the bottom of the OP where you can ask for an update of your status. You've to quote the OP to reveal it.
You'll have to mention in the form that you have received your invite/your phone but you can just add next to your nickname that you're not interested anymore by the OPO.
By the way, is there a way to know the delivery fees of the OnePlus One before being able to order it?
I see, thanks.I was able to get to the checkout screen (but it didnt let me pay!!!!) and it showed to be about $15.